Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

The scene was chaotic. Bodies, half-conscious, were strewn among the dense foliage, each clutching their stomachs and groaning in pain. Soo darted around, helping tend to the sick.

When are the doctors supposed to arrive?

Ugh, who knows. They left empty-handed, so maybe by tomorrow? As long as they dont get lost.

Soo listened intently to the conversations around her. If the doctors arrived by tomorrow and provided treatment, the caravan would likely resume its journey to Merellof, albeit more slowly due to the weakened state of its members.


She gazed down the ridge extending from the mountainside and mumbled.

Which is closer from here, Merellof or the Hawan Kingdom?

A man, sweating profusely, replied, trying to forget his pain with idle talk.

We havent traveled far from our departure, so Hawan is closer.

And the route to Merellof is rougher, while the way to Hawan is mostly flat, at least until we reach the mountains.

Then the doctors from Hawan might arrive first.

But there are many quacks in that area. Cant trust them.

True, there are many Gypsies, but its still a kingdom. They wouldnt let a decent person die, right?

Ah I just want to go back. Rather than lying here in the dew, I need to rest in bed for days.

Everyone lamented, exhausted. Regardless, Soo busied herself around the boiling pot of water, pretending to add more firewood. She then subtly added yellow scorpion poison.

Just enough to make them sick, not to kill. Confusing the mind, but sadly necessary.

The venom of the yellow scorpion could cause abdominal pain. A lethal dose would be fatal, but spread among the huge pot of water shared by many, it should be safe.

Hey, can I get some warm water?

Sure, just a moment. Ill cool it down for you.

Responding to a request, Soo flashed a bright smile and turned around. She moved among the patients, creating an aura reminiscent of a saintly nurse.

Is she the traveler who joined us? Lucky we have someone whos still well.

Yeah. If it werent for those who didnt eat that night, wed all be in worse shape.

Soo wiped her sweat, laughing lightly.

When I get back, I swear, Im never leaving the desert again.

Despite her inner turmoil, she diligently fulfilled her role.

Now, once the doctors from Hawan arrived, she just needed to subtly influence them to head back.

Hey, wait a minute.

As Soo reached out to hand out water, someone grabbed her wrist. It was the caravans second-in-command. He examined Soos hand, then started feeling the bones and calluses.

What the

She was so shocked that she couldnt even complete her curse. Regardless, the man grimaced as if he had expected this.

Your hands arent ordinary, are they?

What do you mean? My hands arent even that big!

Not that, the bones on the back and the calluses. These are typical of someone who often uses their fists.

Hearing this, Soos initial panic was replaced by a glare directed at the man. He glanced at her pocket and warned her in a low voice.

Better take out what you just put in your pocket now.

Got nothing better to do? Spying on me.

They were behind a wagon that blocked them from view. A loud noise would surely attract attention. Soo clenched her jaw and muttered,

Ruining the mood of someone trying to help.

His smirking demeanor was unsettling. The second-in-command reached for a dagger at his waist.

What the hell are you?


Suddenly, Soos fist connected squarely with his face, knocking him out cold. Several people, clutching their aching stomachs, came around the wagon.

Whats going on?

I heard something break


The people alternated glances between the unconscious second-in-command and Soo, blinking in confusion.

Thats when it happened.


From beyond the bushes, there was a noise, and a person emerged suddenly. The stranger, wearing a hood and gasping for breath, looked like they had been wandering the forest for a long time.

Whats going on here?

Where am I? Damn it!

The hooded woman slightly lifted her cover. Soo, startled, screamed out loud.

Ah! Bandits!

What? Bandits?

Damn it! Grab your weapons!

Wait, hold on. Look!

The commotion stirred the caravans guards, who weakly grasped their swords. They could barely stand, but faced with the threat of bandits, they had no choice.

The woman who emerged from the bushes stepped back in disbelief.

Wait. Just calling me a bandit? Im an investigator from the palace-

Their identity was part of a central investigation team, searching for the bodies of Mary and Chel. Soo, recognizing Ericas face, preempted their introduction. Simultaneously, she knocked over a jug of water, extinguishing the fire.


Clang! Clang!

Ah! Kill them! Kill them!

Whats happening? Shit!

Wheres the fire? Light a fire!

In the darkness of the mountains, a battle ensued. Swords clashed without clear sides or leaders. Soo climbed up a tree to watch the bloody skirmish unfold below.

Half dead, half fled. Whether its Hawan or Merellof, looks like everything will be sorted before any doctor arrives.

Moreover, spreading the rumor of a bandit attack wouldnt require much effort. Soo admired her own quick thinking and patted herself on the back. She might be able to return to the desert as early as tomorrow.

* * *

Count Merellof was speechless. The situation was beyond his wildest expectations.

The doctors he had sent out a week ago returned with only three patients. The grand, majestic caravan that the people of the Merellof estate had been eagerly awaiting was nowhere to be seen.

The Count looked around in confusion.

Where are the others?

My lord, it seems there were bandits.

What kind of nonsense is that!

When we arrived following the guide, we found bodies strewn about, already attacked. Fortunately, we found some survivors further towards Hawan. They had scattered in the chaos of the surprise attack.

So, what happened then?

The caravan master was seriously injured, so they decided to return to Hawan. It was closer. We brought back only those who had sought our help.

The caravans proximity to Hawan was the problem. It was a familiar route, being the way they had come.

Merellof might be a borderland to Barriel, but Hawan Kingdom was a major city, better suited for reorganizing the caravan.

Count Merellof couldnt help but scream. It was not typical for him to make much noise, but this was a severe blow.

Damn it all! This is what happens when you eat slop like pigs! Fools!

He furiously swept items off the table. The doctors who had endured the arduous journey back were drenched in cold sweat as they hastily retreated. They knew the Counts situation all too well. The people of the estate were about to resort to sucking their fingers, with nothing to eat or trade.

Well, I suppose thats all.

Excuse us, my lord.

The doctors left the room in a rush, not bothering about the order of exit. Count Merellof leaned on his desk, lost in silence.


Yes, my lord.

How much is the market price in Sherion?

Sherion was a city to the northwest of Merellof. Unlike Merellof, which relied on trade from the borderlands, Sherion had flourished as a commercial center.

However, the problem was

A few days ago, a sack of wheat was trading for six silver coins.

The economic disparity was too great. In Merellof, a sack of wheat could be bought for three silver coins, but in Sherion, it cost twice as much. And that was before the rumors of bandit attacks had worsened the situation.

How long would it take to get there now?

Roughly about a day, I suppose.

It was due to the mountain range the caravan traversed. The range, curling around Merellof and stretching northwest, provided excellent defense for the estate but required a steep price to traverse. Although it only took a fortnight to reach the capital from here

We have no choice but to send people.

How much should we budget?

Collect applications from those who need supplies. Well form a trade delegation based on the list.

Of course, these supplies werent free.

A decrease in estate population would have a long-term impact on the estates productivity. Each head was as good as a unit of production. The usual method was to help them avoid starvation now and then increase taxes during the harvest season.

Excuse me, Count.

What is it?

The Count irritably furrowed his brows.

Going to Sherion is one thing, but the return journey is problematic. The temperature there is lower than here, so its likely to snow earlier. Crossing snow-covered gorges with all that luggage might be too much.

And? Whats your point?

Even a seasoned caravan had been devastated by unexpected food poisoning and bandits. It was uncertain whether the locals, born and raised here, could endure such hardships.

Maybe we should ask Bratz for help?


The route to the Hawan Kingdom is likely inaccessible for a while due to bandit activity. At least until theres word of a kingdom-led cleanup.

Listen, butler. I know that. Thats why were considering going to Sherion, right?

Bratz has been developing Grula for food consumption. They say its satisfying even in small amounts, maybe we could get some in the meantime

The butler couldnt finish his suggestion, meeting Count Merellofs fierce gaze. One more word and he was sure to be dismissed.

Buy weeds with money?

The price will be reasonable, too.

Forget it. I thought you were wise, but youre a fool. How can I serve something even pigs and dogs wont eat!

My apologies.

Go and find out the current market prices in Sherion.

The butler left the room, head bowed. The Counts reaction wasnt entirely incomprehensible, given the dire circumstances.


No choice then.

If the master wouldnt act, it was up to the butler.

He returned to his room, took out parchment and a pen, and after much deliberation, began to write.

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