Marvel: Hawkeye Mihawk’s Path to the Sword

Chapter 68

Inside the Helicarrier, Loki was escorted and put into a specially made cell under the guard of a team of heavily armed soldiers.

"Let me make it clear to you first, if you want to escape, even if you scratch the glass lightly..." Fury controlled the computer and opened the special mechanism of the cell, and the prison was empty, and the air from the outside poured into the ship under the pressure. You're going to fall from 10,000 meters in the cell, you know? "

After saying that, Fury didn't forget to sarcastically say: "Now - you're an ant, I'm a boot." "

"Hahahaha, this cage is really good. It wasn't built for me, though. Loki asked with a smile as he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender.

"It was built for something much stronger than you." Fury was blunt.

"Wow, I've heard that." Loki turned to look at the surveillance, "A stupid beast who pretends to be an ordinary person. How desperate must you be to bring in such a freak as reinforcements? "

Fury: "How desperate am I?" You threaten our world with war, you steal energy that you can't control, you have peace on your lips but you take pleasure in wielding a butcher's knife in your hand, you force me to take a gamble. You will regret what you have done. "

Loki: "Oh, it's painful for you to fall short.

What can you do with the cosmic cube and the energy in it—the endless energy?

Lighting a light that illuminates the way forward for humanity? And then recognize true power for what it is? "

"If Your Excellency [True Power] wants to read a magazine to relieve your boredom, remember to tell me." With that, Fury turned and left the cell.

On the other side, Dr. Banner, who had already arrived on the bridge, penetrated the conversation between the two into his ears through the monitor on the conference table.

"You're all fascinated by him, right?" Banner asked the crowd gathered on the bridge.

"Loki, it's just stalling for time. Thor, what the hell is he trying to do? Rogers looked at Thor.

Thor replied, "He has an army of Zetari who are not from Asgard or any known world, and Loki wants to lead them on Earth. They will help Loki take over Earth, and I think Loki will give them the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. "

"The Outer Space Army?" Rogers said solemnly.

Banner: "Then they're building another portal. That's why he took Eric Servig. "

Saul: "Servig? "

Banner: "He's an astrophysicist. "

Thor: "He's my friend. "

Natasha explained to Thor, "He's been controlled by Loki with some kind of magic, along with one of our agents. "

"Why was Loki so easily retained? He could not lead any army here. "The veteran's experience made Rogers feel that this was something unusual.

"I don't think we should focus on Loki." Dr. Banner offered his opinion, "His ideas are elusive, and he can be said to be a madman." "

"Be careful when you speak. Despite Loki's unreasonableness, he's an Asgardian and my brother," Sol warned.

"He killed 80 people in two days." Natasha said without saving face for Thor.

"Not my own brother." Saul said embarrassedly.

"I think their actions may have something to do with machinery, what are they going to do with Iridium?" Banner wondered.

"Iridium is a stabilizer." Tony, who had finished changing his clothes, walked in through the door. "That way, the portal won't collapse on its own like it did before." Then he walked to Thor and said, "If you don't fight, you don't know each other, you're really ruthless." Iridium also allows Loki to open the portal wider and for longer durations if needed. The rest of the raw materials can be easily obtained by Agent Barton. Now he is only one power source with a high energy density to activate the Rubik's Cube.

By the way, do any of you know where that Mihawk guy went? "

"He said that he may not have the opportunity to see this space carrier again in the future, and he should have a good visit." Hill, who had been listening, answered Tony's question.

"Does Loki need a specific energy source?" Rogers asked Tony.

"He needs to heat the Cosmic Cube to a temperature of 120 million Kelvin to break through the Coulomb barrier." Dr. Banner answered before Tony.

"That's right, unless Dr. Eric finds a way to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect." Tony said as he approached Banner.

"If he really finds it, he can use any reactor on Earth to complete heavy ion fusion." Banner answered.

"Look—there's finally someone who can speak. It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Banner. Tony and Banner shake hands and say hello. Your accomplishments in the field of counter-electronic ramming are unparalleled, and I especially like that when you lose control of your emotions, you become the son of a green rage monster. "

Banner was furious, and replied helplessly, "Thank you." "

"Dr. Banner is here only to chase the cube, and I want you to give him a hand." At this time, Nick Fury also walked in.

"Let's start with Loki's scepter, it may have magical powers, not only can control people's minds, but it can also block the perception of sight and hearing, but the usage is quite similar to Hydra's weapons." The captain proposed.

"It's such a nice place, but it's a pity that I won't see it again. In addition, the scepter is not only similar to the Hydra's weapon, but in essence, they do have a lot of roots. At this time, Mihawk, who had finished the tour, also appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing Mihawk again, Thor couldn't help but look at him. He had heard Mihawk's name from his father and Heimdall, so he paid special attention to Mihawk. Now that the environment is well-lit, Thor is finally able to see Mihawk's face.

But this look surprised him very much, and when his eyes met Mihawk, the sharp cold light in Mihawk's eagle eyes made him tremble, "This person... It's so strong! "

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