Marvel: Am I falling in love?

Chapter 1 – Origin of Everything

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Okay, I know you've heard this story a million times, but here we go one more time. My name is Peter Parker, I got bitten by a radioactive spider during a school trip to Oscorp Industries when it escaped from a containment box where it was being studied. And for a year, I was the first and only Spider-Man. And the rest, you already know. "With great power comes great responsibility," and inspired by these wise words from Uncle Ben, I decided to use my powers to combat the city's crime, becoming the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Anyway, I also saved the city from my crazy professor, Dr. Curt Connors, who was conducting experiments with reptile DNA to cure his arm. He had injected himself with the serum containing lizard DNA samples, but he ended up getting so addicted to the drug that he turned into a giant lizard, whose desire was to turn all of humanity into lizards, claiming that this would be "the next step in human evolution." It was pretty crazy.

At this point, you might be wondering, "Where were the Avengers?" Well, after that incident in New York, the Avengers disbanded, and each went their separate ways. However, after the events involving the Winter Soldier and Hydra's infiltration within S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, the former S.H.I.E.L.D. director, made the radical decision to reactivate the "Avengers Initiative." After all these events, the Avengers returned to being "Earth's Mightiest Heroes."

And guess what, they're throwing a party at Stark Tower, and since I work for J.J. Jameson at the Daily Bugle, of course, I'm going. Was I invited? Well, the answer is no, but anyway, I'll be there as a professional to interview them, and who knows, maybe even get an autograph from Iron Man.


6:00 PM - Thursday

Peter was in his room, getting his camera ready for the interview at Stark Tower when the door opened gently, and his aunt walked in.

"Oh, hi, Aunt May"

Said Peter, greeting his aunt with a warm smile on his face before turning his attention back to his camera.

"Do you remember the party that Mr. Stark is organizing?"

Peter continued, still focused on his camera.

"Yes, I heard about it, but what does that have to do with you?"

May Parker asked, still not understanding the question.

After being questioned by May, Peter interrupted what he was doing with his camera and turned to answer his aunt.

"Well, I was invited as one of the reporters"

Peter said.

After hearing all of that from her nephew, May adopted a worried look on her face.

"So... are you really going?"

May asked, still somewhat concerned.

Peter looked at his aunt, noticing the concern on her face. He could understand why she was so worried. A superhero's life was full of dangers, and a party with the Avengers could easily turn into a confrontation with supervillains or unexpected threats. However, Peter tried to reassure his aunt with a comforting smile.

"I know it may seem risky, Aunt May, but don't worry. I'll be careful and stay in my reporter role. I don't intend to get involved in any trouble"

Peter said, trying to reassure his aunt.

"Besides, you know that ever since I was a kid, my dream has always been to meet the Avengers, especially Iron Man"

Peter continued, now a little more excited.

"Peter, I know you're excited about this, but I just want you to promise me that you'll be careful. And no wandering around aimlessly"

May said, sighing, still worried but trusting her nephew.

"I promise, Aunt May. I won't do anything reckless. I'll be there just to do my job as a reporter, get some good stories, and maybe, if the opportunity arises, get an autograph from Iron Man"

Peter reassured his aunt, with a big smile on his face.

Aunt May smiled, still somewhat apprehensive, but realizing her nephew's genuine enthusiasm, she just smiled and replied.

"All right, Peter. I trust you. Just promise me that you'll stay safe and won't get into any trouble."

Peter affectionately hugged his aunt and then said.

"I promise, Aunt May. And don't worry, I always come back home."

"Aunt, I have to go now, or I'll be late and won't make it to the subway in time to catch the train"

Peter said, picking up his backpack and giving his aunt a hug.

"All right, you can go. Just remember to be sensible, young man"

May said as she pinched Peter's cheeks.

"You got it, Aunt May"

Peter said.

Peter was in a hurry not to miss his train, so he quickly headed for the door of his house, with evident haste in every step he took. Upon leaving the house, Peter began to make his way toward public transportation. He walked briskly along the city sidewalks. As he approached the station, he took a cellphone from his pocket and checked the time. Observing the illuminated display, he noticed he had only a few precious minutes before the next train departed.

After boarding the train, Peter headed to the city center, where he encountered Avengers Tower. Since there was a large crowd gathered in front of the building, Peter ended up being stopped by one of the security guards who prevented him from entering.

"Please stop right there, kid. What's your name?"

A tall man with an unfriendly demeanor asked, blocking Peter's entrance.

Upon being confronted by the security guard, Peter promptly responded while displaying his identification badge and firmly holding his camera.

"My name is Peter Parker, I work as a reporter at the Daily Bugle."

The security guard examined the badge and the camera, apparently assessing the legitimacy of Peter's information. After a brief moment of suspicion, he finally relented and allowed the young man to enter.

"Hmm... you can go in"

The man said, still maintaining a cautious gaze but granting Peter the opportunity to explore the interior of the Avengers Tower.

"Thanks, buddy. You have no idea how much you've helped me just now"

Peter expressed his gratitude.

The security guard, though keeping a serious expression, nodded in acknowledgment.

"You better get in quickly before I change my mind"

He warned, emphasizing the importance of not lingering.

"Thanks, I will"

Peter replied, in a hurry and with a relieved smile on his face as he hastened his steps toward the entrance of the Avengers Tower. He could hardly wait to explore the interior and perhaps capture an interesting story for the Daily Bugle.

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