Marvel: Hawkeye Mihawk’s Path to the Sword

Chapter 51

"Damn little bugs, the abomination is going to kill you!


Enraged Abomination went on a rampage, turning all the obstacles that stood in his way to pieces and heading straight for Mihawk, who was standing in front of the car.

"Arrogant, obsessive, unrepentant, without self-knowledge, all the words that can be demeaning are so appropriate for you. Since you don't have the ability to tell the difference between your opponent and your own strength, then I'll teach you this last lesson. "

In the face of the menacing hatred, Mihawk's expression became more and more cold and calm, as if he was a little angry at the hatred that he didn't know what to do.

The powerful muscle explosiveness and endurance gave the abomination extremely high agility and speed, and in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of nearly a thousand meters and came to Mihawk.

Seeing this human who had hurt him close at hand, his eyes of hatred shone with tyranny and excitement, and a hideous smile appeared on his ugly big face when he thought that the revenge on his arm would be avenged soon.

Receiving the huge fist behind him, his whole body bent like a full strong bow, and his eyes locked on Mihawk's skull, as if the next fist could turn it into a puddle of slime with a swing of his fist.

But the abomination didn't last long, and his punch was destined to never have a chance to fall.

"Unbehaving children will be punished!" Looking at the ugly and huge monster in front of him, Mihawk didn't spare any hands this time. Abomination, as a combination of violence and evil, has no value other than to remain in the laboratory as an experiment.

And for Mihawk, it doesn't even have the value of being an experiment, and leaving him behind will only give the military more opportunities to create more monsters like him. In this way, more innocent people are harmed.

Therefore, as soon as Mihawk made a move this time, he chose to determine the move that could completely eliminate the abomination - atomic slash.

Looking at the abomination who was leaping in the air, ready to attack with his fist, his movements were as if he had been inflicted in slow motion on Mihawk, and the black bone umbrella in his hand swung towards his body at great speed.

In this short moment, the umbrella held by Mihawk has been waved many times, and when all the actions are completed, the straight bone umbrella has been indestructible and turned into an iron rod twisted like a twist, and the abomination that was originally in front of Mihawk has been split into tiny atoms invisible to the naked eye by the ultra-high-speed slash, and has disappeared from this world forever.

"After finishing the work, it's time to move on to your destination." Throwing the scrapped umbrella in his hand on the ruined and messy street, Mihawk opened the car door, sat in the car, and continued along the original route.

When the car drove to Hulk, who was chasing Abomination and was stunned by the tragic death of Abomination, when he saw Mihawk in the car, this stupid big man was so frightened that he held his head in his hands and stepped back again and again, shouting: "Hulk is a good baby, Hulk is a good baby!" "

Mihawk was so impressed by Hulk's behavior that he stopped the car and turned his head to look at Hulk, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

I didn't expect it to be okay not to look at it, Mihawk looked at Hulk, scared the other party to stay in place anymore, turned around and jumped violently, leaving Mihawk's sight, and after a few bounces, it had disappeared into the intricate streets of Harlem neighborhood.

"Forget it, don't care, go find Alfred." Seeing that Hulk was frightened and fled quickly after seeing him, Mihawk didn't bother to care about what shadow he had left in his fragile mind, accelerated with one foot on the accelerator, and quickly left this fragmented neighborhood.

S.H.I.E.L.D. three-curved wing building, watching Mihawk's car leave on the screen, Nick Fury, who had been secretly following the development of the incident, asked Agent Hill beside him: "How is it, can you see what kind of abilities he has?" "

"Nope." Hill replied truthfully, "I think we should slow down the scene and look at it carefully." Various investigations into Mihawk Stark in the past few months have shown that although his physical level is far beyond the level of our top agents in the bureau, no genetic mutations or physical modifications have been found, and there is no trace of the use of super soldier serum in his blood.

According to all the information that has been obtained, if all possible scenarios have been ruled out, the only result left, even if it is no longer possible, then it must be the only truth - Mihawk Stark has reached the inhuman transcendent realm by virtue of his superb talent in kendo! "

Hearing Agent Hill's analysis, Nick Fury also nodded undeniably, "Tell Natasha to continue to keep an eye on Mihawk Stark, and I will continue to analyze the satellite surveillance video just now." "

Agent Hill left the office after receiving the order, and Nick Fury opened S.H.I.E.L.D.'s investigation file on Mihawk Stark after he walked away, "Confidentiality level has been adjusted to the highest level - level ten. "

It turned out that when Nick Fury met Tony Stark last time, Tony did not hesitate to sell Mihawk, and then began to secretly order people to pay attention to Mihawk's news.

All the information from birth has been put on his desk by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

Originally, I thought that Mihawk Stark had acquired some superpowers by accident or initiative, just like his old friend Captain Marvel. Especially when Fury saw the video of Mihawk splitting a rock with a wooden sword when he was fourteen years old, he became even more sure of his idea.

But as Agent Hill said, after a series of rigorous investigations, this possibility was ruled out, "If, as Hill said, this terrifying strength was acquired through training, then what if the incident meant that the agents of the bureau could also replicate this process and become a transcendent?" "


【Ask for flowers!】 Collect! 】

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