Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 57 – One step at a time

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After the events in Sokovia, everything was being resolved as expected. Stark, with Peter's initiative, decided to create a complex that was as large and more technologically advanced than the Avengers Tower itself. Meanwhile, Wanda and Pietro had not only obtained a new house but also a new family.

Meanwhile, Clint, after staying away from his family for several days, had finally managed to come back home. As for Peter, once he returned to his home in Queens, his aunt immediately grounded him, allowing him only to go from home to school and vice versa. However, whenever Peter could find some time, he managed to play the hero in his free hours. But after the events in Sokovia with Ultron, Stark, and Steve never called him for a mission again. Peter waited for so long that he ended up losing hope that they would ever call him again, but if that's what they wanted, there was nothing Peter could do.


3:00 PM - Monday

Peter had just arrived from school.


Exclaimed Peter in a lower tone as he entered the house.

"I know I'm late, but I have a good explanation for it: the bus was late, and I couldn't catch it, and..."

Said Peter, walking slowly to the living room.

As he walked to the living room, Peter noticed another person sitting on the couch with his aunt. And it was someone Peter didn't expect to see there, as he hadn't been in touch with him for a long time.

"Hi, Mr. Parker, how have you been?"

Tony greeted, turning to face Peter.

"Mr. Stark, what are you doing here?"

Peter asked, surprised by Iron Man's presence.

"Hey, kid... I came here to discuss something with your aunt that involves you, but who would have thought she could be someone's aunt."

Tony replied, with a slightly mischievous tone that went unnoticed by May but not by Peter.

"Well, as I always say, sometimes appearances can be deceiving."

May said, letting out a small laugh.

Tony observed Peter for a moment, noting the mixed expression of surprise and embarrassment on the boy's face. May, on the other hand, seemed unaware of what was happening.

"And what were you guys talking about?"

Peter asked, with a curious expression on his face.

"Nothing much, your aunt and I were just talking about those emails I sent you, remember?"

Tony said, winking at Peter to convey the message.

"Emails? Oh, the emails. Yes, I received them."

Peter said, staring at Tony until he finally understood the message.

Tony gave a slight smile, satisfied with Peter's understanding.

"Pete, why didn't you tell me anything about the scholarship?"

May asked, looking at Peter with a curious expression.

"Oh, yes, the scholarship. And since I know you like surprises, I decided not to spoil anything and tell at the right moment."

Peter said, letting out a somewhat embarrassed laugh as he lied to his aunt.

Tony, politely, turns to May and asks.

"Can I have 5 minutes alone with him?"

After Tony asked that question, May stared at him for a few seconds with a confused expression on her face, but she ended up understanding that what they were going to talk about could be confidential, and only Peter should know.

"Ah, sure."

May said, getting up from the couch and heading towards the kitchen.


After Tony and Peter entered the room, Tony locked the door and immediately went to a small trash can next to a table with an old computer on top and spat something into the bin.

"I have to be honest with you, aside from those almond rolls, my visit and the conversation we had weren't that bad."

Tony said, while staring at Peter's room.

"Sorry, May has never been good at cooking, but leaving that aside, why did you come here? I don't remember signing up for any scholarship, at least that I remember."

Peter asked, looking at Tony with a confused look.

"The scholarship I referred to was about a project I'm creating, the September Foundation. It is intended to provide opportunities for people with great intellect, (if you catch my drift) like you and the Maximoff’s."

Tony replied, sitting in a chair in front of the bed, where Peter had also sat down.

"Oh, okay, but you didn't come here just for that, right?"

Peter asked, looking at Tony with a curious expression.

"No, kid, I didn't come here just to talk, as you well know, I'm a busy guy, firstly, nice watch."

Tony said, making a brief pause in his speech and pointing to a red watch with some blue details on Peter's wrist.

"T-Thanks, it was Dr. Helen who gave it to me."

Peter said, scratching his neck with a bit of shame and then looking at the watch.

"And, secondly, or the most important part, I came here to find out if you're still interested in being part of the Avengers. What do you think?"

"Wait, what?"

Peter asked, surprised.

Tony, observing the young man's reaction, let out a small smile.

"That's what you just heard. From today on, you'll be part of the Avengers. And don't bother refusing because I've already prepared a room for you. And guess what? It's between the witch's and her brother's."

Peter was speechless, trying to process the information. The idea of joining the Avengers was a dream that seemed to have disappeared along with the events in Sokovia.

"But... why did you guys choose me?"

Tony, looking at Peter, realized that the question could indicate that the boy was one of those people who sometimes put themselves down, even though they were good at something.

"What a stupid question, kid. Isn't it clear? And why you're strong. Look at all the things you've managed to do. You single-handedly took on Ultron and even gave him a hard time. You stopped a moving train in an angry scene and let's not forget that you also saved several people in Sokovia. Want more? What's more, you were the person who came up with the idea of creating this complex."

Said Tony, listing all of Peter's achievements in the Ultron fight.





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