Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 48

Chapter 48

Are those people really knights?


Erica reflexively retorted at Ians words. It was a question that Ian, of all people, should not be asking. Now, of all times, when they were doubting the Cheonrye Tribe! Wasnt Ians statement almost like a confession?

You, do you even know what youre saying?

Of course. When we captured Dergha, I thought we had dealt with all of his knights in the forest. But now a knight has suddenly appeared.


Do you see this? Erica let out a hollow laugh, filled with disbelief. But that was only momentary.

Could there be a traitor among your subordinates, Lady Erica?

For a moment, Erica felt as if shed been struck with a hammer on the head. Not because she believed there was a traitor, but because she understood what Ians words implied.

The rumors that Mary and Chel survived and fled outside the territory have spread like wildfire, and since theres a supporter, everyone will think theyve escaped safely.

You, you!

But what if, by chance, those known as supporters are traitors trying to trap Lady Erica, wouldnt they hide the two without anyone knowing?

Being under the command of the imperial palace, Erica had a duty to faithfully pursue the two.

But what if they vanished in the process?

She would have to submit a report on whether the two were alive or dead, with convincing evidence, like a piece of their corpses, for example.

We should hurry and chase them with all our might. Who knows what will happen to them?

To an outsider, it would sound like Ian was concerned for Ericas safety, but it sounded entirely different to her.

If you dont pull the soldiers out of the mansion right now, Ill kill Mary and Chel and hide them. Then youll have to search the mountains for their traces for years.

This XX bastard


Erica drew her sword, cursing. But excitement leads to defeat, as they say. She instinctively realized that she had fallen perfectly into Ians trap.

Why are you so agitated? I only gave you advice out of concern for you, Lady Erica.

Where did you find Mary and Chel?

I dont know what you mean.

Ian, do you think youll get away with this? Im the leader of the investigation team appointed by the imperial palace. Interfering with me is the same as interfering with the imperial palaces solemn decision!

Erica blustered, but soon realized her mistake, her face contorting in anger. She had reiterated it with her own mouth: that she was appointed by the imperial palace.

Hence, running outside the territory to chase Mary and Chel right away was her inherent duty, and by doing so, she admitted that her current situation was dereliction of duty.

Yes. I understand. So you must hurry and capture those who helped Countess Mary and Chel escape.

There was no other way to prove the connection between Ian and the others. As Erica glared at Ian, biting her lip, one of her subordinates who had been sent on an errand returned.

Lady Erica, the stable manager says two horses owned by Bratz are missing

He hurriedly trailed off upon seeing Ian, but it was too late; hed already heard everything. Ian smiled brightly as if to say, See?

Thats right. Theyre horses from the mansion. Its confirmed that there are traitors.

Stop talking nonsense. Do you think I dont know that youve colluded with the Cheonrye tribe? How can you be so shameless, playing innocent?

Me? With the Cheonrye tribe? Would you like to kill an innocent person?

Just looking at their extraordinary skills, I can see that!

If you wish, you can check the Cheonrye tribes forces that entered here. Youll see whether two are actually missing or otherwise.

You, you

Did you even check the Cheonrye tribes forces? It seems the leader of the imperial palaces investigation team is more lax in handling matters than I thought.

Ians words were a clear insult, but there was nothing to refute. Even if she had checked, how would she know if someone had joined them from outside?

You, I will kill you.

Please dont. Im scared.

Im serious. I will kill you.

It was a declaration that was almost a curse. She would personally behead that insolent peasant boy someday. Erica gnashed her teeth and grabbed her coat, storming out.

Left alone, Ian glanced over his shoulder at Countess Marys room. She surely said she had something to take from here, but


The inside of the drawer was half empty. Valuables like jewelry and ornaments had apparently been confiscated by the investigators. Since the unpaid taxes were not trivial, all the precious goods of the mansion were to be forfeited to the imperial palace.

What could it be? Really

As Ian clicked his tongue in frustration, Erica rushed out into the corridor with her subordinate. He felt the curious glances of the Cheonrye people, but there was no time to respond to each one.

Summon the soldiers.

H-how many?

Leave only the minimum, the rest will be organized as a pursuit team.

B-but then,

Knowing they were Cheonrye, they couldnt be dealt with by ordinary forces. They needed to launch a full-scale attack on them to prove that Ian and Cheonrye had snatched the Bratz family.

Yes, Ill step into your trap.

Keep an eye on Ian and Kakantir.

Y-yes, understood.

If you notice anything suspicious, report to me immediately.

Whatever happens, it wont go their way. The moment they catch those two Cheonrye brats who called themselves knights of Dergha, they will wipe out all the foreigners in the mansion, including Ian.


As Erica and the central army got busy, the Cheonrye who were just sensing the atmosphere also began to move stealthily. One warrior reported to Nersarn.

Lord Nersarn, theyve begun to move just as Sir Ian said. Its time to release the hawk.

Do so.

Nersarn nodded in satisfaction at the warriors report. Since they had drawn the pursuit teams strength to the maximum, it was a signal to deal with Mary and Chel.

He wrote a short note in Cheonrye and handed it to his subordinate.

Its a perilous mountain range; Im not sure how well theyre doing. Theyre only used to sandstorms.

Dont you trust your family?

Of course not. They are warriors. Im just worried.

Defeat was not in a warriors vocabulary. Defeat was death, and after death, theres no consciousness of having been defeated. Even in crisis, they were those who feared not sacrifice. They would tear out their own hearts before giving an excuse to the enemies.

Send the hawk.

Yes. Oh, the remaining hawk belongs to Kakantir.

The warrior glanced at Kakantirs bed behind Nersarn. Kakantir was tasting a peach in light clothing. He nodded his head in approval.

Then, Ill send Zeno.

Before you send him, feed him some fruit. Hes been acting strange lately.

Understood. Rest easy.


As the subordinate left, Nersarn looked back. Kakantir was still staring blankly out the window, enjoying his rest. Though they were in the midst of summer, nothing could feel cooler compared to the desert.

Kakan, once the central army leaves the domain, you should start killing Dergha and clean up. We cant leave Cheonrye unattended for too long.

Yes, thats right.

The same was true for the work at Bumat, and now there was a shortage of troops to guard the garrisons in the desert. Though they had the protection of the great desert and thus little to worry about, leaving home unattended for long was never a good thing.

But, Nersarn. Ian is a magic user and will inevitably be brought to the center once he catches the imperial palaces eye. Who will manage this place then?

I guess Beric will go with us.

Even if we leave him behind, it will be too much for him.

Kakantir glanced at Nersarn. Having been around him for a long time, he could understand what he meant just from a look. Nersarns eyebrows furrowed.

I dont like that.


Youre telling me to stay here, arent you?

Oh, did you feel that way?

It would benefit Cheonrye in many ways if I stayed. But whether Ian would allow it is uncertain, and more than anything

More than anything?

Nersarn glanced at Kakantir and then turned his head away.

I hate it because this place is cold.

Aha. Thats important.

Its a place where it snows. Its extremely cold.

Kakantir chuckled and finished off the remaining peach. There was no need to wait until winter. In a couple of months, the autumn wind would chill, and the nostalgia of the Cheonrye warriors would deepen. Everything had to be tied up before then.

The decree of appointment must be coming down by now?

Thats likely.

Do you truly trust Ian, Kakan?

Trust him? You mean because hes a magic user? Youve seen it too. The way Beric fought with the knight.

I mean, is being a magic user enough to overturn the decree of appointment?

They had heard about the empires reverence for magic. Just as they trusted and followed Winchen, the people of Bariel revolved around the wizards.

But they had never experienced it firsthand and thus could not be certain. Moreover, this was a remote region. The people here, who knew nothing of magic, were everywhere.

Im not sure. He doesnt seem to be lying. If someone comes down from the imperial palace, we can verify it right away.

By the way, its definitely getting a bit late.

Nersarn counted the dates with his fingers and muttered to himself. It was time for them to arrive, but still, there was no sign.

What on earth is the imperial palace doing?

* * *

Knock knock.

The office of the First Prince, Mariv Verocion, never went dark, even at midnight. The prince, dressed lightly with his long hair tied back, set down his glasses.

Come in.

Your Highness Mariv, there is something you must see.

What is it? At this hour?

Mariv asked, wetting his lips with cold tea. What his aide presented was a crumpled and dirty letter. The envelope was open, either checked first or not sealed at all.

Its a secret letter sent by Count Bratz of Dergha in the borderlands. It deliberately came to me instead of Your Highness.

Count Bratz?

Mariv blinked lightly. Wasnt Bratz the place where the emperor had recently sent an investigation team for tax evasion? Dergha was also someone he had seen a few times at state events, but there was no personal relationship between them.

So why a letter from there?

Theres no seal.

Instead, a ring with engraved words proving Bratzs heraldry was inside. Its a diamond ring, estimated to be 10 carats.


Mariv exclaimed as he looked at the ring on the table. He was not surprised by the jewel but realized how desperate the counts situation was to have offered it.

If he wanted mercy, he should have sent it to my father, but he didnt. It must be something else.


The aide placed the neatly folded paper down.

A moment later, Mariv, who was reading the text with interest, sharply narrowed his eyes.

Is this right now

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