Marvel: Hawkeye Mihawk’s Path to the Sword

Chapter 105

Zi e ~ Zi er ~ Drip——

Once again, the iconic icon of the Ten Rings appeared on all the television sets in the United States that were broadcasting TV programs, and they had successfully hacked into the satellite television network of the entire country, doing whatever they wanted.

"We've received an unidentified broadcast signal, and you may need to take a look at this, Mr. Vice President. A government official briefed the vice president on the national emergency.

"Oh my God, here we go again. Can the president see this?"


At this time, Mr. President, who was on the plane for an air meeting, had already seen this icon that made him anxious.

And the man named Mandarin also appeared on TV again: "Mr. President, I have two more lessons to teach you. I want to end before Christmas. "

As soon as the camera turned, another man appeared in the frame, who was lying at Mandarin's feet in horror, being pointed to the head with a pistol.

"This is Thomas Richard, with a good name and a great job. Toms is an accountant at Lawx Oil, and I'm sure he's a good guy.

I'm going to shoot him in the head, just 30 seconds later, just wait and watch the live.

You have my phone number in your phone, Mr. President. It's exciting, isn't it, it's exciting to think about.

Mr. President, if you call me in 30 seconds, this innocent man doesn't have to die, make a decision-"

Mr. President took out his mobile phone in disbelief, looked at the dial key with the icon of the Ten Rings Gang on the screen, and angrily asked the officials next to him: "How did he hack into my mobile phone!"

"We cannot allow terrorists to threaten us. "

"I have to make this call!"

"I strongly disagree. "

"Making that call is what I'm supposed to do as president right now. "

Mr. President dialed the number, Mandalin's phone rang, and the scene was broadcast via satellite to all those watching TV.


Unfortunately, Mandarin didn't keep his promise to shoot out of the chamber and accurately hit Toms in the head, ending her life. "There's only one lesson left, President Ellis. Flee, kiss your children goodbye, for nothing including your army, not your iron lackey, will save you.

We'll see you soon. "

After speaking, the TV screen turned, and it was normal again.

"Tell Rhodes to find this madman for me now!"

"Mr. President, we have traced the broadcast signal, which may be from the Middle East. The Iron Patriot is ready and ready at any time. "

"Act now!"

"Yes, Mr. President. "



After a lot of twists and turns, defeating hot women and passionate boys in a row, Tony finally got the truth he had always wanted. “AI· M, see. "

Tony immediately contacted Colonel Rhodes by phone as soon as he found out the truth of the matter.

At this time, he had rushed to the location of the broadcast signal tracked by the government of a certain place in the Middle East, and the Iron Patriot, who had broken down the door and was about to make a big move, received this call: "Wait a minute, I'll answer the phone."

Hello, what's the matter? I'm busy right now. "

"It's me, I'm Tony. Remember the last time you told me that the new look of your suit was designed for you by AIM, right?"

"That's right. "

Hearing the reply, Tony slammed the information in his hand to the ground, "I'm looking for a satellite, and I need your account to log in." "

"As before, Gears of War 68. "

"How many passwords?"

"Okay, I'll change the password, and I'll have to change it once you hack it. "

"It's not the '80s anymore, and the term [hacker] isn't in vogue anymore. Tell me about your new account. "

"Well, Gears of War is the coolest, all caps. "

"Hahaha, it's much more pleasing to the ears than the Iron Patriot. "


Through Colonel Rhodes' account, Tony successfully used military satellites to hack into AIM's internal servers.

And there is a video on the server about the disabled soldier's transformation plan that caught Tony's attention, and when he saw the last [Ultimate Transformation Plan], he finally learned the truth about the entire Ten Rings gang bombing.

"The so-called bomb is not a bomb, but a human cannonball, and this ultimate transformation doesn't seem to work every time, right, man. It's a defective defective product, but you found a buyer, didn't you. Sold to Mandarin, finally catch your little tail!"_

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