Married to a Millionaire

Chapter 36: 036

Chapter 36

Before getting in the hot spring, one must shower first. There are special bathrooms by the pools for this purpose. Zhen Bao carefully washed herself as Fu Ming Shi had instructed her, then put on her swimsuit and wrapped herself in a bathrobe. She tiptoed barefoot to the bathroom door and peeked outside. The pool was empty, with the sound of water coming from the neighboring bathroom where Fu Ming Shi was still washing up.

Zhen Bao breathed a quiet sigh of relief and hurried to the poolside. She glanced back again before untying her bathrobe and laying it on a lounge chair, feeling like a thief as she slipped into the water. She had no mind to appreciate the difference between the hot spring and an ordinary hot bath; her sole focus was making her way to the small central pool.

Just then Fu Ming Shi emerged from the bathroom, and happened to glimpse his fiancée's back as she clambered over the edge of the small pool. The motion was childlike as she braced herself with both hands on the ledge, one leg lifted high. But she was no child - her shapely legs gleamed smooth and fair.

Before Fu Ming Shi could look his fill, Zhen Bao finally succeeded in climbing inside. She leaned back against the pool wall and sank her shoulders into the hot spring, feeling safely hidden from view. But when she turned back around, she saw a tall figure wearing only black swim briefs had appeared at the pool's edge - it was Fu Ming Shi. Zhen Bao whipped back around, her heartbeat racing wildly.

On her side all was silent, but soon she heard the sound of Fu Ming Shi slipping into the water, drawing nearer.

Zhen Bao sank a little lower in the water, glancing down to see her soaked swimsuit obediently clinging to her body, concealing nothing of her curves.

She regretted this already.

"How's the water feel?" Fu Ming Shi stopped behind Zhen Bao, eyeing the flushed nape of his fiancée's neck. He turned his back to give her some privacy as he asked over his shoulder.

Zhen Bao gave a soft murmur in response.

Fu Ming Shi's voice was calm. "Good then. Soak for fifteen minutes, then take a break."

With that said, he swam away, not wanting to put too much pressure on her.

Zhen Bao closed her eyes, and it was some time before she calmed down completely.

"Zhen Bao, time's up." Hot springs weren't meant for lengthy soaking. Fu Ming Shi leaned against the pool's edge and called out to Zhen Bao.

She had no way to hide now, so Zhen Bao gritted her teeth and climbed out of the small pool. She didn't dare glance Fu Ming Shi's way, trying to pretend that if she didn't look at him, he wouldn't be able to look at her.

When climbing out of the small pool, Zhen Bao had aimed for a spot far from Fu Ming Shi, but as she neared the edge, she couldn't help but lift her eyes - and found Fu Ming Shi standing right in front of her! Catching sight of him, Zhen Bao immediately dropped her head, but not before getting an eyeful, and now she couldn't banish the image of Fu Ming Shi's long, muscular legs from her mind.

Her face flushed crimson.

"Let me help you out," Fu Ming Shi bent down and extended a hand to her.

Zhen Bao didn't dare look below his knees, just shut her eyes and placed her hand in his.

Fu Ming Shi effortlessly hoisted her from the pool with the ease of lifting a chick.

"I'll head back to my room first," Zhen Bao said as she twisted free of his grasp, still not meeting his eyes. She didn't want to soak anymore.

Fu Ming Shi gave a helpless laugh. "That was too short. It won't have any effect."

But Zhen Bao insisted.

"Afraid of me?" Seeing her rosy cheeks, Fu Ming Shi's gaze darkened.

Zhen Bao shook her head.

Fu Ming Shi clearly didn't believe her. "If you're not afraid, then why won't you even look at me?" He hoped she would get used to this sooner, so they could interact more naturally. He tipped up Zhen Bao's chin and pressed a kiss to her brow. "Take a look at me, and I'll let you get out once you do."

He intentionally didn't tell her that their bedroom also had access to the hot spring waters.

Zhen Bao trembled as she opened her eyes. She was met with Fu Ming Shi's bare chest, pale and firm. As if possessed, she found her gaze drifting lower - two abs, four abs, six abs...

Just as Zhen Bao was wondering if Fu Ming Shi had an eighth set of abs, the first thing to enter her vision was not his abs, but his loose black swim trunks. However, one part of those trunks was not loose at all; it looked like he had a French baguette hidden in there!

Realizing what it was, Zhen Bao thought she would explode from embarrassment. She was about to flee when her nose suddenly felt hot.

Fu Ming Shi knew she had been looking at him, and her gaze excited him. He wanted to see her reaction, but when he glanced down, he saw a gush of blood flowing from his fiancée's nose as she looked up at him in panic and confusion.

"Shameless," Fu Ming Shi muttered before sweeping Zhen Bao into his arms and carrying her to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

Zhen Bao was mortified as she pinched her nose.

According to TV dramas, nosebleeds were usually experienced by male peeping toms with impure intentions. Now that she was the one who bled, would Fu Ming Shi think she was a pervert? Zhen Bao didn't see herself that way at all. Fu Ming Shi was so...well-endowed that she was more frightened than aroused. How could she possibly have any improper thoughts?

Once the bleeding stopped, Fu Ming Shi didn't dare tease Zhen Bao further. He escorted her back to her room to rest and recover.

But Zhen Bao couldn't calm down. Whether her eyes were open or shut, she couldn't help replaying that scene in her mind.

This was the first time she had directly faced a man's masculine attributes, and it was thrilling beyond compare.

At dinner that evening, Zhen Bao didn't dare look at Fu Ming Shi.

Fu Ming Shi glanced over at her from time to time. Gradually he sensed something amiss. He had assumed Zhen Bao got overexcited seeing his abs and suffered a nosebleed, but judging by her reactions now, that alone couldn't account for such intense aftereffects. Could she have seen something more?

If so, he could accept her acting much shyer for a few days.

Just as he was thinking this, Zhen Bao's phone rang.

Fu Ming Shi set down his chopsticks and looked over at her.

Zhen Bao went to the sofa and picked up her phone. Before answering, she finally met Fu Ming Shi's gaze. "It's Grandfather Fu."

Fu Ming Shi suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Feng Bao, you're on winter break now, right? Come keep your grandpa company for a few days. I miss you - it's nice and warm here." On the other end of the line, Fu Ming Shi's grandfather happily extended an invitation from his Houston mansion.

Zhen Bao was about to agree when she remembered something. She turned to look at Fu Ming Shi.

Fu Ming Shi raised a brow in a silent query.

Zhen Bao had no choice but to stall for time. "Grandpa's spending New Year's there?" she asked curiously.

Grandfather Fu replied, "That's right. The doctor says it's not suitable for me to take long trips now, so come over and spend New Year's here, Feng Bao. Ming Shi should come too."

Zhen Bao lifted her head to look at Fu Ming Shi, who had walked over next to her.

Fu Ming Shi took the phone from her. As soon as Grandfather Fu heard it was his grandson, his tone changed entirely. "You're always busy with work, and when you're home you don't spend much time with her either. She must be so bored on her own! Feng Bao is filial, she'll definitely want to come over. Don't you dare stop her!"

"Let me ask her opinion and we'll let you know after we discuss it," Fu Ming Shi said before promptly ending the call, not at all reluctant to have their date interrupted.

He turned and handed the phone back to Zhen Bao.

"Do you want to go?" Back at the dinner table, Fu Ming Shi slowly continued eating, acting as if he didn't care how Zhen Bao responded.

Zhen Bao did want to go. With a whole month of winter break, being with Fu Ming Shi every day made her worried there would be more incidents like her nosebleed. Keeping Grandfather Fu company would be relaxing. But Zhen Bao wasn't foolish enough to just blurt that out. She cautiously asked Fu Ming Shi, "What do you think?"

Fu Ming Shi raised his head to look directly at her. "We just met up two weeks ago. School just let out today, and you already want to go see Grandfather?"

Zhen Bao understood. She lowered her eyes to her phone and quietly said, "Then I'll head over in a few days."

Fu Ming Shi didn't reply.

After the meal, Fu Ming Shi suggested they watch TV in the living room. Zhen Bao obediently took a seat on the sofa to wait for him.

Once Fu Ming Shi had picked a program, he sat down beside her.

Zhen Bao deliberately ignored the oppressive feeling emanating from the man at her side, keeping her focus intently on the LCD screen. She soon realized it was a men's diving competition. Zhen Bao didn't understand the professional scoring criteria, she just watched for the divers' movements in the air and the splashes, figuring that smooth motions and small splashes would earn high points.

After the first few divers finished, a new athlete took the stage - he was Russian, with a lithe yet well-muscled physique and bright blue eyes like placid lakewater. The camera zoomed in for a closeup of his movie star-caliber handsome features, and Zhen Bao couldn't help letting out a soft "Wow" of admiration, though she didn't actually make a sound out loud.

But her lips had moved.

Fu Ming Shi glanced at the screen. He had no interest in the Russian stud - he casually leaned back on the sofa and remarked, "I thought you didn't dare look at a man in a swimsuit."

Zhen Bao's body stiffened. Looking again at the swimsuit-clad hottie on screen, she finally understood why Fu Ming Shi had chosen to watch the Olympics. He had set a trap here for her. But how could watching TV compare with seeing the real thing? She and her dormmates had even crowded around together to watch kissing scenes before, but no matter how many she saw, she still blushed every time Fu Ming Shi kissed her.

Since he didn't like it, Zhen Bao looked away from the screen.

Fu Ming Shi watched her reactions, then switched to a Hollywood romance film.

Zhen Bao once again turned her attention to the television, but this time she was on high alert. Each time the handsome male lead appeared, Zhen Bao pressed her lips in a firm line, determined not to show even a hint of fangirling, although the male lead really was extremely good-looking - especially during the scene where he danced intimately face-to-face with the female lead, the flirtatious light in his eyes was simply mesmerizing.

Predictably, the female lead was spellbound, giggling as she ran off with him to a secluded little room where they started undressing each other.

Zhen Bao felt awkward. This kind of scene wasn't appropriate to watch together with one's boyfriend.

"I'm going to boil some hot water..."

Zhen Bao planned to excuse herself for a bit, but the moment her butt lifted off the sofa, her arm was suddenly seized and in the next instant she tumbled into Fu Ming Shi's lap. Zhen Bao panicked - on screen, the lead couple had already begun their steamy scene, the sultry music making her heart race faster. She wanted to push Fu Ming Shi away but he pressed her back into the crook of his arm. Zhen Bao opened her eyes to see Fu Ming Shi's handsome face looming close.

He looked at her but didn't hesitate at all, simply lowering his head to kiss her - gentler than a storm, more urgent than a drizzle.

Zhen Bao clutched his arm, too shy to respond but also unwilling to refuse.

As the kissing went on, Fu Ming Shi gradually leaned over her, slowly pinning her down beneath him on the sofa. Taking the chance, he grabbed the remote control and switched off the now PG-rated movie. Though the film was over, he brought Zhen Bao into a titillating "scene" of their own, not attempting to remove her clothes, just reminding his fiancée once more of his masculine pride.

Like an army encamped outside the city gates, Zhen Bao was scared stiff. For the first time, Fu Ming Shi was so blatantly...

Zhen Bao tried her best to squirm deeper into the couch.

Fu Ming Shi moved along with her. Just when Zhen Bao was worried he would really go all the way, Fu Ming Shi reluctantly left her neck and brought his lips close to her right ear, his voice filtered through water, low and hoarse with beguiling magnetism. "Why did you get a nosebleed?"

He was bringing up that embarrassing incident again! Zhen Bao awkwardly covered her face with her hands.

Fu Ming Shi smiled and kissed the back of her hand, "Why do you dare to watch athletes, but not dare to look at me?"

"Don't say that..." Zhen Bao turned her hand to cover his mouth, not letting him ask knowingly.

Fu Ming Shi gripped her hand, kissing each finger one by one, his pitch-black eyes like a boundless net, firmly capturing her, not allowing her to evade.

Zhen Bao was stunned, this man pressing down on her was more handsome than any big celebrity she had ever seen.

"Go change into a swimsuit, I'll teach you how to swim."

Fu Ming Shi suddenly let go of Zhen Bao, striding towards his room.

Zhen Bao blanked out for a while, remembering Fu Ming Shi's teasing of her with the diving athlete. She touched her face and obediently went to change into a swimsuit. He had already seen her in a swimsuit, and she had seen him, there was nothing more to conceal. It was rare there was a hot spring pool here, rather than wastefully give it up, she might as well accept Fu Ming Shi's good intentions and enjoy the vacation together.

After showering and changing into a swimsuit, it took Zhen Bao fifteen minutes to come to the hot spring room wrapped in a bathrobe. Fu Ming Shi had not yet arrived. Zhen Bao first entered the water, only staying at the edge. About five minutes later, she heard Fu Ming Shi's footsteps. Zhen Bao's body sank down, she turned her head, and saw Fu Ming Shi walking over wearing just swimming trunks. His shoulders were broad, waist slender, legs long, and his face...compared to usual, was a bit red.

Zhen Bao withdrew her gaze.

Fu Ming Shi entered the water from her side, his attitude professional as he taught her to swim. Their bodies touched, sparks flying alongside the warm spring water. After soaking for over ten minutes, Fu Ming Shi scooped up Zhen Bao and strode to the nearby rest area, pressing Zhen Bao down on the sofa and kissed her fiercely.

An hour later, Zhen Bao fled back to her room red-faced, going to stand before the mirror to check herself over. From below her collarbones, her shoulders, arms, thighs, calves, even the backs of her feet, everywhere was marked by Fu Ming Shi. This man had practically treated her like a lychee, tasting her over and over.

The image of Fu Ming Shi's sweat-slicked chest floated up, along with his dark eyes. Zhen Bao hurriedly switched off the light and burrowed into bed, forcing herself to shake off those bewitching, alluring scenes. But as time slowly passed, Zhen Bao was wide awake, the more she tried to forget the harder it was to forget Fu Ming Shi's allure, which was even harder to resist than his money.

Throwing off the covers, Zhen Bao grabbed her cup and drank down over half the water in one gulp.


Fu Ming Shi was unwilling to let Zhen Bao go, but he really didn't have much time to accompany her recently due to his packed schedule.

On the fifth day of winter break, Fu Ming Shi went to send off Zhen Bao at the airport.

"Call me when you arrive," Fu Ming Shi gripped her hand tightly, reluctant to let go.

With the farewell imminent, Zhen Bao was also reluctant to part from him, but the departure time had arrived. She could only watch as Fu Ming Shi exited, walking away from this private plane that had brought her from City C when he went to pick her up. After a period of turbulence, the plane took off. Zhen Bao leaned towards the window, looking back, but could not spot the familiar figure.

The next day, the plane landed at Houston Airport. The sunshine here was bright, the temperature similar to Zhen Bao's hometown.

Grandfather Fu had sent the steward to pick her up, someone Zhen Bao recognized.

"Zhen Bao?"

Amidst the airport crowded with foreigners, someone suddenly called out her name in Mandarin. Zhen Bao looked ahead in surprise, meeting the gaze of an unfamiliar Asian man. He had short black hair, fair skin, was tall and well-built - in China he would absolutely be considered a handsome guy.

But Zhen Bao did not recognize him, her eyes full of confusion. "You are...?"

There was still a hint of delight left in Cheng Yi's eyes as he walked over to explain, "I'm Xiao Ya's older brother. Last summer I took Bucky to the park for a walk, we've met before." At the time he did not know her name, and had to subtly probe his younger sister to find it out afterwards. Later when flipping through his sister's Twitter, he also found a photo of her with Zhen Bao, where Zhen Bao had a sweet smile. Cheng Yi could not help but save a copy.

A beauty always left a deep impression. Although Cheng Yi had not deliberately thought about Zhen Bao at all over the past half year, to the point he had nearly forgotten meeting a shy girl, running into that pure and charming face again amidst the sea of people still instantly revived memories buried deep in Cheng Yi's mind.

Zhen Bao did not recognize Cheng Yi, but the mention of the golden retriever Bucky jogged her memory. "What are you doing here?"

Cheng Yi glanced at the steward and smiled, "My friend from China is here to visit, I've come to pick him up. What about you, here on vacation?"

Zhen Bao nodded, "I guess you could say that."

Cheng Yi wanted to chat with her a little longer, but the steward beside them coughed pointedly.

Thinking the steward was in a hurry to leave, Zhen Bao quickly bid Cheng Yi farewell, "I'll get going first then?"

Cheng Yi turned to watch her depart, smiling brilliantly, "See you again."

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