Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 67

Chapter 67

Mariv drew the bowstring to its maximum, pressing it close to his body. He felt the wind blowing but didnt pay it much attention as he released the arrow. His intention wasnt to hunt an animal.


The arrow, tracing an arc in the air, struck an unintended target and fell. A deer, startled, ran far away, and the ministers watching from the side let out sympathetic chuckles.

Oh, thats a pity.

Indeed. The wind just had to pick up now.

Well then, currently in first place is Lord Derencio.

Your Highness, let me have a shot.

It was an informal event held once a month. The imperial family, key ministers, and a few nobles gathered under the guise of socializing but in reality, it was a tedious yet important venue for political maneuvering.

But today, I dont see His Highness Gale?

Mariv, about to pick up his bow, paused. Everyone in the royal palace, even the lowliest slaves, knew about the discord between him and Gale. Yet, his name was mentioned so nonchalantly.

Some glanced surreptitiously at the 1st Prince, but Mariv calmly responded.

Indeed. Wonder whats keeping him so busy.

After the lordship appointment fell through and he was sent to the borderlands, one thing struck him as odd. Gale had been conspicuously absent from Marivs presence. It wasnt that there were any particular rumors, and his father seemed to visit Gale frequently.

It meant Gale was intentionally avoiding Mariv.

The minister, unaware of Marivs furrowing brows, mumbled as he pulled the bowstring.

His Majesty too has been absent due to poor health, which is quite regrettable.

Regrettable, you say?

Yes, indeed. Back when you and the others were younger, it was so lively and enjoyable. There were many times when the commotion caused us to lose our prey.


Just as he was about to release the bowstring, an arrow shot out from the side. Mariv had fired his bow carelessly. Another deer ran away into the distance.

Like now?

Your, Your Highness?

I too find it regrettable. It seems I cant satisfy the minister with my hunting skills. Perhaps mine was too poor.

Oh no, Your Highness, not at all. Thats not the case.

The minister, in an attempt to argue, broke out in nervous sweat. But Mariv just smiled and turned away.

Please continue. I need to rest for a bit.

Yes, yes, of course, Your Highness.

Mariv took off his gloves and left his spot, while the ministers chided the one who had erred and urged others to take their turn with the bow.

Mariv, lying under a tent, rubbed his forehead tiredly.

Are you alright?

He hadnt slept for several days due to accumulated work. It was natural to feel overburdened, especially after coming out for archery. His aide offered him cool water, looking after him.

A message has come from the borderlands.

From Romandro?

Seems like it might be a gift for you, Your Highness Mariv.

Mariv looked at his aide in surprise. The aide checked that they were alone and lowered his voice.

Romandro reports that theyve found a crop that could solve the famine. Led by Ian, its currently being supplied in Bratz, and they expect to see its effects by this winter. The taxes will be at the level of a barony.

This winter?

It was the time of year when green leaves turned yellow. Mariv wondered what kind of crop could show effects within the winter, as its cultivation period had to be less than two months to make sense.

Its called Grula, his aide informed him.

Grula? The poisonous weed I know of?

Mariv retorted incredulously. It seemed to him that Romandro had gone mad in the borderlands. Grula was a noxious weed that grew in filthy places and was toxic.

Yet, this was the solution to the famine?

The fatigue suddenly seemed overwhelming.

He must have lost his mind.

I thought the same initially, the aide continued, but the details below are quite extraordinary. Grula seeds are edible. They are tastier than expected, and provide a satisfying fullness. There has already been significant progress in culinary research.

Reluctantly, Mariv gestured with his hand, and the aide quickly presented a letter to him.

Cultivation methods? Ha! How different can it be from growing weeds?

It has a very short cultivation period of one month, and one seed can produce more than ten seeds. Its also not particular about soil or water quality.

Mariv read through Romandros report carefully.

Indeed, if what was written was true, solving the famine might not be impossible. Among existing famine-relief crops, it seemed to have the best conditions.

But the thought of eating Grula was distasteful.

Whats next? Is this all? Quite a lackluster gift.

Oh, and

The aide leaned forward, lowering his voice further.

Theres a recommendation letter for Ian to become the next lord

Despite being a descendant of a criminal, if he was truly a magic user, that didnt matter. In fact, it might be beneficial to gently persuade him to stay. Judging by Romandros report and the trust of the locals, there shouldnt be any issue with the recommendation.

The real problem for Mariv was

The ring of Sir Molrin is enclosed.


Marivs voice was louder than he intended, causing one of the distant ministers to glance over. He quickly drew the tent curtain and asked in surprise.

Molrins ring?

Yes. According to Romandro, Molrin attempted to kill Ian. His subordinate, Petreio, led mercenaries in an attack but failed. They are all currently detained.

As Mariv listened to the aide and flipped to the back of the report, he saw an elegant ring on the table. He noticed the inscription inside confirming it belonged to Molrins family.

He leaves the disposal to Your Highness.


Mariv felt his mind clearing. He had suspected as much when he heard that Ian had taken control of the territory with the Cheonrye tribe. His actions were commendable.

Ian must have realized that his connection with Molrin was a hindrance to his lordship recommendation.

And he acted on it. By showing that he had no ties with Molrin, or more precisely, Gales side, he was essentially pleading to be made a lord. There couldnt be a clearer request.

Marivs fingers tapped rapidly on the table as he thought.

Tap, tap.

Your Highness?

Does Ian have any other family members?

Not that we know of.

His birth mother existed but was reported missing before the battle.

Write a letter. If hes a magic user, it would be better for him to come to the central regions. What was he planning to do?

The primary concern was keeping Bratz out of Gales hands, but considering Ians actions, Mariv thought he might gain even more from him.

Its perfect timing. He could be useful in the Magic Department.

The scarcity of magicians, coupled with their significant influence, largely contributed to their allegiance to Gale.

Mariv felt genuinely grateful for this unexpected gift. He cheerfully stood up and picked up his bow again. While the Emperors approval was crucial for appointing a lord, it was the continuous pleas of these ministers that would really sway the decision.

Did you catch anything?

Oh, Your Highness. The deer seem particularly lucky today.

As Mariv smiled and lifted his bow:


An arrow with a long tail whooshed past him, leaving only a shadow of the black cloth tied to it. The ministers, startled, contrasted with Mariv, who turned around with a stern face.


With his black hair and eyes blue like the sky, Gales sharp, haughty gaze was as usual. He held his bow aloft on his horse.

I apologize, brother. I was in a hurry to shoot.

Your skills have deteriorated.

But it hit the mark, didnt it?

Following Gales gaze, Mariv turned to see a deer lying on the ground, an arrow piercing its neck, the black cloth fluttering in the wind.

Gale approached the ministers, nodding and greeting them casually.

Sorry Im late. I was caught up with work.

No worries, Your Highness. Its been a while since weve seen you.

Have you been well?

Gales ease among the ministers belied the shared blood between him and Mariv, something that would be unbelievable to anyone not privy to the inner workings of the imperial family.

Brother, youre not upset that I caught the deer, are you?

Gale raised his eyebrows playfully, a mischievous look on his face. The ministers, knowing the rivalry between the two, subtly backed away.

Lets, uh, quench our thirst.

Shall we? Brother. Its hot. Yes. The weather is hot.

Your Highness, perhaps you should rest a while.

Hey! Refill the quivers here.

Leaving the noisy elders behind, Mariv smiled subtly. Gales presence here clearly indicated he had a purpose. While it might have been hard to guess under normal circumstances, Mariv had just read the letter from Bratz.

So, even in your busy schedule, you came to show yourself. Should I thank my brother?

As if I am as busy as you, brother. With the state affairs and all, I am sure youre overwhelmed, yet you consistently attend these trivial hunting gatherings

As the official successor and direct descendant, Mariv was the busiest in the royal palace, especially since the Emperor fell ill.

Gale glanced at a minister laughing idly in the back and continued.

You even pay attention to the borderlands. If you were to collapse from overwork, no one would be surprised.

But everyone would be surprised to know your recent interest in that area.

Do you still receive reports from the advisor?

Their conversation, laced with undertones of political maneuvering and veiled references to their respective roles and interests, continued amidst the backdrop of the hunting event.

Do you have a reason to know?

Gale scanned Marivs face slowly.

At some point, the reports from Molrin had ceased abruptly. However, it seemed that Romandros reports were still coming in regularly. This indicated that something had transpired in the Bratz territory.

Mariv smiled and issued a veiled warning to Gale.

Im not sure what youre up to.

Gale internally scoffed. He had been aware of Marivs suspicions since he unexpectedly attended and disrupted the council meeting. It was clear that Mariv had noticed something too.

It would be wise for you to lose interest in the Bratz territory. A recommendation for the next lord has arrived, and I have no objections. I plan to proceed with it promptly.

Gales face visibly soured at this news, while Mariv, in contrast, smiled brightly and pulled the bowstring taut. The arrow he released soared gracefully and embedded itself in the neck of a dead animal.

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