Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 24 – Shelter

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"Well, I sort of have a sixth sense, which I call 'spider-sense'; it doesn't allow any threat to reach me"

Peter explained to Clint.

"Or at least that's what it should do"

Peter continued, with a hint of doubt in his head.

"How cool"

Nattasha said, with a surprised expression as she looked at Pete.


Tony whispered so low that no one heard him.

"Kid, you're amazing"

Steve praised Peter's power.

"At some point, he's good... but he's no wonder, it doesn't work when I want it to, and sometimes when it does, I don't need it, and when I really need it, it lets me down"

Peter said calmly, drawing some laughs from the other team members.



After the conclusion of the last battle, a feeling of tiredness and exhaustion began to dominate all the group members. Some had headaches due to Wanda's spells, while others, more specifically Peter and Tony, were exhausted because of the Hulk.

The Quinjet flew silently through the sky, taking the heroes to a place Clint assured was safe. The sound of the engines was comforting, almost hypnotic, and gradually fatigue overcame everyone inside, except for Clint, who remained focused.

Nattasha broke the silence, looking at Clint, who still had his serious and concentrated expression on the Quinjet's controls.

"Clint, how long until we reach this place?"

she asked, breaking the silence.

Clint looked at the monitors in front of him and answered with a firm voice.

"About another thirty minutes. Rest while you can; it's going to be a long journey ahead."

With this information, the heroes settled into their seats and tried to relax as much as they could. The Quinjet continued its quiet journey through the sky, carrying a team of tired superheroes.

After a brief pause, the conversation turned to the memories of the battle they had just faced. Each team member shared their perspectives and concerns as the Quinjet continued its peaceful flight.

Steve looked at Peter and said:

"You did a great job out there, kid."

Peter smiled, grateful for Steve's praise.

"Thank you, Captain. I still have a lot to learn, but I'm working on it."

The rest of the flight proceeded quietly, with the team chatting and making small talk.

Finally, the Quinjet had landed in an isolated location in the middle of a forest. They disembarked from the aircraft and began to walk through the flowers, eventually arriving at a farm.

"What place is this?"

Thor asked, looking around.

"A safe haven"

Tony said as he walked alongside Pete.

Clint looked at them and tried to explain where they were:

"This is my home. Here, we'll be away from prying eyes. You can rest, replenish, and recover."

As they approached the house on the farm, Clint opened the door and ushered everyone inside.

"Honey, I'm home!"

After Clint called out, a pregnant woman in a floral shirt appeared. This was Laura Barton, Clint's wife.

"Sorry, I didn't have time to warn you. We have visitors"

Clint said, approaching Laura and giving her a kiss.

"No problem"

Laura replied, smiling at the heroes.

"You're all welcome in our home."

"She's a new agent..."

Tony said, looking at Thor.

"Everyone, meet Laura Barton"

Clint said, introducing his wife.

"You can clap if you want"

Clint continued, eliciting laughter from everyone in the room.

"I know all your names, but I've never seen you before"

Laura said, pointing her finger in Peter's direction.

"Because I'm new to the team"

Peter said with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"That's right, joined a few days ago, but you're already leaving"

Tony said with a serious expression.

After Tony said those words, footsteps could be heard upstairs. A few seconds passed, and two children came down the stairs and jumped on Barton. They were his kids.

"And these are definitely junior agents"

Tony said.

The little girl started to look at all the heroes in the room and began searching for Natasha. When she found her, she ran toward her and hugged her, showing how much she had missed her.

"Sorry for showing up like this"

Steve said, looking at Laura.

"The agent would have called, but we were busy without even knowing you existed"

Tony said with a touch of irony in his voice, looking at Laura and then at Barton.

"Sorry for that, but I asked Nick to help me hide them when I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. I wanted to keep them hidden so they wouldn't get hurt"

Clint said, looking at Tony.

After the heroes settled in the living room, Laura called her kids, who were still with their father, and asked them to introduce themselves.

"Hello, I'm Lila"

The younger girl said, bowing as a sign of respect.

"I'm Cooper"

The older boy said, following his sister's lead.

Thor, who had been quiet until then, began to remember the visions he had of Asgard when he was under Wanda's spell – the many parties, drinks, and orgies. Unable to take it any longer, he went outside the house but was followed by Steve.

"Thor, did something happen?"

Steve said, getting Thor's attention.

"In my dream, I saw something, and I want answers about it, but I won't find them here"

Thor said with a serious expression, swinging Mjölnir and walking away.

As for Peter, he had returned to the Quinjet to change his torn and destroyed uniform from the tough battle against the Hulk. After leaving the Quinjet, he headed toward a room to try to fix his web-shooters, which he thought had just run out of web fluid, but he soon realized the problem was a bit more complex.

Peter was concentrating on fixing his web launchers when the bedroom door opened softly and Steve walked in. Captain America looked at the young hero and noticed his expression of determination.

"What's up, kid"

Steve said as he approached Peter.

"Is it still fixed?"

Steve continued, now looking at the launchers.

"I don't know yet, I hope so"

Peter said without taking his eyes off the device.






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