Marvel: The Journey

[Single? No More!] – Mystique – The Wingwoman G.O.A.T Part II

"Thank you," Storm said to the librarian with a smile and walked away. She had handed him the papers and exited the front door, successfully carrying out her duty. She took the path leading to the main building while giggling with excitement.
However, as soon as she turned a corner, a blue hand shot forth from a room and grabbed her, pulling her inside the room.
"Ahhh!" She yelped in surprise when she was suddenly grabbed, but it turned out that only Mystique had grabbed her and dragged her inside.
"Stop dragging me like this, Raven! How many times do I have to tell you?!" She exclaimed with a slight annoyance laced into her tone after Mystique let go of her.
Mystique closed the door behind Storm and turned to look at her angrily. Storm gulped seeing that look and instantly understood the situation, so she asked hesitantly, "T-The plan was executed successfully, r-right?"
"Of course! Everything went extremely smoothly. Starlance definitely became interested in you." Mystique said sarcastically.
"Y-You mean e-exactly w-what I t-think?" Storm nervously asked, not expecting an answer from her.
Mystique continued with a furious frown and her hands on her hips, "Oh yes! Definitely."
"T-Then, Starlance is... Uhh... attracted... to me since... he called me beautiful?"
"Of course! Starlance is definitely attracted to you. I mean, how could he not after he witnessed you stuttering like an idiot? Hell! You made quite the first impression on him, for sure. Fantastic job, Ororo." Mystique finished her sentence with a sarcastic clapping.
"You simply had to take his breath away, but NO! You needed to become a hot mess around him! Very well! Let's see if you can accomplish everything I've planned to make him fall for you and think of you as irresistible!"
After finishing her little rant, Mystique stomped her foot down angrily, letting her true thoughts slip, "You're like a little girl in a grown woman's body!"
"And, all the lessons that we prepared. POINTLESS!!"
Storm closed her eyes, hearing those comments, but deep down, she knew she was right. She lowered her head and silently waited for her rant to pass.
After a few minutes, Mystique heaved a sigh as she finished her rant. Seeing the nervous and scared look on her face, she couldn't keep her anger for long, so, with an audible groan, she dropped her arms in frustration and asked, "Damnit, Storm, why did you have to stutter?!"
"I couldn't help it, he—" Storm muttered softly in a defensive tone.
"Not to that level!!" Mystique pointed her finger at her and stated.
"What was I supposed to do?"
"Just relax!"
Storm nodded and timidly replied, "That's what I did, but... It was my first time doing it, anyway. Sorry!"
Seeing her timid and slightly intimidated look, Mystique sighed and calmed herself down. She smiled and lovingly rubbed her head while saying, "I understand. I was like you, too."
"What?" Storm looked up at her in surprise and asked, "You?!"
"Yes," Mystique smiled and nodded.
"I couldn't help myself around the guy I had a crush on. In those days, I would stumble over my words and look stupid most of the time whenever he was in the same vicinity or room. But..." Mystique continued with a serious expression, "This isn't about me. It's about you and Val. Understand?"
"Now..." Mystique snapped her fingers and said, "We can't change the fact that you stuttered before him. So, his first impression of you would be that of a little girl."
"What? How could he think like that?" Storm asked with slight irritation and continued, "I'm not a little girl! I'm in my 20s! Moreover, he isn't that old either!"
"Wait!" Mystique interrupted her and asked, "How old do you think he is?"
Storm got thoughtful momentarily and answered, "About 30-32?"
"Pfft—"Mystique quickly covered her mouth as uncontrollable laughter erupted deep within her.
Hearing her reaction and seeing her struggling to maintain her seriousness, Storm asked in confusion, "What's wrong? Did I say anything funny?"
"N-N-No..." Mystique replied while trying her best to control herself.
"Wait a minute!" Storm narrowed her eyes at her and asked, "How old is he?"
Mystique took a deep breath to control herself and smirked, "That's for me to know and for you to find out after you become his significant other."
"Come on! Tell me!"
"Pretty please!"
"Tch!" Storm clicked her tongue in annoyance after realizing that Mystique wouldn't reveal the truth no matter what and said, "Ugh! Fine! Be it that way!"
"So, back to the subject. We can't do anything about your first impression, but what we can do is..." Mystique put her arms around her shoulders and said, "Take the first step."
She grinned evilly and continued, "Ask him out."
"Because... " Storm bit her lip and started to fidget with her fingers as she quietly whispered in response, "What if he rejects me?"
Mystique pinched the bridge of her nose and groaned, "You'll never get him if you act all insecure like that."
"You're a beautiful and attractive young lady. If he rejects you, then you don't need to beat yourself about it. Both of you weren't meant to be, that's it. You can easily get other men falling in love with you."
"But," Mystique patted her shoulder and continued, "If you want to be with him, you must take the initiative. You need to ask him out if you don't want him to view you as a child or an immature brat!"
Storm opened her mouth, but no voice came out. She paused, remained silent for a while in deep thought, and finally made a decision that surprised Mystique.
"Very well. I'll do it!"

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