Marvel mutants rise

Chapter 173

Although they really want to fight with Alan, others also understand that their own strength is simply a drag on Alan, and after Alan’s persuasion, the rest of the mutants are sent to the mirror world, even Jean and Wanda are no exception.

Taking out the Heavenly God Group armor and equipping it on his body, he suddenly suppressed the air and froze, and the powerful aura was raging like a ferocious beast.

The True God of the Mind scanned the mind of the life on Earth, and immediately the hundreds of breaths that he had felt before appeared one by one, these breaths are all lives that Eren cannot telepathize, which is mixed with psychic abilities, or there are devices to resist psychic invasion, but the most inside is definitely the dark heroes who are shuttling.

The starry light in the night is dim, and the silence in the breeze is destined to be an unpeaceful night.

Previously, because of the interference of Hulk, Skynet and Iron Man, Alan did not have time to take the initiative to attack, but since it is destined to be relative to life and death, why wait until dawn!

After a little sensing, a sneer appeared at the corner of Alan’s mouth, and there was an aura speeding towards his villa, as expected, this should be a dark hero who wanted to sneak attack.

It’s really a lot of conspiracy tricks. Allen’s heart surged with murderous intent.

Since you’re here, don’t go back!

Allen, who was equipped with the Celestial God Group armor, disappeared into the villa in a flash, and in the next moment, the venom that was speeding suddenly felt creepy, as if it was being targeted by natural enemies, and the alarm bell sounded in his mind!

In the night wind, Venom came alone, with his own dependence, first of all, Venom has amazing power, he punched the titanium alloy tempered door, tore open tanks and anti-tank combat vehicles with his bare hands, threw tanks out of several blocks, and has a very fast speed, Venom can easily catch up and catch bullets and flying bullets, which requires 1.500 miles per hour, which is twice the speed of sound.

Secondly, Venom has amazing endurance, can easily block missile grenades and other weapons, blocking bullets is also a small meaning, he was punched the head by the Green Hulk and accepted his thunderbolt palm, but he just didn’t die, and after a while he stood up and continued to fight.

And because the symbiote has possessed Spider-Man, he naturally has super sensing ability, can predict danger and detect and detect the surrounding environment, and can sense creatures, as well as super vision, can easily see distant objects and can see fingerprints, and can see biological heat and penetration. See, the healing ability is extraordinary, he was stabbed through the heart by Wolverine, slaughtered and thrown in the stomach, and punched by the Hulk to pieces, he can still heal and get back up in an instant, he was once amputated but grew back again after a while.

In terms of attack, Venom can spit silk like Spider-Man and climb on walls and run on the substrate, he can reach from all parts of his body. Black tentacles attack enemies, and can grab enemies from a long distance and reach out from the body. Out of the infinite tentacles to expand in all directions to attack, its power is amazing, he can also send the tentacles like a turtle qigong shockwave attack, venom can insert the tentacles. Go into the ground to make a stab to attack, and the venom can also stretch. He can stretch his wings and glide continuously at long distances, he can absorb others to meet his needs and enhance himself, Venom can transform himself into the appearance of anyone who wants to change (just think about it), he can be invisible, and Venom can also perform an easy state, in this state he is like a liquid. The body is generally able to enter any zone and extend its limbs and head at will to attack.

Venom’s bullet dive can land to the ground with great force and speed and cause great damage and damage, and will not be damaged by falling from above, and usually creates huge craters while falling, Venom can transform its hands into various cold weapons, and there are no restrictions (excluding hot weapons), Venom can create nearly unbreakable shields for defense.

However, at this moment, Venom still felt an almost desperate life crisis, and then, Venom looked up, only to see an azure starry river armor in the sky suddenly flash like a ghost, appearing overhead, it was the Celestial God Group armor!

Venom’s heart is churning:

Iron Man is dead, there’s no doubt about it. So does this person equipped with the Celestial God Group armor still have to think about it? It must be Allen who killed Iron Man!

Thinking of this, Venom sweated coldly behind him, and he hated his tattered plan incomparably, and he didn’t catch the people around Allen as hostages, and his own little life was not saved!

You know, when Iron Man was alive, he couldn’t fight against the Celestial God Group armor at all!

No, no, no! I can’t die here! Alan shouldn’t know about me………

Before Venom could end his delusions, the Celestial God Group armor suddenly grabbed a colorful bubble out of thin air, and a large number of irregular nebulae evolved out of the bubble, just like the shock wave generated by the supernova explosion and the stellar wind impact generated by the newly formed star, in this super bubble, countless starry wonders erupted, like the beginning of the universe!

This is the trick of the Celestial God Group armor, the super bubble is the end of everything, the beginning of the universe, containing the unchangeable cradle of stars, condensed into a lump.

This is the super bubble emitted by Iron Man placed by Allen in the mirror world, and the mirror world is stationary and everything that is not a mirror, so this energy or the galaxy universe attack means is also stationary in the world.

When Eren equipped the Celestial God Group armor, he also had the ability to control the super bubble, and took out the super bubble casually, and suddenly the oppressed space was solidified like marble, and the endless pressure was like the entire universe. On Venom’s body, let Venom can’t even open his mouth to beg for mercy.

In Venom’s terrified and desperate gaze, the super bubble slowly sank, seemingly slowly, but in the blink of an eye, it came to the top of Venom’s head, Venom was like a spider in amber, and before he could use his own means, it was in trouble.

In the face of absolute strength, venom means are useless.

Venom’s turning gaze was like a little girl pleading at the Celestial God Group armor, but Super Bubble contained Venom in it without mercy.

Suddenly, in the super bubble, countless black silk threads extended from Venom’s body. Get out, frantic struggle.

But it didn’t work, stretch . The black line that went out seemed to be soaked in sulfuric acid, melting in an instant, and then the entire body of the venom became smaller layer by layer and disappeared, and the venom screamed madly, but the sound could not come out of the super bubble at all, and in a few breaths, the venom completely disappeared and brought in.

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