Alas our moment together was cut short as I felt the energy signature of two familiar people, though not one I was expecting to see anytime soon, hopefully never.

Even Ororo grunted as she too felt them approaching, signifying that they had ultimately ruined this once in a lifetime moment, truly they had no sense of subtlety. 

"Can't you just warp them to the far ends of the universe than have them ruin our moment?" She brought a really smart suggestion that I was very tempted to do but not before a knock was placed on my front door. 

"… You're right." Before the next knock met the door, the two intruders found themselves in the great halls of their house – Asgard. "Good riddance." Why did I even bother myself with entertaining their stupidity when they came to pick fights with me for the past few years instead of just of yeeting them somewhere like Jotunheim? 

"Now where were we? –" I could feel the twitch on my lips when I felt them materializing on Earth again. 

"Hey Draul, I j-" This time around, I sent them to a forest out in the outskirts of Asgard and bound them there. It would take a few hours before they'll free themselves so that should be enough time for them to know that I don't want them here at this time. 

"Quite tenacious, aren't they?" Ororo chuckled and let out a sigh which I immediately understood why. She was most likely remembering what happened to Thor and how he changed from the universe we just came from. Speaking of universes, that definitely wasn't the one from the MCU because I was definitely sure Deadpool was there which wasn't the case for the MCU. Though with an infinite number of universes resembling each other down to the smallest details, I'm not too surprised. "How about hearing them out? It's not like you exactly hate them, right?"

I groaned at her words because despite being true, it was a bit of a hassle to deal with the Asgardians. Hopefully Loki isn't going to be spewing his crap about how he intends to conquer the Council of Godheads, which wasn't surprisingly the worst part about it. The worst part about it would be what was the reason why Thor tagged along because if I remembered right, and I do, his friends should have given up their weapons after the last time I was done with them, unless they have really really good medical practices. 

"But the moment, Ororo. I feel like I'm going to have a migraine every time I deal with either of them." I presented my case to her as she cradled me with both her arms on my chest while she stared at me with an unamused smile on her face as if asking me 'really?'. 

"We can have our moment whenever we want, and besides I feel like we're both gonna get a migraine when Yelena finds out about this, so better we just get rid of the little things now and focus on the celebration that they'll no doubt insist on throwing." She tapped my chest twice and gave a soft peck before walking away with swaying hips, drawing me in with every step. I groaned at the obvious temptation but placated myself that I will be rewarded at the end of all this. 

'Maybe I should fast forward time? Probably shouldn't since it is very possible she or Yelena might know about it.' I had no idea, I had an inkling on Yelena's, how they were able to sense any tampering of time around them. 

Yelena should be a little understandable but I knew she was not at light speed yet so there must be something else that made her that sensitive to the time stream but I had no clue when it came to Ororo's case. My guess was that it was due to her ever growing divinity. 

She was easily the strongest, apart from me, in the house when it came to pure destructive abilities, even eclipsing both Steve and Natasha by a large margin. She also wasn't slow in regards to her speed, being faster than Bucky and Natasha, well Natasha could open portals but that wasn't her speed and it wasn't like Ororo couldn't teleport with her lightning. 

She was such a rounded fighter that it was almost unfair when she sparred with any of them because there was not an area where she was solely lacking, even her physical strength was very impressive given that she was a Goddess blessed with strength from Gaea after all. 

The reason might be due to her connection with Gaea and maybe also due to magical lineage. It was a little bit confusing but I'd rather not focus on it and have everything unraveling before my mind. Omniscience was a very hectic thing to have, I swear. 

Rather than have the two brothers break out of their bond and attempt to visit another day and spoil it than it already was for me, I decided to pay them a little visit. I haven't been to Asgard after all. 

I stepped through space and planted my feet for the first time in Asgardian soil. If it wasn't for the type of being that I already was, I would have felt a good dose of excitement at this but now I didn't feel anything. I could step directly into the Council of Godheads without even twitching a muscle if I wanted to. 

"You guys better have a good reason for disturbing my hard-earned limited peace and quiet." I said and plopped my behind directly on the ground. What can I say? This place was overflowing with natural abundance. 'Ororo would love a place like this for her garden.'

"Draul of Saint Cros-" 

"Just Draul is fine. No need to make this more headache inducing than it already is."

Thor nodded and continued once more. "How did you get into Asgard without alerting Heimdall?" He asked with plain intrigue in his tone, not at all doubting of any evil intentions I might have. 

Weird but I wasn't going to question the appropriate lack of hate or caution against me. 

"Let me guess, the Space Stone?" Loki said. If Thor was a little curious about how I could get into Asgard, Loki didn't even show anything relating to apprehension. In fact he seemed a little pleased by my actions and that immediately started shifting the bearer of headaches back to the God of Mischief. 

"I see. So even the Infinity Stones can bypass Asgard's defenses and even manipulate the energy in its realm with such ease… I guess we never stood a chance against you, did we?" 

Okay, now I'm genuinely confused. My omniscience immediately went into work to unravel the reason for my confusion and also determine the reason for Thor's behavior. 'Ah! Got it.'

"If this is your redemption arc, can we please skip it? I don't need it." I waved my hands and the magical bindings holding them disappeared and let them free. 

"I have been a Prince since I was born… and then I became a brother. I have always wielded my strength in a way I thought was for the betterment of Asgard and her people." Thor started and a groan escaped through my lungs but he didn't take note of it and just continued. 

"I've always believed that if my intentions were true with my actions, then I'll have what it takes to surpass every foe that comes before me because that is my honor. My destiny. As a Prince of Asgard."

Great, now it's a counseling session. I don't even have a bitching clue as to what he is talking about. Shouldn't he meet the God of Wisdom he has for a father for advice? 

"I… I feel like I've stagnated. In both my strength and spirit…. Even Mjolnir is starting to feel heavy in my hands." Jesus Christ! Please stop this torture. It was even more agonizing as my omniscience was comprehending everything about him, starting from the problem he was facing to his words, and then from his words to the despair and self depreciation and mockery that was bleeding out of his very being. 

Even Loki looked a bit put off by his brother's behavior but he at least had the decorum to not interrupt him. 

"So basically what you are looking for is a way to not suck bad, is that it? That gotta be it. I don't understand why you are suddenly spiraling downhill when even your problems don't need a God of Wisdom to point out."

Thor looked at me in eagerness, his eyes telling how badly he wanted to get out of his funk. 

"Your superiority complex has been beaten so hard that it transformed into an inferiority complex with a touch of regular old trauma. And it gets worse because you know that no matter how hard you've trained, you are still not at the point where I was almost 2 years ago, and not to mention how stronger I've gotten in that time frame. There are things considered inevitable, and now I am one of them. Know when to admit defeat, Thor, it'll only help you grow. A child needs to fall for a while before he learns how to stand on his own. Failure is just as important as success, it's what gives you more experience after all."

I don't really know why but maybe I just really wanted to get this over with and subconsciously make the day go faster so that nighttime will come so I just decided to give Thor a little helping hand. Maybe after this he'll no longer be harebrained Thor but responsible Thor. 

"And what of you, Loki? I doubt you need my help for anything." I directed my attention at Loki as Thor looked as if he was fighting a mental battle with himself. Whatever was in the mind of the God of Mischief when he came to my house made a complete 360° after he saw me. 

My guess was that he knew I wasn't the same level as I was before. Now he couldn't lie to me. I was completely above his divinity in every way, above his conceptions, above his misconceptions, above his lies. I was probably an alien existence to him. He couldn't sense me at all. 

I could alter reality a bit and make him perceive me as he once did before but I figured this would be a good way to tell him we were no longer in the same playing field, not that we ever were in the first place. 

"Oh no no. The only reason I'm here today is because of my brother, Thor, who's been going through a bit of a phase for a while now. I thought it would help if I brought him here, face your demons and all that." He spread out his arms in a show for emphasis while maintaining the same smile that was very familiar with his face that it was also a trademark by this point.

"That's good. As for payment, I think ten barrels of your best Asgardian mead will do. I want them before I pop back to Earth." I told the two princes to which they both nodded, Thor even trying to have a drink with me before I left, which I declined for obvious reasons. The reason I requested their mead was for the celebration that was bound to happen later at night when the others finds out. 'Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.'

None of us at home could get drunk so the best bet that I knew of was Asgardian mead. It was the only thing I thought of that could give them a kick, even I would have to lower my inhibitions to get so much as a twitch from it, or maybe just a little reality manipulation. 

With my payment in my pockets, I warped back to Earth and decided to stargaze to pass time as apparently screwing with time for no apparent reason was very frowned upon in the house. 


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