Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 3 – The Maximoff siblings

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Wanda and Pietro Maximoff were twin siblings who experienced an unimaginable tragedy when they lost their parents in a devastating incident. The house they lived in was struck by a missile manufactured by Stark Industries. This traumatic event marked the beginning of a deep and lasting hatred for Stark, which intensified when they discovered that Stark had become the country's leading arms manufacturer.

After the catastrophic events that occurred in New York in 2012, they made the decision to volunteer for experiments conducted by the Hydra organization. Hydra was conducting research on the Mind Stone, an artifact of unimaginable power.

In that facility, Wanda and Pietro were subjected to inhumane conditions. They went through a true hell, being tortured and treated like animals. Food was scarce, and often they had to make do with the bare minimum to survive.

However, despite the terrible circumstances, they chose this life rather than facing the dangerous streets of Sokovia. In that place, daily survival was a constant uncertainty. They were willing to endure anything, even the most brutal conditions, if it meant a chance to escape life on the streets and perhaps, just perhaps, have the opportunity to live one more day.

On a specific day, Wanda realized that the Mind Stone seemed to be trying to establish a connection with her. During this communication, she caught a glimpse of the silhouette of a mysterious woman. The woman had long red hair and wore a red suit with black details. She seemed to be enveloped in a bright yellow light. However, after that experience, she never managed to see the image of that woman again. And everything changed when the Hydra base was invaded by the Avengers, forcing Wanda and her brother to flee the place.

Despite the vision being brief and fleeting, the image of that woman remained etched in Wanda's mind. However, no matter how hard she tried, she never saw the woman again after that event. Another question lingered in Wanda's mind. Who was she? What did that vision mean? Was the Mind Stone trying to deceive her? These questions haunted her for a long time.

After the Avengers' invasion of the Hydra base, my brother and I were left with nowhere to go and were forced to return to our hometown in Sokovia. It was a place where we had many memories and painful reminders that we would prefer to forget. The streets of that city were filled with painful memories that the Maximoff siblings had to confront after losing their parents.

(However, we didn't have many options. We only had two choices: continue to serve as subjects for Hydra's experiments or perhaps face an even worse fate. Besides, this was the only place we knew. And we hoped to find some kind of refuge there, or maybe lead a normal life.)

Wanda thought as she walked through the wreckage of the city alongside her brother.

"How good it is to be home"

Pietro said, relieved, with an excited smile on his face.


Wanda replied, a bit despondent and nervous.

"Wanda, are you okay?"

Pietro asked, getting his sister's attention.

"I'm fine, just a little lost in thought... Did we really make the right decision letting Stark have the Stone? What if this results in more problems? Will we be held responsible? These thoughts won't leave my mind"

Wanda replied, looking down.

Pietro, who was listening carefully to everything his sister was saying, let out a sigh and said:

"I warned you, but you didn't want to listen to me. Now, there's nothing more we can do; they must be very far away... and not even my speed would be of great help."

Pietro gently touched his sister's face in an attempt to reassure her and spoke.

"You don't need to worry; I won't allow anything bad to happen to you. After all, as your older brother, it's my responsibility to protect my dear little sister."

"Thank you"

Wanda said, giving her brother a long hug. Suddenly, a newspaper was carried by the wind and passed between them. With quick and precise reflexes, Pietro reached out and managed to catch the newspaper before it flew away.

As he picked up the newspaper, Pietro found an article that caught his attention and began to read it:

"A real threat to everyone, an individual known as Spider-Man nearly brought the metropolis of New York to complete destruction. He found himself battling a mad scientist who, after a failed experiment, transformed into a giant lizard. Their battle was so intense and chaotic that it caused extensive damage to the city, with buildings collapsing and streets completely destroyed."

"Wasn't this Spider-Man guy here when the Avengers came?"

Pietro asked, somewhat confused, to his sister.

"Who is this Spider-Man? I've never heard of him before"

Wanda replied to her brother, deep in thought.

"Neither have I, but based on what I just read here, he seems quite strong. After all, he managed to defeat this creature that turned into a giant lizard all by himself. That alone requires great strength and remarkable skill"

Pietro said, pondering as he responded to his sister.


Wanda said, still staring at the newspaper, completely immersed.

"Haven't you ever thought about it, Wanda? Imagine if we could do what he does - save people. It would be incredible. Finally, we would have the chance to use our powers for good. We could make a difference in the world, help people, and no longer be a threat"

Pietro said, excited.


Wanda replied, still looking at the newspaper, lost in thought.

(Spider-Man, it's intriguing how you've sparked this new interest in me. I can't quite identify what it is, but there's something about you that makes me want to know more. Maybe it's your courage, or your determination, I don't know what it is. But whatever it is, you've certainly captured my attention.)

Wanda thought, not understanding the new feeling she was experiencing at that moment.

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