Marvel: Breezing Through History as an Eternal

Chapter 85: I can’t say that I want to meet you again… 1010 CE

A group of people were now standing on an empty and vast plain. The wind was blowing strongly, and the grass was blown by the wind, making a beautiful and peaceful sight.

Pluto was watching this sight. He took a deep breath, the warm air of spring entered his synthetic lungs, and he closed his eyes for a moment, enjoying the calmness of the place.

But someone just had to ruin it.

“Where is father?” grumbled Thor. “This is taking too long.”

Pluto was a bit ticked off hearing the blonde. “Maybe he doesn’t want you to go home. Maybe he thinks you’re just a nuisance to him.”

“Impossible! I am his firstborn, and Loki is the next in line after me!” refuted Thor.

Pluto tried to calm himself. “Are you sure about that?”


Pluto sighed. “Never mind,” he murmured. “Just shut up, and be patient.”

Thor just grumbled, but didn’t say anything. Pluto then continued to close his eyes, enjoying the winds that blew through him, he crossed his arm, and took a deep breath once again.

But then, a loud boom and a bright light suddenly appeared, making Pluto annoyed.

The bifrost had come down, revealing Odin with his kingly attire. He brought the Gungnir with him, just in case.

“It’s been a few years my friend.” Odin laughed as he approached Pluto, hugging him.

“Yeah, yeah.” Pluto rolled his eyes. “Just bring you sons back, they really are a nuisance, no, your whole family is. I should not have taken your offer.”

“Hey, don’t be like that! I’m sure you taught my sons unforgettable lessons, right?” questioned Odin.

Pluto shrugged. “I don’t know, ask them yourself.” he pointed at Thor and Loki.

Odin then turned around, and laughed at his sons’ condition. “By Bor, what happened to you two?!”

“I taught them a ‘lesson’... just like you instructed.” smirked Pluto, making Thor and Loki flinch.

“Father… let’s just go home…” murmured Thor.

“And you’re not going to thank your teachers for 10 years?!” Odin refuted roughly. “Where are you manners, Thor?”

Thor gulped. He then looked at his brother Loki, and both of them approached Thena and Pluto.

“Uncle… Auntie…” Thor stammered. “Thank you… for teaching us…”

Thena hummed. “Make sure you train your magic trick often.” advised Thena. “If I meet you again in the future and you still can’t control it, you know what will happen.”

Thor gulped once again, scared at the thought of facing her again.

“You too Loki.” added Pluto. “Take me and Sprite’s advice to heart. You are allowed to be weak, but do not lie to yourself.”

“It’s true, young man.” added Sprite. “Work on your self-esteem a bit, you are an Asgardian prince, act like one.”

Loki nodded.

“Anyway, if you made any trouble using our teachings… just like Thena said, you know what will happen.” warned Pluto, making Loki nodded vigorously.

“Good.” Pluto nodded, and he looked at Odin, and winked, making the old man laugh.

“What did you do to my sons eh?!” questioned Odin jokingly. “Anyways, it is time we go. May we see each other again, Eternals.”

“Just make sure after your death, you-know-who won’t come to earth,” said Pluto casually. “Or I’ll be helping her destroy Asgard, Hel, pun intended. She might even marry one of my apostles in the future if she does come to earth, who knows..”

As the bifrost came from the sky, Odin's face paled as he heard Pluto’s words. “How did you-”

But before he could say anything, the bifrost had taken them to Asgard, leaving the Eternals alone.

“Well, I guess that’s it.” Kingo said, looking at the burned grass in front of him.

Pluto looked at the sky, and sighed. “I need a vacation…”

“Where do you want to go?” questioned Thena curiously.

“I don’t know… I want to do something peaceful…” murmured Pluto. “Maybe teaching… that’s quite peaceful… right?”

“Teaching commoners?”

“Nah…” said Pluto. “A princess maybe… they’re well mannered… right? I don’t have to deal with hyperactive people for quite a while…”

“Phastos is in Konstantinopolis right now, advising the king.” Kingo said. “Maybe you should go there.”

Pluto looked at Thena. “What do you think?”

“I’ll follow you everywhere you go, Pluto, as always.” she smiled at Pluto softly, holding his hand.

“Okay then.” hummed Pluto. “I’ll go south, to Konstantinopolis.”

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