Marvel mutants rise

Chapter 080

“Isn’t that Amos, the gang leader in this area? These are his subordinates, and I didn’t expect to see such a wonderful scene today. A middle-aged woman said with interest.

“It’s really dog eats dog, but God forbid, these people all broke their bones, especially Amos, heck, half of his body, finally don’t have to see these bastards again!”

“What an eye-opener for God…”


Allen, who walked to the amusement park, suddenly turned his head to look at Emma, “What did you just do to those people?” ”

“It’s nothing, it’s just a little lesson, the Ferris wheel is about to stop, let’s hurry over.”

Emma took Alan’s hand and ran over, a little demon smile on her face.

Dare to disturb my date with Alan, the crime deserves death…

Sit on the Ferris wheel, and as the Ferris wheel starts, everything below gets smaller and smaller, and everything around you is in full view.

“Brother Allen, do you know the legend of the Ferris wheel?” Emma watched obsessively as the people on the ground turned into small ants, seemingly far away from everything in the world, and the only two people left in the world were herself and Ellen happy together.

No, there is also the candy candy little lolichen Gray. Emma looked helplessly at the big light bulb piano, but the piano poked her head over, looking like she wanted to hear it, without the self-awareness of the light bulb.

“No, what legend?” Alan looked curiously at the well-behaved Emma.

“The legend about the Ferris wheel,

Legend has it that every time the Ferris wheel turns, there will be a pair of lovers on the earth.

Legend has it that every compartment of the Ferris wheel is filled with happiness. The Ferris wheel exists to cross the sky with the people you like.

Legend has it that sitting on the Ferris wheel is happiness, and as the Ferris wheel gradually turns and rises, people become small under their feet, and the whole world seems to be just me and the people around me, and we are closer to God. When the theory of Ferris turns to the highest place, religiously make a wish, so that your wish will be heard by God, and if the gods think you are a good boy, then your wish will be fulfilled.

Legend has it that when the Ferris wheel reached its highest point,

If you kiss with a lover,

It will go on forever.

Legend has it that every box of the Ferris wheel is filled with happiness,

When we look up at the Ferris wheel,

It is looking up to happiness.

How high is happiness,

How high is the Ferris wheel,

When we long for happiness but happiness is delayed,

Try to get on the Ferris wheel and wait for it to slowly rise,

Until the very top,

Looking down at everything you see,

We will find that the happiness we want is actually very simple.

Look down from there,

The world is big,

People are small.

I believe

Although the world is big,

But there is always our simple happiness,


Try to ride the Ferris wheel,

Waiting for the so-called height of happiness,

They said

The people in the Ferris wheel are looking at happiness. ”

Emma muttered the long-heard legend and told it to Alan.

“So my Emma, you don’t have to look at happiness, because I will make you happy all the time.” Eren held Emma’s delicate pretty face and said affectionately.

Immediately looked at Emma’s pretty face of the sinking fish and goose, lowered her head, and slowly in Emma’s blushing cheeks and happy eyes, she went down affectionately.

The two people completely ignored the little loliqin who was wide-eyed at the moment, immersed in this sweet happiness and fire. Hot pro-wem.

It wasn’t until a long time that the Ferris wheel slowly stopped, and the two gradually let go of each other and smiled sweetly at each other.

Letting go, Allen pulled Emma’s hand off the Ferris wheel, and then saw the dissatisfied qin, and then remembered that he patronized Emma and left the piano aside.

“Brother Jingshi, you want to accompany me today, how can this be, I don’t care, I also want to be with you forever, you hurry up and tell me, tell me again what you said to Emma!”

Jean pouted, chewing the corner of Alan’s clothes, and said very dissatisfied.

“Okay, my piano, you don’t have to look at happiness, because I will keep you happy all the time.” Eren quickly repeated.

“No, no, you’re too perfunctory.” Jean was anxious, and there were tears slipping in her eyes. Move, “To be on top of the Ferris wheel, just the two of us, I don’t care, you said to accompany me today, I.. I….”

As she spoke, Jean choked and cried.

Allen really panicked at this time, and quickly hugged Qin, wiping the tears on Qin’s white and tender face, “Okay, I promise you everything.” ”

While quietly looking at Emma, of course Emma will not fight with little loli for this, not to mention that Emma also loves the piano very much, no worse than Allen, naturally hurry up to make her eyes and let Eren go again.

Looking at Jean’s crying, Emma was also very distressed.

Little Loli was too troublesome, Allen sighed in his heart, immediately paid the money, and walked into the Ferris wheel with the piano.

As for Emma, she had to wait helplessly below.

The Ferris wheel slowly turned, and Allen and Jean slowly rose,

“Brother Spar, have you ever heard of the legend of the Ferris wheel?”

Eren was stunned, and then reacted.

No way? Jean, you even have to imitate this!

“I’ve heard it.” Allen doesn’t play by the routine.

“Then I’ll tell you again.” Jean ignored Alan’s answer, still honestly following everything before, and wanted to repeat it again.

Allen looked at the tear tracks on Jean’s face and had to reluctantly agree.

“The legend about the Ferris wheel,

Legend has it that every time the Ferris wheel turns, there will be a pair of lovers on the earth.



With a strong spiritual talent, Jean actually repeated the legend that Emma told before verbatim, and Allen was also amazed.

Jean then looked at Eren expectantly.

Eren knew that it was time for him to play, and was about to repeat his previous words when he suddenly thought of Jean’s ability to distinguish the truth of other people’s words.

Just now, did Qin just hear that his words were not really spoken from the heart, and then cried sadly?

Do I have to make Jean sad again?

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