Marvel mutants rise

Chapter 013

Squeaking, with the opening of the camp door, a chaotic noise came from outside, accompanied by the cry of the Jews, another group of Jews were pressed in, and although there was little hope, Allen leaned out and looked out.

Tens of thousands of refugees were driven forward by several groups of soldiers lined up with guns, and the slightest disobedient Jew wanted to escape, and was greeted by several shots on the body and fell in a pool of blood, the neat team would never mess up the lineup for refugees fleeing the riots, showing cold iron and blood and army discipline, this is the German army, cruel and tyrannical and strict military discipline, at that time I had issued this troubled admiration.

Although the guns are not as sophisticated as those of later generations, the military will never allow the slightest gap for people to escape.

Just as I was thinking, a heart-wrenching childish voice came, it was Jewish Hebrew: “Mother, mother! ”

Allen fixed his eyes on a Jewish boy about his age calling his mother at the gate of Camp Three, and Auschwitz divided the camp into thirteen camps in order to prevent the riots of the Jews, where the Jewish boy was crowded by many Jewish refugees and separated by his mother, and at this moment the little boy outside Camp III was about to be sorted into another camp, while his mother was in Camp 3, mother and son were separated.

Allen looked at all this grimly at the time, knowing what happened next, and sure enough, the camp guards separated two people to drive the little boy’s arm, ready to drive him to another camp, the guards did not have any compassion, this kind of thing did a lot.

Looking at the slowly closing wire gate, the little boy stretched out. Out of the thin arm shouted with all his strength; “No, mom, mom, mom…”

And inside the third camp, a weeping Jewish woman ignored the crowd. The crowd of pressed people, constantly waving their hands back, shouted loudly: “Eric, go back quickly, Eric, go back, go back quickly!” ”

The two holding the boy looked at all this coldly, and constantly dragged the little boy Eric back, but Eric didn’t understand his mother’s words, why he wanted to go back, in his heart he desperately wanted to be with his mother, maybe he knew that if he separated from his mother at this time, then it was likely that he would never be able to see his mother again.

Eagerness, anger, resentment, and longing for strong spiritual emotions hit Eric’s heart at that time, “Ah…” Izuku’s arm seemed to be able to catch the wire gate in the distance, and the sudden extra powerful force in the body made Eric move forward at that time, and in Eric’s constant shouting, the two guards faintly couldn’t grab Eric’s arm, and the arm that clamped the little boy was slowly detached.

The guards next to him found abnormalities, although some couldn’t believe it, there were still two people who couldn’t bear it, came out and hugged the Jewish boy’s body, and received greater resistance, Eric’s spirit broke down a little, and the strong belief forced Eric to launch a stronger force, under an inexplicable force, the wire gate in the distance shook violently, everyone looked at this scene in surprise, and a concept emerged in their hearts: this little boy can attract steel.


Magneto, Eric, familiar abilities, familiar names, the same experience, there is no such coincidence in the world.

Eren instantly determined that this was the famous Magneto, although at an early age, he had already shown this magical ability with great potential.

At the moment when Eren was thinking about it, there was already a soldier who couldn’t stand it, and a violent butt of the gun in the past smashed Eric and dragged him away, and at that time Eren was awe-inspiring and saw the flaw in his power.

And in the next, make a decision, that is, stand out!

At that time, Eren had a glimmer of understanding of his own abilities, but the lack of spirit caused by insufficient physical strength was like a mountain blocking his eyes, and he could not develop his own strength to escape.

Allen had two plans at the time.

Plan 1: For Beeva. Koch, the camp’s deputy warden, was a flesh-faced woman in her 40s who loved to rape children and skin them after death to make various works of art.

Alan’s plan is to get into the mouth of the tiger, and it is estimated that Beve is surprised by the initiative of a Jewish child, so that when she is taken to the place where Beve rapes children, she can kill her and wait for the opportunity to escape.

Because of this fetish, Beve will definitely not be carried out in a disciplined barracks, only it may be Beeva in a secret place outside, perhaps for pleasure, it will be some hidden places, and at that time he was a child, unable to resist, there is a considerable possibility that he may not be tied to his body, Allen knows that some perverts like to enjoy torturous scenes alone, so under various calculations, it is very likely to escape successfully.

The disadvantage is that if one scenario is not true, serious consequences can occur and lead to failure. After all, at that time, I did not understand the degree of perversion of Beeva Koch. And if you escape by chance, you will also be searched and arrested by many German soldiers, and in the case of your own unfamiliar life, it is a German occupation area, and it is very likely to be arrested a second time. That consequence, needless to say.

As for the second new plan: to show what he is capable of like Eric.

Mutants are rare and unique. It’s what many people want to have. At the same time, it will be safe for the time being.

Allen chose the second one.

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