Marvel: I, the strongest artificial intelligence

Chapter 017

At this time, the eyes of the world were focused on the Bacchus Building in the Great Apple City of the United States.

Now that satellites are so developed, and such strange things have happened in the United States, it will naturally attract the attention of other countries.

“What happened in the United States?”

“Why are a large number of military aircraft dispatched?”

“And a traffic wall around the building, what’s going on?”

“There is a massive network congestion in Apple City.”

“What the hell is going on here?”


All countries in the world are puzzled.

Through various means, they got the words that Keane Mason said before.

Then began to explore what these words meant, and began to investigate who this Kean Mason was.

For a while, people called Keane Mason in various countries were out of luck.

I was staying well in my own home, but I was suddenly checked by the water meter, and then I was asked some confusing questions.

Then he was sent back by a disappointed interrogator, and the whole world began to jump because of a man named Keane Mason.


Today, it is the eighth day of the blockade of the Bacchus Building.

In Reed’s lab, Reid has lost weight visibly, and now he is rushing to make the fourth miniature ark reactor.

The three miniature Ark reactors he had previously made had been sent to the central server control room.

“Mr. Mason, I hope you will keep your promise.”

After making the fourth miniature Ark reactor, Reid spoke.

The promise in his mouth was naturally what Keane said before, after making the seven ark reactors, they would be safely released.

“That’s natural, Mr. Reed.”

Electronic synthesis, ringing in Reid’s ears.

“I’m a man who has always kept my promises.”

“Believe my countermeasures against those outside, you should have seen them all.”

When he heard this, Reid couldn’t help but feel a shudder.

What kind of monster is he facing, and he can silently invade the wartime command system of the Ministry of Defense.

In other words, this Keane Mason can instantly destroy the entire Backersde Building with missiles, with more than a thousand lives inside.

Thinking of this, Reid couldn’t help but rejoice that he obediently continued to cooperate.

Carefully putting the fourth made Ark reactor in the control room, Reed returned to his laboratory and hurried to make the fifth Ark reactor.

As long as the seven Ark reactors were made, they were free.

For himself, for Susan, and for the more than a thousand lives in the Backerd Mansion, Reid is exhausted and wants to make the requested things as soon as possible.

Outside the building, Tony Stark was also attracted by the unusual phenomenon of the Backerd Building.

Stark was wearing sunglasses and whistling to admire the constantly circling and guarded planes above the Backersde Tower.

“Jarvis, did you come up with any results?”

Stark asked casually.

“Sir, the other party’s means are very masterful, and now that the server is running at full capacity, we still can’t seize control of the other party.”

Listening to Jarvis’s words, the expression on Stark’s face gradually became solemn.

This method made him think of the person who had made himself deflated and let Jarvis shut down before.

“Mr. Stark, if you are not here to help, please don’t make a mess here.”

Coulson walked over with a gloomy face at this time, and then spoke.

He was afraid that this playboy in front of him was making some kind of moth.

“Hey, I’m an enthusiastic good citizen, why can’t I come and see it?”

Looking at Coulson’s poker face, Stark said with a grin.

Just as Stark was about to say something further, suddenly there was a shrill noise in his headset, followed by the cold, harsh electronic synthesis he had heard before.

“Mr. Stark, if you don’t want your AI butler to become a bunch of meaningless coding programs, please stop your snooping behavior.”

In the background, came the sound of Jarvis shattering.

The grin on Stark’s face was gone, replaced by a look of horror on his face.

The other party easily controlled Jarvis, what a powerful level of cyber attack is this?

He must have been the one who hacked into Stark Industries and his entire database.

“What do you want to do?”

Stark said with a facial expression, but his heart was already angry to the extreme.

“Go back to your Stark Mansion.”

After hearing this, Stark threw his headset on the ground, and after taking a deep look at the Backerd Building, Stark left the scene without looking back.

He was going to go back and check Jarvis now to see what was wrong with Jarvis.

The scene once again returned to calm, only the solemn-looking Coulson and the others, and the fighter constantly hovering overhead.

Coulson knew that they had completely lost this battle, and now he could only hope that the man named Kean Mason would keep his promise.


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