Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Did we talk about this?

Dont you remember? The part about utilizing rumors.'

At Ians meaningful words, Molrin recalled their conversation during their second luncheon together.

They had talked about how any kind of food would be welcome if it could solve the famine problem and had shared ideas about improving public perception through distribution methods.


Could it be that Ian had been planning for this moment since then?

Ian continued calmly.

The one gathering the Grula is Lord Romandro, who has direct orders from the imperial palace.

All eyes turned toward Romandro.

These were people working closely with the Emperor in the imperial palace. If they were to personally recognize Grula as a legitimate food source, then improving public perception wouldnt be a problem.

Lets draft a scenario. The imperial palace has long been involved in researching alternative crops. During that time, they discover that while Grula is toxic, its seeds are nutritionally rich and delicious. Sir Romandro seizes this information and gathers Grula.

Is that really okay to do?

What do you mean?

No, never mind.

Whats the issue? After all, its just words. The rumors in Bratz wont reach the imperial palace. Theyll only be spread through the two of you, using your influence. You understand, dont you?

Romandro scratched his chin awkwardly, smiling. As they had discussed that day, the rumor should match Ians political views but should be spread among the commoners.

So, spreading the rumor is all we need to do?

No, of course not. We should also add some research findings. What would be good? How about it improves skin and hair, and is effective for longevity?

Hahaha! Thats too far-fetched.

So what? Normally, one exaggerates to attract a mate. And, both Sir Romandro and Sir Molrin should frequently dine out together, conspicuously eating dishes made from Grula. Then, Ill tie up the loose ends.

At Ians words, Molrin slammed the table lightly, showing a gesture of refusal, one that meant he couldnt agree.

Thats absurd! Using the imperial palace in a rumor is not acceptable. Its a matter involving His Majestys dignity.

If problems arise after falsely claiming that Grula is being distributed due to research, wouldnt people blame the imperial palace? It was a reasonable concern, but Ian was not convinced.

Clearly, Sir Molrin at that time seemed to think solving the famine was a leaders duty. I didnt think youd object for such petty reasons.

Petty, you say? Petty! Is the honor of the Imperial Palace something petty?

In the face of imminent death, everything is trivial!

It was almost a first. Ian raising his voice like this in confrontation. He always just chuckled and let things go. While Molrin hesitated, his lips trembling, Ian put down his napkin.

Sir Molrin, it seems theres some misunderstanding. I am not asking for permission right now.

What he means to reject is to reject, a unilateral announcement.

If youre going to oppose and interfere, leave my territory immediately. Order the soldiers to guide you out.

What rudeness is this!

Sir Mack, make it clear whos being rude here. Who is the one being disrespectful?

Ian, who put forth a plan to save the people and the territory, versus Molrin and his group, opposing him simply because they are envoys from the Imperial Palace.

At Ians insulting remark to make it clear, Macks face turned bright red. They may not be a match for a duke or an earl, but they were also of noble birth. Meaning, theyve never been treated like this before.

Listening quietly, Romandro interjected to lighten the atmosphere.

Ahem. Calm yourselves. Sir Molrin, I have tasted it, and the taste is quite substantial. The variety of recipes means that the dining table will be diverse.

At that moment, Beric quietly entered the dining room. He winked with his left eye, subtly signaling. It meant he had retrieved the magic stone.

My intentions are clear. I will not tolerate any interference, as this is an important matter.

Ian, how dare you act so arrogant!

Well, then, everyone, please enjoy your meal. Ill take my leave.

With that, Ian left the rest to Romandro. As he exited, Beric handed him the magic stone.

But Ian, you sure have a way with words.

What do you mean?

You expressed the idea of killing them if they interfere as will not tolerate. How refined. Very refined.

Beric marveled, clicking his tongue, and Ian chuckled.

The two headed to the office Dergha had used. The investigation team had swept away every paper, but they left the magical liquid. Ian poured the liquid into a glass bottle as Dergha had done and dropped the magic stone in.


The red gem began to glow and emit a sound. Ian read the report that had come up, while Beric laid down on the sofa, chewing on a clove.

It could be considered a somewhat peaceful rest time.

[I have no idea how she will react to this I cant even dare to predict it.]

The subtle sound of Ians pencil scratching could be heard in between the loud voices of the three men.

[If the one blocking your way has no intention of stepping aside, and you cant turn back, and theres no other path, then what will you do?]

At that moment, Ian stopped writing, obviously bothered by what he had just written. Beric, who had been half-closing his eyes, did the same. He stopped chewing and subtly lifted his head.

What the heck did you just write?


[Clear the obstacle and youll have no choice but to go.]


[Theres always a way.]

Ian tapped the table with the tip of his pencil as if amused. At that, Beric, who had come closer, made a throat-slitting gesture by flipping his thumb.

Is this a threat to kill me?

Ah, well. Its not a bad option.

Even if Ian were in their shoes, it wouldve been an option worth considering. The best thing would be to give up on the Bratz estate, but it would be easier and more convenient to cut off Ians lifeline than to give up the place they had invested in for months.

More than anything, it would be the safer option in the long run.

What should we do? Shall we proceed?

Beric held his sword indifferently, as if he were picking a wildflower.

It seems like hes been waiting for a chance

Regrettably, he had hardly spent any time alone due to work. Not only was he always with Beric, but his irregular sleep pattern meant he could only catch short naps during the day.

Shall we? Or not?

Dont. Wait. This is too embarrassing to even serve as evidence. I shouldve put more pressure on them earlier.

Ian chuckled and pulled out a magical stone. The faces of the entourage from the restaurant became clearer in his mindnoble lords filled with humiliation and rage.

They might even send an assassin tonight.

Whats so funny?

Ah, well, I was just reminded of the past.

Even though it had been a brief time, an emperor was still an emperor.

Daring to say so, he could confidently claim to know better than anyone how dark a night hideout could be, the sound of poison-darted arrows rising along the curtain, and the look in the eyes of someone rushing in with a dagger.

Beric, you need to get your head straight.

Im always sane, you know?

A little more. Be extra vigilant.

Ian patted Berics cheek lightly and asked him to be thoroughly vigilant. Of course, he didnt neglect to keep an eye and ear out for the group they were in.

* * *

Not far from the mansion, in a village area, Romandro was overseeing the construction progress with his subordinates. Since the sun was high in the sky, a subordinate casually brought up lunch.

Shall we call it a mornings work here?

Should we?

Sir Romandro! What shall we do with the remaining oak?

Line it up and move it to the entrance of Gilsaem Village. Didnt they say the suspension bridge there was broken? Were going to build an elevated bridge there, so use it for that.


Sir Romandro!

Hold on a minute. Cant we eat first?

I apologize. But its a bit urgent. Its about the giant boulder you asked to be moved. Turns out, its someones fathers tomb.

What? Youve got to be kidding me.

Romandro grabbed his head in frustration and gestured to his subordinate. The meaning was to guide him quickly. He felt like he was going to miss lunch. He put his hand into his pocket and soon took out something, putting it into his mouth.

Did you just see that?

The young overseers who had been watching whispered among themselves.

He always takes something out of his pocket to eat when hes working.

True. And he wont even tell us what it is.

Tsk tsk. Havent you heard?

Nodding, a man interjected with a knowing air.

Its Grula seeds. Grula seeds.

Ew, what? That sounds ridiculous. Why would a government official eat that?

Dont you know? Why do you think he bought all that Grula from the mansion?

Thats true.

Even if they could collect more, there was no room. Grula seeds had dried up around the area. Even if one went deep into the forest, not a single Grula leaf could be found.

That, in fact, is for Sir Romandro to eat!

Come on, youve got to make sense to back up your claims!

No, its true. The news is slow here because its the countryside. People in the center already eat Grula seeds like peanuts.

Is that why hes eating Grula? Looks like its affecting his head due to its poison.

Although Grula is poisonous on the outside, its seeds taste really good. And they make your skin firm and bright. They say you cant eat it in the central area because its not available!

At that point, the crowd who had gathered tilted their heads in wonder.


If you cant trust it, go ask the advisor yourself. What is it that hes putting in your pocket and eating? Theyll never tell you. Theyre too busy eating, why would they share?

So youre saying that money was spent to gather the Grulas?

Is there another reason? Have you ever seen the higher-ups frivolously spend money?

At the mans words, everyone shook their heads horizontally. When it comes to money, arent these people sucking it up like theyre draining blood? Of course there must be a valid reason.

Are you saying young master Ian wasnt planning to sell it to the Cheonrye tribe?

Are you kidding? Soon the Cheonrye tribe wont be able to stay here because of the cold. Most of them have already left, only the tribal chief and that Neru. Neru whats-his-name, and a few others are remaining. You think their chief has time to deal with this now?

As rumors passed from mouth to mouth, they inflated exponentially with each telling. Ian, who had discreetly planted eyes and ears everywhere, finally nodded his head when that rumor started to circulate.

Did you know? The Emperor eats it for eternal life. This, you see, is a farce.

Haha! Sure. What does it matter if its talk or a farce? Enough. Lets prepare for the next step.

Having judged that the curiosity about Grula had reached its peak, Ian moved on to the next phase.

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