Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 37

Chapter 37


Dergha kicked the horses flank quickly and rushed toward the forest. It was the forest adjacent to Merellof territory, opposite the bordering desert. There was a temporary training camp set up there to stake claim in the previous generation.

Deo would be there with the mercenaries.

No, he must be there!

Though the soldiers who had been at the mansion were dismissed due to the investigative teams pressure, the mercenary group centered around Deo was still there.


Dergha jumped off his horse and sprinted towards the temporary training camp. Crying out with an almost spitting rage, his shout soon echoed back to him.

The surroundings were silent. There was absolutely no sign of life.

Impossible, impossible

Was there another worst-case scenario beyond the worst?

All sorts of horrific assumptions passed through Derghas mind. Had the fleeing servant informed Deo? Even if he had, had Deo fled?


It was then.

A voice was heard, and the training camps flag fluttered. Dergha ran in breathlessly and soon found the hidden soldiers.


My lord. Are you alright? What about the Cheonrye tribe?

Originally, the plan of Cheonrye tribes arrival was to shake up the investigative team, with the intention of providing support from the rear. A full-scale battle with the central army was of greater significance than resistance; thus, the Cheonrye were intended as a buffer.

It fell through. Theyve betrayed us. We must quickly recapture the mansion before the central army arrives. We have to hold out until we receive a reply from Prince Mariv.

Although this humiliation was inflicted for the sake of change, change was worth enduring. Bratz territory had two or three times the number of soldiers compared to other territories, and the unique terrain created many variables.

Was that all?

Thanks to the presence of the Cheonrye tribe, they were always ready to enter into a state of emergency. The fact that they could rally the troops even under the sudden attack of the investigation team was proof.

For the first time in his life, Dergha felt proud of his territory and soldiers.

I will follow your command.

The investigative teams troops are not that formidable. Lets go. Lets kill them all. Ill tear them to pieces and turn them into food for the beasts.

Deo bowed his head with a smile.

Those who always seek war do exist. And now, Deo was one of them.

If we win this battle, military command will surely come to me.

Then, in Bratz territory, Dergha would be the next most powerful figure. Chel? Even if that fool became Counts heir, the blood and sweat Deo shed this day would be remembered forever.

As a man who started from the bottom and now had the pinnacle of life in sight, his heart began to race.

Lets go! To reclaim our daily lives!


When Deo shouted, the soldiers cheers echoed like waves. The formerly quiet mountain resounded with intense battle cries. Startled birds took flight, and among them, a giant hawk leisurely circled.


Far away, the long line of the central armys procession was captured in the hawks eyes. The Bratz territory had endured for generations. A domestic blood battle, unprecedented and unlikely to happen again, was rapidly approaching.

The hawk reached out to grab the bird, and Kusile fixed his head toward the desert direction.

* * *

Berics body was soaked in cold sweat. The frail physician stuffed herbs into his punctured side and kept pouring an unknown black liquid into his mouth.

Kakantir leaned against the entrance of the tent, watching, and casually asked, How long will it take for him to get up? A month?

My lord Kakantir. Non-Cheonrye people have slow recovery. If he were an ordinary person, he might have died instantly. But seeing his feisty spirit, it may take three or four months.

Three or four months, huh? Sir Ian, thats a bit troublesome.

The battle between Dergha and the central army was imminent.

Even if Ian takes the Cheonrye tribe under his wing, his personal power is limited to Beric. Without him in this chaotic situation

Ian faintly smiled, brushing Berics matted hair, a mixture of sweat and sand.

Its alright.

You seem to have another plan.

Theres always a way, whether Beric gets up or not. Well do what we can.

Kakantir left at the call of Nersarn from outside. The physician also continued to grind blood-soaked herbs to treat Beric. His sallow skin seemed to pale with time.

I must go out and see for a moment. I need to grind fresh herbs.

The physician left Ian with this and went outside with his crushed remains. The space was now silent. Ian inhaled deeply and placed his hand on Berics forehead.

Im not sure if it will work, Beric. But its better than doing nothing.

Like before, he continued to infuse energy. But unlike gently pushing before, now it was continuous, relentless. It felt like he was exhaling without ever pausing to breathe.


How many minutes had passed?

The sweat that had built up began to pour out, and his vision began to blur. But Beric had not reacted yet. Unable to bear it any longer, Ian let go of his hand.


What are you doing, Sir Ian? Are you alright?

A physician who was just coming in stopped and asked. Ian leaned on the bedpost, swaying as if about to fall.

Im fine.

Why, why all of a sudden

I felt dizzy. Dont worry about it.

Just wait a moment, Ill grind my herbs and bring something good for dizziness right away. Huh? Well, well. Will you look at this?

The physician who was grinding herbs stopped at the sight of Berics face. The one who had been moaning and fainting was now breathing quite steadily. He mashed the soggy herbs with his hand. There was much less blood smeared.

What on earth is this?


I didnt see the battle myself, but everyone was making a fuss about it.

The physician mumbled as he continued the treatment, glancing at Ian as if expecting an answer, but Ian turned his head away, feeling drained.


Kakantir entered with something in his hand, and he smiled in surprise at Ians state.

Oh my. Is it not enough?

What are you talking about?

Without a word, Kakantir placed a leaf on a round candlestick. With a crackling sound, it burned, and thick smoke filled the tent. The chief cut the leaf well and held it to Berics nose, and soon passed it to Ian.

Cheonrye has a way to avoid death.

Will it work for Beric?

I dont know. Ive never seen an outsider use it. But at the banquet, it seemed to have some effect.

A tribal secret that eases pain and instantly boosts the bodys energy. Although they were strong by themselves, they couldnt ignore the effect of the leaf. So, in trade with Bratz, they never designated the leaf as a prohibited item.

But to share it with an outsider.

The meaning was special, and the emotion was fresh.

Thank you.

Ian chewed the leaf thoroughly. It had a bitter taste, followed by a sour and tangy flavor. Kakantir looked down at Ian and continued speaking.

Ryul, whom I sent with Soo, returned first. Soo decided to wait at the border.

You mean that giant horse?

Yes. According to the scout, Dergha was in a tight spot. It seems like theyve gathered soldiers.

Bratzs power was somewhat predictable. He had seen and heard it while living in the mansion. More than anything, he had seen how much was spent on maintaining mercenaries, so that wasnt the problem.

What about the central army?

No report on that yet.

The problem was the size of the central army and the investigation team. Knowing that, they could anticipate the general combat situation and respond accordingly. Ian noticed his heart pounding a little faster and spat out a chewed leaf.

You have a few days, so take some rest.

Ian collapsed to his side as soon as Kakantir left, curling his body. A physician glanced over and pulled a blanket up to his shoulders.

How long had passed?


Ian opened his eyes to a sudden gust of cold wind. The night was dark. The physician was nowhere to be seen, and the lamp was out. Only a faint smell of the chewed leaf lingered.


Beric was no longer sweating, but he was still unconscious. Ian leaned against the bed and rubbed his face to shake off the lingering sleep.


Then, he heard a presence outside.

It seemed that the wind was not the only thing that had awakened Ian. He glanced at the entrance, groping for the floor. A dagger was attached to the leather belt Beric had taken off.

Who is it?

No answer.

Ian, with the pouring moonlight behind him, slowly walked toward the entrance. His shadow stretched out long. He instinctively felt that someone was at the door.

Damn it. I dont understand.

Surely, the presence outside must be one of the Cheonrye people. They were the only ones living in the desert as a tribe, and even if Dergha sent a spy, they couldnt have penetrated Cheonryes defenses to reach here.

Thats why Ian couldnt guess at all.

They had shown enough goodwill to let them chew the gureut leaf in the daytime, so why did the presence outside seem so hostile?


The door was lifted from the outside. Realizing Ians hesitation, the person acted first.

A mask made of fur and feathers hiding the shoulders, the man attacked Ian with a sword.



It was more luck than skill that fended off the attack.

Ians reflexively swung dagger broke in half and tumbled to the floor. The assailant did not hesitate; he violently grabbed Ians face with one hand and choked his neck with the other.



Blocking his mouth entirely, preventing any cry for help.

Ians feet flailed in the air. It was his first time feeling the pain of suffocation. It was natural; who would dare grab Emperor Ians throat?

Die quietly like a royal should, why play tricks? You know how messed up things are now because of you and that red-headed fool? Just like your father, the empire guys are no help.

Mentioning Dergha?

Ian pushed his face away. The fur mask might neutralize the magic, but

Ziiing. Zing.

Even now, die quietly-!

Swoosh! Bang!

Ian exploded his magic, pushing the assailant back, and he too floated and fell.



Ian coughed, lying on the ground. His wrist ached from the fall. At the same time, lights were turning on outside the barracks.

The Cheonrye people, with their light sleep, had sensed the commotion and were waking up.

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