"So and then Bobby froze everything in a fit, leaving only Scott and Logan to help bail us out."

Right now I was in a Café, one of the few that had been springing up on Krakoa, with 8 cups on my table as I held back the groan that was at the tip of my throat.

Everyone wanted to spend some time in Krakoa as it was quickly getting bigger and more civilized but I didn't until I was persuaded, or rather was let on kindly, that they were bored at home with nothing to do than training. 

If they wanted I could just yeet them to an unknown planet and let them have the adventure they wanted to but they preferred being 'grounded for the time being'.

I think they got the feeling that they were moving too fast and maybe they thought they'd become too desensitized to the little things, I know I had. 

For me it was normal, the type of normal you'd feel when you finally realized you've grown too used to something you used to hate. It was obvious in my case as I encompassed everything in this universe – including every emotion out there. (Ugh, women)

Sure I could redial my EQ back to what it had been, which admittedly wasn't that high, when I was a human but I didn't. It was a very scary concept when I found out that I could just delete whatever emotion I felt for someone and not think twice about it. I was above emotions. Do you have any idea the emotional range other alien species have? What about sentient plants or sentient rocks? It was in my best interest that I just keep everything down and have them work at an equilibrium. 

"So what have you guys been doing for the past year?" I felt another bout of migraine hit me as the voice from the table behind me filtered into my ears. Yelena had opted to hang out with the other teens, specifically Kitty and Rouge, while I stayed with my own age group which unfortunately included an awkward Piotr, the gruff Logan, the brooding Scott, the tease Raven… and hotwheels. 

The X-men had put out their willingness to help Ororo and she didn't have it in her to just refuse them like that so she accepted them, who would want to say no to free labor? 

Like typical humans, fights had erupted when some part of the original Krakoan residents(most likely Raven's) found out about the inclusion of the X-men. Heated words and debates had devolved into a slugfest which made me realize that most of them were just teens and young adults. Logan and I had some fun at the expense of the kids throwing their powers around in frustration while we placed bets but alas the fun had been spoiled by none other than… Natasha and Steve. Spoilsports. 

They sure had learnt the hard way to be tolerant when 20 of them from both opposing sides were humbled by the duo. I mean it was kind of cheating already with only Steve but adding Nat who was going the hax route to the equation was just plain bullying and also a slight show of force. 

I knew we had been getting quite some stares when we arrived from both Emma's and Raven's clique so Nat and Steve's interference was just a way to get them off my back before they decided to scratch it. This was one of the reasons why I liked my house and loved living in it 24/7 – 365.

After their little display was done, Ororo had been a darling and gave the red card to anyone who wanted to talk to me, making me wonder if this was how Marky was being treated all the time and why I never got such a treatment. 

The duo from the trio knew better than to irritate me on my impromptu vacation. 

So far the only group I was close to was the X-men and the reason for that being that Kitty was such a social cat. It was very hard to hate someone like her – even those from Raven's side were testament to that claim. 

"Aliens!!" Ugh, keep it down would you? 

I was tempted to shut them up with a glare but that would be me being a dick and Yelena was having fun wowing them with her recent experiences so I had to sit at the awkward table full of adults just sipping their drinks and saying nothing. 

"Yeah. It was some alien warlord who'd conquered quite a few systems in multiple galaxies. We had to slaughter our way through the warship filled with hundreds of soldiers."

I could feel some of the people at my table shifting uncomfortably at Yelena's which made me roll my eyes. 

"Ya sure zher were rally hundreds of aliens people on za ship?" Kurt asked with no small amount of skepticism in his voice. 

"What? You think I wouldn't lie about going to space but would about killing aliens?" 

Yeah Yelena, that should have been backwards. Only Logan found their discussion amusing, same with me. 

"So what did the aliens look like? Do they got some really cool abilities? What kind of weapons did they use? It must have been pretty sick!" Kitty squealed and pestered Yelena with her never ending questions but the girl was more than ready to answer them. 

Yelena even took her time to explain each part of the curious feline's questions. "They looked kinda mid if you ask me; all scaly looking motherfuckers. As for abilities, almost none of them had any. They are just like us in the sense that special abilities are still rare even out in the universe and even if you do find a race that has them, it's more than likely an hereditary thing. They used some energy blasters of some kind as weapons and other than having their ass handed back to them, there was nothing notable about them."

"So what about the evil warlord guy? Did he escape?" A girl who I had no idea of interrogated from the side. 

"Pfft, as if. Draul killed the dude before he could do anything while we took care of his strongest subordinates." She outright bragged. And from there she went on to tell about the little fights we've had, excluding the Gods and the stones of course, and whatnot. 

"Hey, Yelena. Do you guys know what happened 6 months ago?"

Practically everyone in my seat and the one over, plus two seats away, turned rigid. Charles averted his eyes quickly away from mine, Scott grimaced, looking like the awkwardness was hitting him for the first time, Logan chugged on some bear to hide his expression and Piotr's head fell. The others at the table copied one of the other reactions as the whole Café fell into silence… that was until a loud slurp broke the tense atmosphere. Mine. 

"Oh that? That was the work of some demons that were trying to enslave Earth. We did manage to take care of it but not without some losses." She seemed unbothered by the atmosphere she created due to her last words and just munched on the desert in front of her. "It was easily the hardest fight I've ever had given that we were pretty much against an ancient demon from before Earth was Earth."

Nat and Bucky were on one of their getaways while Steve was with Peggy. I had to give the man back his girl. What was I to do? I would have been the most heartless friend if I had slept on the matter for much longer. 

What I had done was just reverse the time of her degraded cells back to their peak state and maybe a little reality warping for some extra present. 

Steve had been over the moon with happiness only for the man to be silenced by the deepest kiss I've ever seen displayed before me. They were less like a budding relationship and more like a married couple. 

She was as strict and also as compassionate as Steve made her out to be which was a very healthy contrast and made her fit right in. She didn't live with us most of the time which resulted in Steve spending almost all of his time at her house. It was something we teased Steve quite a bit about since we've all been at that stage, especially me when I started going out with Ororo. 

"Aight, I'mma head out." I left the Café since I was bored out from all the talks and reactions. Maybe this was how they felt that made them want to see the mutant island for themselves – bored to hell. 

Emma really didn't pull any stops when it came to the development of the place and I can see places that might have been heavily influenced by her. Most of the buildings were white and the few ones that weren't were placed in such a way that it contrasted nicely with the white building and also the abundant greenery around. 

My senses covered the island in the blink of an eye and the location of everyone registered themselves to my head. Ororo was directing a few metas, Bucky was with Nat while Steve was with Peggy. "Guess I'm by myself this time around."

I spent the next few hours just aimlessly walking around the island, even to the parts that haven't even smelled construction. The island was very big by human standards so no one would be complaining about overpopulation anytime soon. 

I was in the middle of the uncharted forest when the snapping of twigs caught my attention. 

"Look who we have here." I rolled my eyes at the practically cliché setup. A quick scan of their minds told me that they were one of Magneto's ardent followers back in the days and Steve and Nat's thrashing opened up old wounds. 

"You think you're some hotshot coming 'round these parts as if you own it, huh? Well, let us educate you otherwise." The one who spoke grew over 8ft tall with two extra arms protruding under his first pair. His partner turned into some kind of poison gas and circled the entire area. 

To be honest, I've never actually been in such a situation that looks straight out of a comic panel so I eagerly waited for some entertainment that would alleviate my ever growing boredom. 

The gas man started converging on me while the other four armed meta rushed head on. I was expecting something exciting but:

"Boring." Every excitement I felt immediately bled out the moment they started their attack. It felt as if I was a man trying to find a reason to hate ants.. No not hate, that's too strong an emotion. It felt as if I was bullying ants. 

The world stopped at that moment. 

The two assailants were frozen solid and I could see the hateful glee on their frozen faces, even on the gas man whose name was apparently Ivory while his partner was Darren. I could see the lines that extended from them widen into Earth; their destiny or future paths. 

It all felt so insignificant. So little when compared to what I've experienced. 

I never told them what really had happened during my ascension but you tend to be mute to most things if you had experienced what the universe was like during its creation till the present and also the future, all in a straight line and wide open for your perusal. In essence, I was as old as the universe and the people in front of me were no less than children. 

Nothing I did to them would give me any sort of recompense not even after I destroyed them and reconstructed them thousands of times over. 

It was a constant nagging I had recently started feeling; it disconnected me from everything except my family. It irked me so much that I just erased their existence altogether, making it as if they were never born. 

"I need to find Ororo." I grumbled as I walked away from the cozy forest. 


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