Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 13 – Traumas

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00:00 PM – Friday

In a dimly lit corridor, the hum of machines echoed through the environment. It was possible to see the machines created by Ultron, an intelligent program developed by Tony and Bruce. The original intent was for Ultron to be a peace project, but it ended up betraying its original principles. Instead, Ultron adopted the idea of eliminating the Avengers and, consequently, humanity.

Ultron watched as his robots worked diligently on the carcass of an alien creature. This creature was a Chitauri, one of Thanos's soldiers who had invaded Earth with Loki in the past. Ultron used the remains of the Chitauri to manufacture his own army and create his vibranium armor.

"We are ready to begin, but there's still something missing to make our plan work."

Ultron said as he was joined by Wanda and Pietro.

Ultron turned to face the siblings; his eyes glowing with a cold blue light.

"What we lack is the final piece of the puzzle, the key to our success. We need Loki's scepter."

Pietro raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But didn't we let Stark take the scepter? How are we going to get it back?"

"I have my methods."

Ultron replied quickly, an enigmatic smile forming on his metallic lips.

Wanda closely observed the robots in front of her and exclaimed with a neutral expression,

"But they all look identical..."

"I know... they are all me"

Ultron said calmly, looking at Wanda before continuing.

"I have what the Avengers don't have: harmony. I have a unique and cohesive mind, unlike them, who are discordant. Stark is already causing conflicts among them, and when you enter their minds..."

Ultron tried to continue his explanation, hovering and pulling an iron chain, but was interrupted by Pietro.

Pietro approached Ultron, voicing his concerns,

"We don't want to kill anyone..."

Ultron, feigning interest, responded:

"I know what you want, but have patience. Try to see the bigger picture."

Wanda tried to interrupt her brother, but he continued, revealing their painful pasts,

"I don't see a big picture, I see a small photograph... I take it out of my pocket and look at it every day."

Ultron showed fake empathy for Pietro's story.

"I know, I've seen your records... you lost your parents in a bombing in Sokovia."

Pietro, with a melancholic expression, continued:

"Records aren't images. We lived through it, felt it in our bones."

Wanda tried to ease the situation.


But Ultron insisted on hearing the complete story, feigning empathy,

"No, go on."

"We were only 10 years old, the four of us were at a family dinner. My sister and I, and our parents. Suddenly, a missile struck our building, two floors below where we were. The impact was so strong that it created a crater in the ground. Our parents tried to save us and ended up falling, and then the entire building started collapsing around us. I acted quickly, grabbed my sister, and took her under the bed, in an attempt to find some shelter. While we were there, trying to hide, a second missile hit our building. However, by some miracle, it didn't explode. It stayed there, lodged in the wreckage, just a few meters from our faces. And the strangest thing was that there was a word written on the side of the missile..."

Pietro paused dramatically, and Wanda added with seriousness.


Pietro continued, reliving the trauma,

"We were trapped in the rubble for two days. With every movement, every attempt to escape, we thought that thing would blow us up. We spent two long and agonizing days, waiting for Stark to kill us."

Wanda looked at Ultron with anger and hatred in her face.

"We know the truth about them, and that's why we don't want to become like them."

Pietro, trying to calm his sister, added calmly,

"We don't want to cause more deaths."

"I kept wondering, why did only you two survive Straker's experiments? Now I know, you were special... you and I can hurt them."

Ultron said, pointing at Pietro.

"And you will tear them apart from the inside."

Ultron said, looking at Wanda.

Wanda, with eyes filled with resentment and pain, stared intensely at Ultron.

"We don't want to become weapons of destruction, no matter what we've been through. We don't want to cause more suffering."

Pietro nodded, reinforcing their decision:

"We just want justice, not revenge."

"You have the potential to use your gifts powerfully, not just to hurt us, but to reveal to the world the truth about the Avengers and all those who hide behind their hero masks."

The Maximoff siblings were at a crossroads, confronted with the choice to join Ultron or follow their own path in search of justice. However, they knew that this decision wasn't just about themselves; it was about the future of the world and the balance of power in the hands of those who could shape it.

While the dark corridor seemed even darker with Ultron's sinister presence, Wanda and Pietro pondered what to do next, aware that their choices would shape the fate of everyone involved.

The Maximoff siblings began to realize that, although Ultron could be a threat, he also shared a common enemy: those who had caused so much pain in their lives. It was an opportunity for them to use their powers for a greater purpose, without falling into the abyss of revenge.






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