Marvel Super Soldier Serum

Chapter 116

The starting team members of the rocket team all gathered around Chen Xiao, and each of them made celebratory moves with him!

“Boss, I’m already your fan, I’m going to come and bow down to you on the spot!”

“Boss, I’m already drunk, hurry up and feel my heart!”

Chen Xiao suddenly kicked him fast, Laozi didn’t engage in foundation, and that voice was Ariza at a glance, so let him kick away the other party even more!

“Boss, don’t, accept my heart!” Ariza said strangely!

Alas! Chen Xiao just wants to pretend to be a hand at the moment, everyone sit down, sit down, this is just a routine operation, a routine operation!

It can be said that Chen Xiao’s dunk can be done as long as there are recorded actions in the NBA, similar to Carter’s kind of death dunk, as long as there is a center in it, he can also stage a dunk that leaps over the center.

After this goal was scored, it directly boosted the morale of the Pelicans like a bird in the rain.

Frustrated, Davis sighed, shook his head and muttered: “Finally feel the sadness of the four centers!” ”

The NBA in the 90s can be described as the gods, but in the face of basketball god Michael Jordan, everyone is suppressed undecently.

Just like the Jazz’s black and white duo, the Suns’ flying pig Charles Barkley, the Rockets’ Olajuwon also won the championship when Jordan retired.

As strong as the shark, O’Neill also failed to snipe Joe during Jordan’s three-game championship.

It can be said that one person suppressed the entire era, and now Chen Xiao also has such momentum in the eyes of Davis.

He walked to the side and saw his teammate Jul Holladay with his head bowed at the moment.

Davis touched the other party’s head and said, “It feels like it’s not the right time!” ”

“Yes, I feel a kind of pain in my soul, it feels like being rubbed and rubbed on the ground, but you can’t resist yet!” Joe Holladay said dejectedly.

Now continue the game, but Pelicans head coach Alvin has called a timeout.

Team morale is a thing, mysterious and mysterious, but it does exist.

Once the morale of a team is high, it is easy to affect the status of teammates, which is why a team needs to have a dressing room leader.

When falling behind, it takes leaders to cheer the team on and also help the team score goals in key moments.

Just like Duncan on the Spurs, he is the Spurs’ guarantee, he made Popovich, and Popovich made him!

The Pelicans head coach called a timeout and said, “Although this goal is very morale-boosting for opponents, is he just a man at No. 21? Michael Jordan was also so strong back then, but there were also many teams that won against the Bulls, so let’s not be discouraged, let’s use Jordan’s Law next! ”

The so-called Jordan’s rule is to let Jordan score alone, cut off his connection with other teammates, and they don’t believe that Chen Xiao can defeat the Pelicans alone!

This pause, D’Antoni has already expected: “Chen, the Pelicans will definitely use Jordan’s law next, you can rest assured to shoot boldly!” ”

Chen Xiao didn’t expect the Pelicans to compare him to Jordan, but his physical fitness Jordan is definitely not comparable to ah, his physical strength can recover indefinitely, even if he shoots all the time, he will not be tired.

It can be said that the Pelicans hit the wrong person with this calculation!

D’Antoni also knew, and thought in his heart: “Alvin, if you want to use Jordan’s Law, it will definitely be the biggest mistake in your life, you must know that Chen Xiao’s physical strength is enough to make him attack indefinitely!” ”

The timeout ended and both teams returned to the pitch.

It’s just the beginning of the game, and the Rockets are 8-6, so it’s not a leader.

But the Pelicans’ head coach is ready to use Jordan’s Law.

This seemed too much of a fuss in Chen Xiao’s opinion.

This ball, the Pelicans’ possession, Alvin’s premise of using Jordan’s rule, that is, their team’s overall shooting percentage is greater than Chen Xiao’s individual shooting percentage.

This can work, and the reason why Jordan’s Law was invented in the first place was to let Jordan attack infinitely.

But a person’s physical strength is limited, and the hit rate will always drop, just cut off the connection between teammates or make other players unable to score!

Alvin asked the Pelicans’ starters to lower their tempo and prepare for positional warfare offense to maintain a superb shooting percentage.

He shouted from the sidelines! “Pass on, pass it on, pass it on!”

The Pelicans players began to cooperate tacitly, and Joe Holladay quickly passed the ball to Gordon, and then Davis raised the high post to give him a blocking cover.

Chen Xiao’s defense is also a little tricky, after all, he is only one person, and basketball is a game of five people.

If he is a teammate in the CBA, he can’t lead the team to win games.

D’Antoni looked at the changes in the Pelicans and secretly thought: “If you really want to pursue a stable shooting percentage, this tacit positional warfare attack is effective against other teams, but my defensive system is not bad!” ”

Although Chen Xiao was blocked by Davis’s block, after the blocking, the round-faced Gordon wanted to attack him.

So Gordon continued to pass the ball and passed the basketball to Anderson, and at this time, because everyone changed defenses, the Rockets’ people did not keep up with Anderson who was running!

At this time, Anderson made an open three-point shot, and this kind of shooting opportunity was almost no different for him.

The next moment, Anderson hit a straight open three-pointer.

Pelicans 9-8 Rockets!

“It seems that at that time, we will have to create a separate defensive system for Chen!” D’Antoni thought after watching this ball scored by the Pelicans!

That’s an alternative version of the Warriors’ Death Five Small, with an infinite defense system!

However, the only weak point of this system is Harden, this person has a big problem with defense, and likes to stand on the pile!

Nima, this makes D’Antoni want to apply to management a little, can he exchange Harden for a defensive point guard, whether it is Mike Conley of the Grizzlies or the Jue Holladay in front of him!

Before Chen Xiao came to the Rockets, Harden was the Rockets’ fragrant food, and now he has fallen out of favor!

D’Antoni began to dislike his poor defense.

The next ball the Rockets have the ball, as soon as Harden holds the ball, the Pelicans have two people to wrap him, so they can only pass the basketball to Chen Xiao!

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