[Draul St. Cross POV]

Shit like this happens all the goddamn time and yet people still wonder why I always have the 'I-couldn't-care-less' attitude going on most of the time. 

We all were just having some fun and fucking with some goodness to earth Power Stone and having super powers like every other major characters in this universe and all of a sudden, my girlfriend ascends to become a God. 

Like, was my headache not enough? Did Gaea have something against me that she deliberately broadcasted it to the entire universe? 

Though I could now hide from the sights of Gods like Heimdall and Odin, it still didn't stop them from focusing on my location and gleaning what could from the massive influx of energy swirling around. 

She was more powerful than Bucky and Steve before they even got their powers and even with their powers which they got a few hours ago, they still couldn't match her. Now? 

Even taking in the fact that they may have room for growth as they have just gotten their powers, the same could be said for Ororo too. 

"Okay, will someone explain how us fucking around with superpowers made one of us a God?" Bucky asked. 

"That's what I would also like to know." At the very least, Ororo didn't seem to know that Gaea blessing her would turn her into a God and she also had the decency to be embarrassed about it and even went as far as apologizing on Gaea's behalf. "Well, what's done is done. And besides, it is not like some kind of big deal even if she did become a God. What happened only made some of them curious is all. I don't think that would give them a reason to seek us out for anything."

Nothing ever went as planned and I was beginning to think that it was some kind of natural law in this universe, probably the handiwork of the Queen of Nevers. There was always some improbable mishap just waiting to happen at every major endeavor. 

My fusion with the Soul and Mind Stone would be complete which would leave the two most complex stones for last. 

The Aether would probably be easy to assimilate with given its current state and which left just the Time Stone, which was without a doubt the most complex one of all. It was the key to true omnipresence. 

As I currently was, I could exist in different parts of the universe at once, and not as a clone but as my real self, but that wasn't even close to omnipresence, not on a universal scale at least. I could be omnipresent in the solar system and maybe beyond but I have never pushed myself that far but even then, I couldn't exist everywhere at every moment of time. 

"Let's just put this one down the garbage disposal and go test out what you guys can do. Worrying about 'Ro becoming a Goddess can wait till later." With that I took them to one of the private rooms in the house which also functioned as a gateways to a dimension set aside just for high level training. 

"So who wants to go first?" I asked, prompting Bucky and Steve to be the first ones to show us what they could do. 

Bucky's adaptation looked similar to Darwin's, making me wonder if they were just similar or they were one and the same. Steve on the other hand could control space but that wasn't all what either of them could do. 

Right off the bat, Steve was faster than Bucky was as he immediately warped to Bucky's side but that did nothing to faze Bucky as he sent a fist right to Steve's face. That was when Steve's new abilities started showing. 

Bucky's fist slowed down considerably that it was very unbelievable to watch. Bucky, shocked, was unable to react as Steve's punch squared in on his face, sending him flying over 50 meters before he crashed, causing the ground to crater in. 

Bucky stood up as if nothing happened, no visible or internal wound of any kind and the next second it was as if he disappeared with a trail of fire marking his course as he zoomed himself into Steve's range, his feet blazing red with flames and his hands the silver sheen of Adamantium. 

Steve tried his first move again but Bucky's speed was too fast that it didn't make much of a difference. Speed could overcome the effects of space and time as proven on numerous occasions by the Flash and while Bucky was nowhere as fast as the speedster, his speed was faster than a moving bullet and Steve's hold on space wasn't strong enough to stop Bucky. 

The ground below them exploded but none of them cared, already accustomed to such levels of destruction during their time as Enhanced Soldiers. 

Steve, due to him being on the ground, punched Bucky with an uppercut so hard that it almost seems as if the space around his fist cracked, sending Bucky shooting upwards but Bucky's Vibranium effect kicked into motion and he used the impact he absorbed to send himself downwards with an explosion from his hands. 

"Christ! It's like they suddenly became monsters. If they were to fight like this outside, New York would be in ruins in less than an hour." Nat dryly commented as she watched the destruction both soldiers were creating. 

I thought Steve would be the cheat code with his spatial abilities but it seemed as if I was wrong. 

Starting out on the backhand, Bucky was somehow able to ignore most of Steve's defensive abilities, enabling him to reach his friend with ease. I guess Vibranium is such a cheat metal that it can survive in chaotic space based on what I was seeing from Bucky's exhibition. Or maybe that's just one of his abilities implementing each other? 

Steve knew trying to stop Bucky from reaching him was an almost impossible job so he upped his attack. It was like he was punching and trying to grab Bucky across the distance and Bucky replied by displaying more than five different abilities. 

From the looks of it, and if my conjectures were correct, Bucky could take on the properties of the three states of matter in different forms. All he needed to do was just get to familiarize himself with the properties of the state he wanted to take on, like his Vibranium for example. 

Bucky can easily take on Vibranium properties because he has been used to it for years and not to mention the fact that I also used Vibranium when making the Serum they took. 

Taking on the properties of Vibranium and Adamantium, two of the most strongest and versatile metals in this universe, and also taking on the properties of gaseous forms like fire, turning himself, or at least half of it, intangible. 

He was like a force of nature that just kept on attacking, regardless of anything in his way. 

And then there was Steve. 

Distance no longer mattered to him, evident of how he was cutting the space between him and Bucky and outright cracking it to throw Bucky off. Increasing the gravity to ten times that of Earth which would just outright destroy most people… this was just him utilizing his defensive abilities to attack. 

If Bucky could tear through any defense, then Steve could tank any attack. Reason being because he had Sebastián Shaw's augmentation ability. 

"What have I created?" Forget an hour, these guys would wipe out New York in minutes. 

The dimension we were in was infinite in distance, ever expanding, and Steve just broke the ground, rising up a platform that was at least twice the size of New York city and compressed it into a small moon that held its own gravitational pull, drawing the flailing Bucky towards it. 

"Right. Steve just casually flipped a city sized platform and created a moon with it. Yup, it's gotta be Monday." Yelena just humorlessly chuckled as she watched the giant hole that was now where we once stood. 

"Do you think Bucky can handle that?" Nat asked, a hint of worry in her voice, just the tiniest bit. 

"Uhm… Is Bucky… glowing?" 

From afar we could see Bucky's body take on a blue fluorescence hue, his speed increasing with every passing moment as it surpassed the gravitational pull and streaked towards the small moon Steve created. 

"We might want to move back a bit." I wrapped them in a spatial field and we all watched as Bucky impacted the moon, everything going silent for a few seconds, before he streaked right through it. 

His Vibranium body was the most resilient thing I've ever seen as it could take on different properties and also withstand the most treacherous environment. 

The resulting explosion followed a few seconds after Bucky's re-emergence from the other side of the moon and… 

"Hey! Since when did Steve start fighting dirty?" Nat yelled to no one in particular as Steve appeared behind Bucky and palmed what seemed like compressed space into his back. 

If it was anybody else that took that kind of attack without having some form of durability, they would have exploded into a million pieces. Case in point as Bucky literally dispersed, at least the part of him that was intangible did, and used the force from the attack to distance himself from Steve. 

Keeping up with Steve was very hard since he could permeate the space around him with himself. Everything, stretching on for miles, was all but an extension of Steve's reach. Trying to react to him every time was a much harder task than taking his attacks. 

I don't know if I should point out that they were both flying without any issues and energy attacks were the least of what they could do. 

I don't know if Steve realized this but what he just did to Bucky didn't hurt him as much as it might have looked. Bucky's adaptation has already eclipsed what mine used to be before the stones and also that of the current Hulk. On top of being able to switch between the properties of two of the strongest metals in the universe, his adaptation against all natural and unnatural forces was going up at an absurd rate. 

Bucky was more than enough to contend against Steve in pure physical strength but his speed as compared to Steve's was solely lacking as the latter's movements were near-instantaneous. 

Bucky has shown some abilities but none could compare to Steve's versatile manipulation of space. 

Bucky was solely a frontal fighter as opposed to Steve who could actually fight in basically any position. But I will still have to give it to the former when it comes to attack. Bucky was actually tearing through most of Steve's defense and attacks as recently seen with the latter's last move. 

He could already turn gaseous which made most of Steve's attacks meaningless and coupled with his Adamantium and Vibranium qualities, he is tanking everything Steve could throw at him while Steve was also using everything Bucky dished out to empower himself. 

One could withstand almost anything, while the other could empower himself with any force acting on him. 

"Talk about a pointless fight."

"At the rate they are going, this fight won't see an end until… never. Bucky is actually getting stronger while Steve is getting more creative. Should we stop them?" Ororo asked. 

"Nah, let's just let them get it out of their system. They are still basking in the novelty of having powers, once they get a hang of it, it'll wear out." The three girls at my side nodded and just continued watching the two soldier brothers duke it out in a battle of supremacy. 

Gravity seemed to do nothing to Bucky, meaning he has likely surpassed the current gravitational force Steve was exerting on him and his speed had also increased greatly. 

Acknowledging each other's strength, they forsook using their extensive abilities and settled for the old fisticuffs. 

The punch seems to split the atmosphere, each creating enough pressure that would have blown buildings apart with each wave if they had been fighting in a city. 

"You think they gonna stop anytime soon?"

"Highly doubt it."


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