Marvel: So I’m a Supreme Being, So What? [Under Edit]

22. Venturing Into The Wild

Shiraori PoV:

I am currently flying over the vast stretches of forest. It has been about half an hour since we have left Nazarick. Yes, we. The two guardians who are flying right behind me are Albedo equipped with Hermes Trismegistus, a divine armour. A sturdy three-part suit of pitch-black armor crafted in the resemblance of a devil. A pair of horns that sprout across both sides of the helm while the exterior surface of the suit was covered with spikes. She was holding the 3F in the form of an axe tightly her hand.

Demiurge was following behind me in his trademark striped suit. The difference being he was flying in his toad form. Truth be told, I don't know what his true form looks like. In the novel, it was mentioned he had three forms. The third of which is the most wicked of all demons. Granted, he had no use of such a form in the new world, he might have to use it in marvel.

The reason I chose these two is simply because they are smart. I can't have kids like Aura and Mare or the careless Shalltear to accompany me as they might make a messy situation more messy. Adding on the fact that these two have personally read the comics, they will know how to behave appropriately in any given situation. At the very least, that is the hope I am carrying and I will keep them under control if they go berserk for whatever reason.

As for the others, I have some missions in mind for them as well. In time, they will all have ample work to do. Mobius will be providing information from within the TVA in a couple of days. This will contain information about the timelines as well as of scientific and technological research. Using this information, Albedo can start her assignment of creating the temporal sanctuaries. Demiurge will also get more information to help in his research.

As for Pandora's Actor, he has successfully entered Kamar-Taj. Once he has successfully learned the mystic arts and sent back that knowledge, all of Nazarick's strength can take a leap forward. I can also try to combine the three styles of magic as originally planned.

As the current year is 401 BCE, I don't really have any major expectation for events happening on Earth. The 'golden period' for events on Earth is still hundreds of years later in the modern age. This leaves us with uncertainty about what is happening in the current world. Since the comics have not shown many events happening in this time period, I have to figure out the situation myself. After all, this is now a real world. 

I can use history of Earth as a reference for what is happening right now. According to recorded history, the Olmecs were present in Mexico at this time and their civilization will be going into decline in the coming years. This means that Nazarick arrived in Mexico as Olmecs neared their extinction.

Now, I don't really know much about the Olmecs than what little I had read since being transported here, but I believe they were not mentioned in marvel comics. Much of their language and religious beliefs remain unknown so it makes sense for the authors not to use Olmec culture in their works. Marvel made use of religions and cultures they had plenty of knowledge of in their works and the Olmecs did not satisfy this condition.

At the same time, the people who would go on to be referred to as the Mayans and form the Mayan civilization already exist here but don't seem to have a complex societal structure yet.I am going to check whether these Olmecs are still alive or whether they even existed in the marvel multiverse.

I should have checked beforehand using the mirror of remote viewing so that I could know whether they exist in advance, but I realised this after we had already left. It would have been a bit embarrassing to just turn back for this so I just moved on. Not that the guardians would have minded.

Using the administrator skill I have created and bestowed an ability similar to 'allspeak' of the Asgardians to all of Nazarick. Thanks to this we should be able to communicate all languages. The reason Demiurge was able to converse with Mobius and the TVA gang was due to TVA having technology that allows them a similar ability to allspeak as well. Administrator-chan is really omnipotent. Administrator banzai! Or so I wish…but I will take what I have gladly.

Since we might possibly make contact with these Olmecs, I think I should tell Albedo and Demiurge of what I expect. Thinking so, I typed:

'Have you read about the Olmecs in Earth's history? Our primary goal for now is to check if the Olmecs mentioned in Earth's history exist here and if they are still alive.'

"Yes, we have read everything the grand library has to offer about Earth and the multiverse as you have ordered. We have committed it all to memory." Demiurge replied calmly causing my lips to twitch. They have way too much zeal when it comes to tasks. Well, that's good for me. I have not decided yet if I should follow Ainz's footsteps and force them to take breaks. Above all, they are my subordinates now. As I was thinking, I heard Albedo speak;

"My lady, if I may ask. Why do you wish to make contact with those worms who will die out soon. They don't seem to have much significance in this multiverse." Demiurge was also waiting intently for my reply.

Worms, huh. I guess not seeing the Olmecs in the comics in the library made Albedo delegate them into the useless category.

'There is no grand reason. In case they are the first locals of Earth we come into contact with, I want to establish a good relationship with them.' I replied.

"Why would we need a good relationship with someone worthless? Please pardon my rudeness." Albedo spoke once again before lowering her head.

'This can give us the primary foothold in the current world. Once Albedo carries out the operation I assigned, the timelines will start going into disarray. Since all of time will go into chaos anyway, I wanted to experiment with what will happen if I help the Olmecs to continue existing beyond their pre-determined date of extinction.' I told them.

To be exact, I wanted to witness what kind of butterfly effect will this move cause. Perhaps this will cause Nazarick's name to spread but I did not really care about that. I had prepared contingency plans. And while me and Nazarick were not the strongest out there, we were definitely not the weakest either.

These first human contacts would be to me what Carne village was to Ainz in the New World. I looked back and continued:

'And this is thinking far into the future, but maybe I can create a kingdom similar to Wakanda through this. An isolated and advanced kingdom that will exist until far into the future. This is not a definite plan. Anything can happen in the coming future that might change my thoughts but that is a nice goal to set up for now.' I finished speaking letting both the brains of Nazarick in on my thoughts.

"As expected of lady White! My thoughts were too shallow before." Albedo spoke while breathing heavily for whatever reason.

"Sasuga! I understand now! I will work hard to fulfil your plans." Demiurge gave a smile on his toad-face with his tail swishing. He looked like he had a eureka moment.

'Huh?' Looking back at the two guardians who looked like they had deciphered all the mysteries of the universe, I tilted my head slightly. There's no need to be so excited over my answer right? They seem confident they can achieve this and look motivated so I don't really have much to say. With slight confusion over this interaction we moved on to achieve our goal.


*After this will be a minor arc like the carne village arc in overlord. The villains will probably also be minor and relatively unknown ones. It's to get her cult going. All my knowledge about Mexico, Olmecs or whatever else comes from reading a little bit online so it is probably wrong. Also could you give suggestions of a greeting like 'heil hydra' is for hydra which can be used by her cultists as well as a name for her cult or religion?

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