Marvel: Mr. President

Chapter 244: 244. Family?

Chapter 244: 244. Family?

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"Why did you do this for me?" Doom asked him.

Hector shrugged. "Well, I am trying to bring peace to the world, and one less maniac is better overall. If I could solve you just by bringing your mother here, it was worth it. At least I don't have to kill you anymore.

"Cynthia, I hope you keep an eye on your son and stop him from doing something stupid and becoming my enemy. Find him a wife and get him to give you some grandkids. Life is too short to be evil, just relax and have fun."

Cynthia chuckled. "Oh, I will start working on that as soon as I get home. I hope he's not a bad boy, however."

Doom grunted behind his mask. "Do not dishonor me, mother."

"Is that how you talk to your mother, who just got out of torturous hell? You should be trying to make me happy right now." She barked at him.

Doom sighed. "How do I make you happy?"

"Get married and give me grandkids." Cynthia showed a wide grin and Hector a thumbs up.

"Haha, good going. Now It's time I leave. Doom will be let out today. One more thing, I have fixed your face, kid. You can take off that mask now. It's not stuck to the skin anymore. Take care, don't fuck-up, and make me regret giving you a chance at being a decent human being. Bye." Hector snapped and vanished with a poof.

"Crazy, the president was a cosmic being all this time, and we degraded him to a super-soldier," Cynthia muttered.


"Hi, I am Saul Woodman... fuck! Hi, I'm Saul Goodman. Yes, I am Saul Goodman."

"Sir, you can go in now. The President General will see you." The receptionist gave him the green light.

Saul took a long breath and entered the room. But as soon as he entered, all his confidence left his body seeing the giant office. There was so much in there, on the left was a gym, on the right was a living area, then at the front, beside the floor-sized window, was the office table. The whole office was bigger than his largest house.

"I-I am..." he walked to the table and passed on his business card. "I am Maul... I mean Saul Goodman." fr eeweb novel

Hector took the card and read it. "Oh, Better Call Saul? Nice rhyme. Take a seat then and tell me about yourself. What made you want to work for the UN?"

Saul slowly felt the nervousness leaving his body, but he was still physically tense, thinking about various crazy things this old man had done, and here he was trying to scam him... well, not exactly scam.

"I felt I should use my cunning for good. As a lawyer, I used to take any case that came my way. But slowly, I realized that I only felt good about the cases I took for good. Like saving a family from getting evicted.

"So when I saw the ad for UN, I jumped at the opportunity. I have a wide range of experience, sir, and I believe I can bring a good change."

Hector nodded, humming at his reply. "Okay, I will ask you one question, just once. If you answer me truthfully, we can continue this interview. If you lie I will throw you out."

"From the window?"


"But it's 50th floor."

"You might awaken your X-gene and start flying."

"I've got my genes checked, my power is being able to smell flowers from a mile away. That's it. Sir, I am sincere, so I will answer honestly. Just ask."

Hector nodded. "Good, how much money does he have? Walter White?"

Immediately Saul's head got drenched in a cold sweat. But he knew that lying was going to worsen his situation. "About eighty million four hundred thousand dollars. I don't know if he had hidden something else."

Hector whistled at that. "Crazy how one can earn so much with drugs. He's one hell of a cook. But so many orphanages could be helped with that money. Where is Walter White right now?"

"I don't know. The DEA is closing in on him; his brother found out he's Heisenberg. There are some other gangs after him too. I wanted nothing to do with it, so I wanted to leave that life and start something new." Saul clarified at the end.

"Hmm, I'm not angry at you. You're just a lawyer, a scummy one. But let's go and meet this Walter White to take his money. Follow me." Hector got up to open his office window.

He then grabbed Saul's collar and jumped off, scaring the guy out of his wits.


"Oh, shut up, I'm flying. Not even going that fast right now." Hector scolded him and sped up to somewhere outside Albuquerque, New Mexico.

With the help of stones, he knew exactly where to go. But by the time he arrived, something seemed to have taken place as Walter White was being held back, and the DEA agent brother-in-law of his was on the ground with a gun aimed at his head. [A/N: S05EP14]


Hector waved his hand to make the bullet pause midair while the people kept moving. It was a magical thing and scared the gang.


They shot all the bullets, but they just stopped midair as soon as they came out of the mizzle.

"All right, the game's over. Put down your weapons and stand still." Hector descended to the ground with Saul in a half-daad state.

But as soon as Saul felt the ground under his feet, he was back to life and started kissing the sand. "My God, I can't believe I so much want to kiss this great American land we swindled from Mexico."

"Well, get up, lad. You're a DEA agent, have some honor." Hector told the bald man.

"Mister President?"

"Indeed, the UN President-General, though. What's going on here? A par-" He stopped speaking all of a sudden as he noticed something on the neck of one of the gang members.

"Is that a bloody Hakenkreuz tattoo on your damn neck? Are you a neo-nazi?" A cold voice asked.

Seeing no answer, Hector walked up to the man and lifted him by his neck. "Do you know what I did to Nazis? Do you know what I did to Hitler? I think you have forgotten. Let me show you then."

BAM!—Hector pulled out the man's whole windpipe in one go but kept him alive with the help of stones while not suppressing the pain. "This is what I do to maggots like you!"

He threw the man away to cry in pain while he moved to other gang members and mercilessly killed them in the same painful ways. But he didn't let them die until the last member had also been caught and suffered at least 15 minutes.

Not only that, he made a video of the whole brutal killing and sent them to every single Neo-Nazi or Hitler Lover in the world with the message "I'm coming for you" on it. With this, most of them will try to return to normal. Those who didn't will be sent to a place that'd make Guantanamo look like heaven.

Once he was done, he pulled a young boy out of a pick-up truck and threw him to the DEA agent. "I have never seen a more traitorous rat than this in life. And this Walter White, what a fool. The moment you had enough money for cancer, you should have quit.

"But no, you felt you were always a worthless man and now had your calling. That this was what you were made for because this brought your respect?"


A container full of cash blew out of the ground and landed beside Hector. "This money is being seized. Both of you will go through prison. Walter will get eight years, meanwhile, this young boy gets 10.

"Saul, do you want to go to jail too?"

Saul picked his hands up. "No, sir, I will work for you for free."

"Good. And DEA agent Hank Schrader, you will get a medal for your relentless work. One more thing, from today, I shall pronounce a global ban on drugs other than weed."

"How will you enforce it, sir?" Hank asked.

"With my fist, of course. You will be jobless after that. Why not come and work for the UN? We need honest agents." he offered.

Jack nodded seriously. "It will be an honor, sir."

"Great, I'm leaving now. Put these two in cuffs before they try something." Hector oversaw the arrest of the two drug dealers and the maker. Then he grabbed Saul with one hand and a money tub in the other and flew away. He didn't even let Walter and the kid speak the whole time.

This time Saul enjoyed the view. "I wish I could also fly."

"Sure, go ahead." Hector let him go and fall.

Saul probably died and was revived a dozen times when Hector caught him just a meter from the road.

However, just then, a few fast cars appeared headed to them, racing most likely. There were many, but the one at the front was an old modified muscle car being driven by a bald man.

"What in God's name is going on here?"

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If you have not, check out my new original book: "I Became The Pope, Now What?"


Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs* *Qul* *phong thanh nguyen* *Dillon Tyler* *andy cohen* *Martin Bosley*

Thank you for all your support!

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