MARVEL: start with limitless technique

Chapter 14- Peggy Carter

 After walking and asking people around, I couldn't find a place to buy a sword. Everyone I asked either said they didn't know and moved on or told me I was the wrong age to look for a sword. 

After I found a bench and sat down, I closed my eyes and thought about the movies I had watched. The first sword option that came to my mind was an ebony blade, but the father of the person who would help me find that sword was busy sucking his pacifier. 

As I continued to think, godkiller and the sword of Surtur came to my mind and then I focused my thoughts on the earth and thought about more accessible swords. 

After a while, I realized that if I wanted a legendary sword in my time, what I could do was go to the village of Ta Lo and ask them to make me a dragon-scale sword. I can remember the map of the village, but even if I go there, I can't pass the labyrinth. 

So I guess my best option is to ask Howard to make me a vibranium sword. At least a good reinforced sword. 

As I got up from the bench and started walking towards the expo area, I passed a tailor's shop. As soon as the tailor saw me, he ran in front of me and stopped me. 

"Son, you look like you stole your father's expensive suits. Do you need a few modifications?"

"Oh thanks, but I just had these clothes made."

"What, really? Tell me whoever sewed these suits and we'll go and beat him up with the other tailors. Hell, what he's done to such a beautiful fabric."

When the man blocked my way and started touching my clothes without my permission, I started to get a little angry, but just then I saw my image reflected in the window of the man's shop. 

"May I?"

I looked like a person dressed in his father's clothes. When I saw that there was a mirror inside the shop, I pushed the man aside, went inside, and started to take off my clothes in front of the mirror. 

"Wow, such a good body needs a good suit. Lucky for you, young man, the fabric I received yesterday is of the same quality and color as the one you are wearing. If you want, I can adapt the suit to fit you."

As I looked in the mirror at the man's perfectly defined abs, I realized that he was actually right. It seems that the rewards from the system are now showing their effect.

"How much? But it has to be fast."

"It will take at least a couple of hours to fix the dress you're wearing. If you want me to adjust it for you from scratch, one hour should be enough. Ten dollars will be enough to fix it. If you want a new suit, it will cost 50 dollars."

"I don't have that kind of time."

"If you like, you can use one of the suits in the aisle while I fix your suit. Because they are for show, they are tailored to fit the puppets and the puppets are healthy young men. It will probably fit you better than the suit you are wearing now."

I left my clothes at the tailor's and chose one of the suits lined up in the aisle and put it on. As I was putting it on, I kept looking in the mirror and looking at my body. Although I was not as muscular as Captain America, who had taken the super soldier serum, I had grown a little taller and my body looked more muscular.

I was about to go out in my new suit when I saw a brown-haired girl in a long blue dress coming down the stairs at the back of the shop. I looked her up and down and saw that there were no inappropriate cuts or major cleavage. Nevertheless, she was hauntingly beautiful. 

In fact, I already recognized who she was the first time I saw her, but I pretended not to. 

The woman looked at me for a short while, then she came down, turned around once, and asked the tailor, who I recognized as her father, "How is it?"

"You look beautiful as always, my daughter, but as you can see, we have a guest here."

"Hi. My name is Michael."

Peggy Carter smiled at me and introduced herself. Knowing her from the movies, I would have expected her to look at me with a frown and not respond, but she smiled and came forward to introduce herself and shake hands as if she was not at all uncomfortable or used to this sort of thing.

Which meant she already knew who I was. 

"Mr. Michael. It seems you have an important date tonight."

"No, I mean, actually I do, but just a couple of friends. We thought we'd go to the tech expo tonight."

"Oh, you know, I was gonna go to the expo. Anyway, I still have to do my hair or I'll be late. Nice meeting you, Mr. Michael."

As Peggy Carter slowly climbs back up the stairs showing her figure, I can guess that she is about to call for help or take a weapon with her. The army is not a problem for me as long as they don't surround me with a large army and bomb me. 

The army doesn't have drones or satellites that they can use to track me, and as long as I make a few jumps over the rooftops, they can't easily find me again. 

Oh, I have an idea.

"Sir, was that your daughter just now?"

As the tailor measured my clothes and made small adjustments to make them fit me better, he raised one eyebrow, looked at me, and said yes. 

"Does she have a bo..."

"Does she have a boyfriend? Well, normally I wouldn't help someone like you who walks around in his father's suit, but this is the first time I've seen my daughter willingly hold a man's hand. She doesn't have any boyfriends, you can take her to the expo if you want, but be careful not to hurt yourself, my daughter is like a rock."

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