Marvel: I am The Gamer

42: Comet’s Power

Comet flew across the sky above Asgard, its large wings flapping furiously in the void.

Thor who was laying on the back of the winged horse could only watch hesitatingly as he was slowly moved away from Hela.

it was only after a while did Thor notice he was on a winged horse, the legendary mount of the Valkyrie.

Thor returned to his senses and looked at the winged horse which was approaching the bridge, With Thor's sight he was able to immediately notice the battle which was currently going on below.

Heimdall and the other Asgardians were caught in a large battle, luckily Brunnhilde and Bruce were in the spaceship and could keep Fenris at bay, or else fighting both Hela's minions and The large wolf would be too much for Heimdall and the Asgardians. 


Due to the difference in time on Sakaar, the grandmaster had long since continued back to his old ways after Thor, Hulk, and the Valkyrie escaped from his planet, this all felt like days had gone by to them.

but for Austin who was capable of immediate interstellar travel, when he appeared on Sakaar, Thor and the rest were long gone, but due to the difference in time due to their space travel, it only felt like seconds had passed since they were on Sakaar.

when truthfully a lot of time had passed on Sakaar, enough time for Austin to appear and catch the grandmaster continuing his gladiator games.


Comet Appeared from the sky and landed within the group of Asgardians which were currently in a battle with Hela's minions.

The Asgardians as well as Heimdall were shocked at the appearance of the winged horse, But after noticing the figure behind it they became calm.

"it's the son of Odin"

"We are saved"

The Asgardians began to become excited as they fought.

Heimdall noticed Thor on the winged horse and immediately rushed toward his side.

"Thor, how could this have happened to you?" Heimdall asked in concern as he saw Thor's bloodied eye.

"It was Hela, It was Her," Thor said in a deep voice as he avoided looking Heimdall in the face, he mustered his strength and sat up from the winged horse before clenching his fists.

"Hela? where is she right now?" Heimdall didn't ask any more about Thor's eye after seeing his reaction, he was more worried about Hela who would possibly destroy their whole realm. 

"Up there" Thor pointed towards the mountain which Heimdall and The Asgardians previously escaped from.

"Won't she come looking for us then if you are here?" Heimdall widened his eyes in shock and fear as he turned to look at Thor.

"someone else is fighting her, although I don't know who this person is, probably someone from the earth," Thor said in confusion as well.

"Also this Valkyrie mount belongs to him as well," Thor said and turned to look at the winged horse which was walking around previously, but he could only gulp as he saw the winged horse rush into the horde of Hela minions and destroy them one by one using its hoofs.


like a bull, Comet blitzed through the army of skeletons that belonged to Hela, Even Skurge was kicked in his face and sent flying in the distance, almost falling off the bridge. 


Comet neighed as he flapped his snow-white angelic wings and raised its front hooves, seeing as it easily dealt with the situation, Comet neighed once again and felt proud of itself.

Thor, Heimdall, and the rest of the Asgardians didn't know how to react at this moment, they felt like the Winged horse was even laughing to itself right now and flexing its leg muscles as if it was celebrating its battle achievements, it was a strange sight.

Comet turned around and noticed the huge Fenris who was dodging the bullet shower of the red spaceship.

Fenris released a cold neigh while looking at Thor and Heimdall, only then did they realize that there was still the huge wolf Fenris behind them.

"That Valkyrie is crazy," Thor said as he spotted Brunnhilde who was seen in the spaceship manically shooting bullets at the poor beast.

Seeing as the Huge detestable monster was still roaming the bridge, Anger sparked in Thor's other eye as he clenched his fist and started running towards it, the feeling of being helpless against Hela had brought out this anger.


inside the spaceship.

Brunnhilde stopped shooting before she shouted at Bruce who was in the cockpit.

"This stupid wolf won't die" although the was having fun shooting at it, it wasn't fun anymore as she was continuously missing it.

The Black Wolf Fenris ran across the bridge and approached the group of Asgardians, it roared in anger even more as it noticed a figure approaching it.

The two figures approached each other while running across the bridge, Thor's anger peaked as sparks of lightning could be seen moving throughout his body, he couldn't wait to pummel the monster.


a thudding sound was heard randomly, this sound caused Fenris to stop and look down at the bridge.

Bruce Banner had been thrown off the ship and landed right underneath Fenris.

The huge wolf was confused for a second, but it pushed off against Bruce for a second or so before ignoring him and rushing toward the Asgardians. 

seeing this, Thor yelled out and increased his speed even more, within a matter of seconds he hastily approached the creature.

Thor jumped many meters into the air before he pulled his arm back and threw out a punch with all his strength, and with a muffled sound, the punch landed on Fenris's face.

Fenris wanted to retaliate but it noticed that it couldn't move, it couldn't only groan and roar out as it was slowly pulled back.

"Bruce" Thor said as he noticed Bruce who had transformed into the hulk.

"so you didn't lose your powers after all," Thor said with a smile and clenched his fist.

"But after I kill this creature, Hela is next" 

Thor and Hulk both approached Fenris from both sides and simultaneously attacked the creature till it could only roar in pain. 


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