Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – The Cosmic Influence

Aiden's Note: Guys, I need your help regarding the Sentry serum. There are two choices I had made up in my head. 

1. Val takes the Sentry serum before Bob drinks it, saving him from the pain and trauma he experience as Sentry and also cures his addiction.

2. Val lets Bob drink the serum, making him the Sentry and they become best friends. Later on, Bob realises that there were more batches of the Sentry serum made by the Professor and gifts it to Val as a gesture of friendship.

What do you choose? Let me know in the comments.

Xavier's School,


Jean splashed water on her face. She closed her eyes and let the water running from the faucet wash over her face for a few seconds.

She had hoped that the sound of running water and her refreshing herself might help her to overcome the stares and gossip she had received since morning. But, it didn't.

'That's a shame...', Jean thought to herself as she placed her hands on the counter and glanced at her face in the mirror.

Despite being chosen as the most beautiful annual fest queen for three years in a row and hundreds of guys chasing after her, she had ugly thoughts swirling around in her head.

The looks she had received since the morning from the moment she walked out of her room, even by her closest friends...

They were nothing compared to those she received when she walked out of the classroom while the teacher was still teaching.

'I just couldn't stand it., ' Jean thought, 'I hate it. I hate the looks they give me. I don't want your fucking sympathy or your fucking jealousy or your fucking disgust or pity or even hatred. I want nothing. Nothing would please me more than the rest of these fucking nosy shits minding their business. Just... what the fuck did I ever do to them for them to give me such disgusting looks? What did I ever do to Scott for him to cheat on me?! Is it my fault?! And, why am I being accused of being jealous and angry because Scott's now dating Emma and not me?!'

She grabbed the sides of the sink tightly, her knuckles getting white, and the counter shaking a bit. She looked at her quivering reflection in the mirror and thought of the things she was accused of and the things that occurred this morning.

The first person who said anything to her was her teacher, Mr. Hank McCoy, Beast, who gave her a look of sympathy and said, "It's alright, Jean. You did what you had to do. Keep yourself distracted by your studies. Give it time and everything will be alright. Trust me."

Although she liked him as a teacher and always sought his advice and could easily show her true self to him. Although she believed in him. It wasn't comforting to hear that the person she always sought to comfort her thought of her as someone weak who should be pitied. Plus, the way the other students glared at him for offering support to her. She knew what they were thinking...

And, it didn't help her self-esteem at all. At all.

Most people approached her and offered fake condolences which she instantly slapped away. Most girls gave her venomous glances and gossiped about her and her classmates treated her like shit.

However, some friends helped her.

For example, Kurt, who she met in the hall just before entering their classroom tried his best to make her feel better.

"Listen, mein freund," Kurt comforted her, "It's not your fault. How could you keep a commitment with Scott when he kept cheating on you? What can you do? Nothing, other than breaking it off. That stupid-faced-goblin-shit has always betrayed you."

"I-I know.", Jean smiled at him, "Thank you, Kurt."

"I am here for you.", Kurt gave her his signature, angelic smile and said, "It's alright. If someone tries to hurt you, I would fight them just for you!"

Jean thought that Kurt's words might improve her mood a little, but she was wrong.

A few minutes later during the lunch break, she was sitting in her place, trying her absolute best to ignore the gossiping of her classmates and the thoughts in their minds when suddenly, Emma stood up and yelled, "What's so shocking, you douchebags, huh?!"

The gossip quieted down and she continued, "Didn't I tell you all, I saw this coming a mile away! I knew that Scotty had been planning to break up with Jean and date me the moment he set his eyes on me. How could he not? I can give him what she never could."

Everyone blinked and didn't know what to say.

Jean couldn't take it anymore. She stood up and stormed outside the classroom.

Running as fast as she could, she arrived here, in the girl's bathroom.

'FUCK THIS SHIT!!!!', Jean screamed in her mind as her breath got a bit ragged and tears rolled down her eyes, 'Why does everyone hate me? Why does everyone love to see me suffer? Why? What have I done? Oh, God!'

'Because you are a fool!'

Suddenly, she heard a voice in her head, identical to hers but more wise. She snapped out of her thoughts and gazed at her reflection in the mirror.

It was still her...

Jean was left confused when she heard the same voice, saying, 'You are a fool, Jean Grey. A pathetic crybaby. You are just a fragile girl and stone who lets everyone kick it around. Heh! And, what are you at the end of the day? A weakling who couldn't even fight back against what happened today.'

Before Jean could reply, the voice continued, 'But you can't be a weakling forever. You can't be a crybaby forever, right? You need to show them who you are. Prove them that you are strong. Show them that when you are pushed hard enough, you don't get up because of love or anything, you get up because you have a strong need for revenge.'

'Yes...', Jean smiled. As the voice continued, flames flickered in and out of her eyes.

'Prove them that they messed up with the wrong person. Prove them that you are a queen and they are merely peons under your command. Show them that their power, status, manhood... everything they ever had... would burn. Burn to nothing in the fires of vengeance.'

Jean's hair rose like flickering flames her hair turned redder as she heard the voice say, 'Rise, Jean Grey! Rise! Rise from the ashes and be reborn... like a PHEONIX!'


The mirror as well as the lights above her head shattered into small pieces. And she ran.

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