Marvel: The Journey

[Age Of Apocalypse] – The Final Horsemen

A few moments ago, in the Cerebro in X-Mansion,

Havok stepped inside while Hank and Charles were adjusting the machine.

Charles didn't even look behind him and asked, "Hello, Alex. What are you doing here?"

Havok shrugged and replied as he approached them, "Nothing much, Professor. Just wanted to ask you something."

Charles typed in a few things on the computer and said, "Yes, what is it?"

"How is my brother? You know... Scott?" Havok asked, "What do you think of him?"

"Scott's a fine young man.", Charles said, "He has the makings of a great leader. And, his control over his optic blast is also good for his age."

"Really?" Havok sounded a bit surprised.

"Yes, really!" Charles turned around and asked, "Why?"

"Nothing, just wondering why you're not teaching him.", Havok said, "If anyone can teach him to control his powers, then it's you."

"That's not the point, Alex," Charles said, "It's not about control."

"Then, what is it?" Havok needed clarification.

Charles sighed and said, "It's not the optic blasts that are the problem. His main issue is that he doesn't believe in his own strength. He keeps doubting himself. And, he lacks confidence."

"But, that doesn't sound like a big deal.", Havok said, "We can just teach him some self-confidence."

"It's not that simple, Alex," Charles said, "He's a teenager. A teenage mind is a fragile thing. It can break down at the slightest negative thought."

"Oh..." Havok nodded in understanding.

"Yes, exactly. And it's not just a question of confidence. His mental state is extremely fragile. Even the smallest amount of pressure can break his mind. And, when a mutant breaks, their powers go berserk."

Havok sighed and said while nodding his head, "Hmm.. that's true."

His eyes fell on Hank, who was tweaking a part of the Cerebro, and Havok asked him, "What are both of you doing?"

"Just a few minor tweaks," Hank replied.

"There!" Hank announced and stood up. He looked at Charles and said, "It's all done!"

"Good," Charles said, "I'm also done here."

A few seconds later, Charles tapped a key on the machine and wore the helmet.

Havok asked, "Who are going to find this time?"

Charles closed his eyes and replied as the Cerebro powered up, "Erik!"

* * *

In Poland,

Magneto stood up calmly and asked, "You... who are you?"

"Me?" Apocalypse stopped clapping and smiled, "I am the savior of your people. I'm here to liberate all the oppressed, the weak, and the strong who are struggling against the forces of the weak. I'm here to unite this world under my rule."

"And how will you achieve that?" Magneto asked.

Apocalypse's smile disappeared, and he said, "Through War. I will bring forth a war. A war unlike any other. And, the world will unite under my banner."

Magneto chuckled and said, "War... That's impossible. There's no way you could ever succeed."

"Why not?" Apocalypse asked.

"Because," Magneto looked him in the eye and said, "This world can never be united through force. It would never work."

Apocalypse's eyes shined, and he replied, "That's where you are wrong. War is the greatest equalizer. It doesn't care about your race, gender, ethnicity, or creed. Everyone will have to pick up their arms and fight for their survival. The survivors would be the victors, and the losers would be the dead."

"Hah!" Magneto scoffed and secretly pressed a button on a small pager in his pocket and sent the message to Val. He looked at Apocalypse with disdain and said, "Are you a fool? Have you been sleeping for the last 40 years? This world can't be UNITED. Would pale white-skinned people like me live a peaceful life with black people? Would Christians, Jews, and Muslims? Or, is it possible for the Communists, Capitalists, and the Anarchists? Or, the pathetic, weak humans and the mutants? NO! It's not possible. This world will never be united, especially not under a Mutant's banner."

At that moment, Apocalypse's expressionless face slowly turned into an eerie smile, and his glowing purple eyes began to shine brightly.

He stared at Magneto and said, "I agree."

Magneto's eyes widened in shock as he thought, 'Huh?!'

Apocalypse continued, "I agree. The weak and the strong can never live together."

"But," he pointed his finger at Magneto and said, "There is an exception. It's possible when the strong join the ranks of the strong. It's possible when the strong stand by the strong. It's possible when the weak join the ranks of the weak. It's possible when the weak stand by the weak."

He smirked and said, "When they join together, it's called the War of the Races, the War of the Sexes, the War of the Classes, and the War of the Nations. When these two join together, they become an unstoppable force. They would destroy, maim, and slaughter each other without a second thought. And it would end when the last survivor of either side dies. It's the law of nature. The weak will perish, and the strong will survive. I don't care who will be the one to bring it forth. Human, Mutant, Inhuman, Alien, it doesn't matter. I don't care if a War of the Races begins, but when."

Apocalypse's eyes began to glow brighter, and Magneto felt a strange, cold feeling around him.

"And," Apocalypse looked straight into Magneto's eyes and asked, "Would you like to start it? Right now? Would you like to be the first one? Would you like to show them the difference between the strong and the weak? The one who would begin this epic war? Would you be my... Horsemen of War?"


Magneto was silent and stared at him, thinking deeply about what he had just said.

A calm, serious expression replaced the eerie smile on Apocalypse's face, and he spoke up, "It's your choice."

"My... choice..." Magneto muttered, asking, "Wouldn't you force me to do so?"

"Of course not," Apocalypse shook his head and confidently replied, "You will do it willingly. I'm sure."

Magneto sighed and nodded.

"Yes," He looked up in Apocalypse's glowing purple eyes and said, "I want to make sure the people who hurt me get their due. I'll make them suffer. I'll make them beg. I'll make them feel pain."

"Good," Apocalypse said, "My Horsemen of War would never back down from a fight."

Magneto kneeled in front of Apocalypse, who repeated the same thing he did to the others, and a few minutes later, Magneto spoke, "Horsemen of War greets his Master... Apocalypse."

Magneto had glowing grey eyes, dark red and purple armor, and the same colored helmet on his head.

Apocalypse grinned, seeing his last Horsemen rise when suddenly, he felt somebody watching him.. or his new Horsemen.

"Hmm?" He turned around instantly and grabbed the psychic energy.

"Who's spying on my Horsemen?" He murmured and inspected the energy briefly until his eyes widened, and he exclaimed, "What a pleasant surprise!"


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