Natasha and Yelena made their way in stealth, exploring the different parts of the alien warship.

Unlike the soldier brothers who cleaved their way through any obstacle, the assassin sisters avoided most confrontations since their skillset wasn't one they could use against incoming waves of enemies. It still didn't prevent them from wiping out a squadron or two.

While they were not as strong as the super soldier brothers, they could hold their own against most opponents a few layers stronger than them but not forever, so with that little caveat in mind, they left the brothers to heap all of the attention on themselves while they made their way mostly unhindered towards the heart of the ship, the control room. 

Armed with Adamantium daggers, they cleaved their way through any of Thanos' army that was unfortunate to bar their path. 

"This is fun!" Yelena squealed as she decapitated someone with an unusual ease and then made a low sweep to unbalance one of the guards behind her before lodging the knife into their chest. 

"I seriously don't know how you can identify the prospect of massacring aliens as fun." Natasha scowled as she jumped back to avoid the blast that was aimed for her head before delivering an axe kick with enough force to snap the alien's neck. 

"Evil aliens, Nat. Evil aliens." Came the singing voice of the younger assassin. 

"Still doesn't explain your enthusiasm." Although she said that, Natasha knew all too well that this was one of her childhood dreams, not the fighting and decapitation aliens part, but the being in space part, before the Red Room. 

"Now you're just being a spoilsport." Yelena pouted, her complaint not stopping her from picking up a blaster and opening up a hole in the body of the retreating soldier. 

"Now that we've gotten the nuisance out of the way, when were you planning on coming clean about you and Bucky?" She asked with budding curiosity. 

Natasha to her credit didn't show any ounce of surprise, schooling her expression that not even her eyelids twitched. "And is there any reason why I'm supposed to report to you about what's happening in my life?"

"Sheesh, no need to get defensive, okay? Believe it or not, everyone at home knows about what's been going on between the both of you, or rather what's not been going on. Sometimes it gets unbelievably cringe for me to see Bucky looking like a wet bear, having no clue what to do." She shuddered as she remembered a memory of the man scowling at the refrigerator before turning depressed and walking back to the couch. 

Natasha stopped as she looked at her sister with genuine surprise on her face. "Wait, everyone?"

Yelena deadpanned at her and pointed at herself before making a circular motion with her hands. "Did you forget the type of people you're living with? Hell, if Steve could pick up on it then we all did."

Natasha made an 'oh' expression while Yelena nodded to confirm her point. 

"That still doesn't explain why I should tell you."

"Oh come on, Nat! That's prime sisterly gossip material right there, don't be this cruel to me." Unfortunately, her puppy dog eyes proved not to work on Natasha as the red hair just sashayed away, causing the younger brunette to roll her eyes. 

"Oh no you don't. Don't think you can just waltz your way out of this one, Nat. It's sweet and at the same time cringe how both of you struggle with romance and I even once thought that Draul would have it hard." Yelena chased after her sister, walking around as they were not in the nest of enemy territory. 

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, sis." Natasha's sarcastic reply came out. 

"Seriously. It's like you guys are trying to choke yourselves while at the same time feeding each other chocolate… toxic doesn't even come close." Yelena muttered. 

Natasha's face for the first time in… forever had an uncertain look. "That bad?"

"Bad would be Steve still pining over his 80 year old ex? Yours? It's as if you are watching someone light a white fluffy rabbit on fire. It's funny and sad at the same time." Yelena was brutal with her candid opinion. 

Natasha's face paled further at Yelena's description of what could essentially be her first try at a relationship and how miserably atrocious it was. 

"Between the both of us, I once saw Draul cast an illusion on himself to snack on some popcorns during one of you and Bucky's awkward moments, but don't worry…" Yelena quickly changed the topic as soon as she saw that Natasha wasn't looking good the more the conversation went on. "It's not that you're bad at relationships, which is honestly an overstatement when considering we both were raised as assassins. Steve is Steve, Ororo basically started dating Draul while Bucky honestly doesn't know how to begin a stable relationship. You don't have to worry about anything or how you guys might look to us in your own adorably cringey way, just focus on starting your relationship and just know that you got me behind you for backup… and also any juicy secrets you might have." She hugged her distraught sister with one hand while shooting two aliens that came into her sights. 

"If it's any consolation then Bucky is still to blame for being that bad when it comes to a relationship, I mean I'm still green when it comes to all this heart stuff but even I can tell it's his fault." Yelena huffed. 

"So blame it on Bucky?" Natasha asked. 

"Yes, blame it on Bucky." Yelena nodded, dooming the similarly distraught man for a crime he didn't commit. 


With their little pep talk out of the way, they once again focused on diving deeper into the ship and doing the most damage they could before their leader came back. 


[Draul St. Cross POV] 

My eyes were on Thanos' steps through the Mountains of Vormir as he made his journey to retrieve the Soul Stone. 

I had hoped he'd leave the Mind Stone behind but that had just been my wishful thinking. 

I wasn't comfortable having three stones with me at once without even having assimilated the Power Stone but this was a boon that I couldn't refuse. The opportunity to earn not one but two Infinity Stones, leaving just the Time and Reality Stone was such a luck that I felt was an accumulation of all the good karma I've gathered since coming to this universe. 

Thanos and his encourage had already encountered Red Skull and from Gamora's shocked expression which was quickly turning into rage, they were at the point of the sacrifice. 

The entourage also seemed taken back but all of them had devoted their lives to Thanos rather than each other so in the end they were okay with whatever sacrifice was needed to ensure that Thanos achieved his goals. 

This was getting really boring so I just started sniping at some of Thanos' men that were making their way towards Steve's and Nat's group. Sure they wouldn't have any problems, well Nat and Yelena would if they were to be surrounded since they were only super soldier level strong, so I was just doing it out of boredom and also testing out how interspatial sniping was. 

I could make any of my attacks ignore distance, making them travel way faster than they normally would or just warp them directly to the face of my target. 

Now let's see: If Thanos was to use both stones at the same time then he would be able to control anyone around him and also grant sentience to objects. I don't know if he could grant them powers though but my money was on him not being able to. 

Oh, it's finally getting to the good part. 

Thanos was already dragging Gamora to the sacrificial altar but different from the expression I thought she would have which was screaming and trying to claw her way out of his hands, she had a small almost betrayed smile on her face and it might had just been a coincidence but her eyes were in my direction, or aptly put, the direction I was looking from, while her mouth muttered a 'you promised' before Thanos threw her to her death. 

I didn't hate nor did I loathe Thanos for what he did, why would I? Each and every being in the universe was unique from the way they look to the way they think. 

Normally it would be considered a morally wrong act to kill one's own daughter, one who he genuinely loved, just for power but then again when power was brought into any equation, morality becomes a blurred line. 

I was the same. 

If it wasn't Thanos then I would have had to find either a human from earth or another species from the wider universe and have them commit filicide just to get my hands on the Soul Stone. 

I couldn't judge Thanos… no, I wouldn't judge Thanos, not for killing his daughter and not for trying to kill half of all sentient life. 

This also goes to show how much my motivation for power has changed in recent years. It might also be another subtle influence from the stones, viewing life as nothing more than a congregation of sentient dust. Whatever it was, it was a change I was okay with. Not that it would stop me from killing the purple Shrek though. 

The ritual was already done and Thanos was making his way back to his entourage with the Soul Stone in his hands, having left Maw to hold the scepter. 

'Looks like it's time I made my entrance.'

Hiding from Thanos was no longer an option as he already had in his possession the two stones that granted life and sentience. 

Thanos paused in his footsteps as I appeared behind him while his entourage, The Black Order pointed their weapons at me. 

'Sigh, they never learn.'

"It looks like the universe has sided with me, rather than you…. Stonekeeper." He turned to me after retrieving the staff from Maw. 

"Really, how so?" I asked dully. 

"I already possess both the Mind, and thanks to you, the Soul Stone. Surrender the Space Stone to me and I will let you live. Decide wisely as this day have already spoiled my mood."

"No one told you to sacrifice your daughter for the stone." His subordinates growled fiercely, an order away from attacking me. 

"Draul, am I right? You told Gamora of the location of the Soul Stone, hoping to take them from my cold dead hands. I applaud your bravery but also mock your foolishness." The Mad Titan said. 

I wasn't surprised that he knew of my identity, something I attributed to the Soul Stone. 

"I assume you are also attacking my ship? *Sigh* This day exacts a heavy toll."

Thanos was the epitome of calm as even cursed with whatever knowledge he had gotten from the Soul Stone, which probably included the location of the other stones, he remained unfazed. 

I had already given Steve and the others a way to teleport to marked locations. Turns out that using spatial energy to power up space spells was just another way to really amp it up. 

As if on cue, Steve, Bucky, Nat and Yelena appeared on my side, matching the numbers on both sides. Well we had one over them but where was fairness when the universe was concerned?

"Hmm, quite the arrangement you have. They are willing to fight for you, that much I can tell, but are they willing to die for you?" Thanos smirked and that was the cue his subordinates needed to commence their attack with my family replying in kind. 

"They don't need to die for me, I'm not worth that sacrifice." I said, casually making my way away from the battlefield that the others had occupied, with Thanos following me with the same pace. 

"Why do you want the stones?" He asked after we went a respectable distance away from the ensuing fight. 


Head over to my pa.treon if you want to read  up to 35 chapters ahead. 


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