Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The knight looked around, his sword in hand. No matter how hard he thought, he couldnt understand the current situation. The current atmosphere was natural, as if Ian and his lackey had already assimilated among the Cheonrye people, who were nothing more than mere sacrifices for the alliance.

Beric. You think you can handle it? Youre not going to die today, right?

Yeah, buzz off. You go die.

You seem to be in good condition, judging by the way youre running your mouth.

Hey, Bratzs knight Give Beric a good thrashing! Wake him up properly. Otherwise, Ill kill you.

Ha ha ha! So the knight dies one way or another? Thats quite unfair.

Ah, true. Thats right.

Surrounded by those watching Beric and the knight, it felt like they had become dogs in an arena. The knight glanced at Ian, who was sitting beside Kakantir, and became certain something had gone wrong. He knew he must report this to Dergha.


Beric spat, then tightly gripped the handle of his sword. He had deflected the knights earlier attack with ease, but that was because the man had been off-guard. Beric looked back at Ian and asked,

But Ian! How will we send a message if he dies?

There are many sturdy Kusilre. Dont worry and take care of your neck. If you die, I die too.

Yes, yes. Got it.

Is delivering the message a problem?

They could ride a Kulsire and rush directly. At Ians words, Beric grinned and assumed his stance. As Kakantir had said, a fight without stakes was boring.

Go easy on me. Ill fu*k you up with all Ive got.

Such crude language!

Thats my charm!

Clang! Clash!

Beric leaped in a single bound, his blade cutting through the wind, too fast for the eye to see. The knight carefully blocked Berics attack.



The sound of the blades entwining was spine-chilling. The Cheonrye people watched with interest, occasionally chiming in.

Kill him, Knight! Kill Beric!

Ha ha ha! Look at him, he seems tired already.

Im not!

Although it seemed like they were cheering for the knight, Ian and Beric knew that wasnt the case.

Hadnt Kakantir told them himself?

Go, Beric!

Try and beat me if you can!

The true path of a warrior leads to death.

They all wished for Beric to be reborn as a true warrior.

Youre like a mad dog, running relentlessly.

A compliment, right?



The knight, who had been fending off the attacks, seized an opportunity to elbow Beric in the solar plexus. Berics face smashed into a pile of sand, his hands clutching at his chest as he gasped for breath.

Looks like he hit him pretty hard.

Beric! Get up!

Tsk, tsk. I knew he was all talk.

Ian grinned. Seeing Beric fall like that, the Cheonryes reactions turned hostile. The knight, thinking it a waste of time, immediately grabbed his sword.

The neck of the fallen target was clearly exposed.


As the knights sword was about to touch Berics neck, Beric twisted his body to dodge and threw sand at the knight, following up with a punch.


Damn, that hurts!

Thud! Thwack!

As the fight seemed to be degenerating into a brawl, the knight glanced at the sky. The sun had fully risen. Every second counted, and he had no reason to play along with Beric.

Stop messing around!

Clang! Clash!

But the problem was, Beric was no pushover. Each time the knight thought he had the decisive advantage, Beric would come back, causing frustration and surprise.



Their battle cries erupted simultaneously, swords clashing as each aimed for the others heart.


Finally, blood stained the sword.

The knights attack accurately pierced Berics flank, and blood dripped down the blade. Not stopping there, the knight twisted the handle, a sly smile playing on his lips.


Hmph. Youre skilled, but this is the end.

Ugh! Ahhhhhhh!

Im busy.

The blade was digging into his organs. When Beric caught the blade with his bare hand, blood dripped in multiple streams. The moment Ian involuntarily scowled, the people of the Cheonrye tribe grimly muttered.

Crazy bastard, if youre going to kill him, do it elegantly.

A fight without respect is nothing but ridicule. And it was a situation they despised most. Beric shook his head as if he was dizzy and looked down at his wound.

Ha. Damn it.

He then clenched his teeth, attempting to draw his sword. The more he tried, the more the knight exerted force. The tip of the blade eventually pierced through Berics body and emerged on the other side.


The knight brutally kicked Berics body away. Stepping over the tumbling body, he approached Ian. Kakantir just continued to gaze with a stoic expression.

Ian Bratz. Theres no time left.

He drew the short sword at his waist. Unlike Beric, his short sword would be enough to handle Ian. With each step he took, silence enveloped the surroundings. Only the cold wind rustled.

Honor your death by proving the innocence of Count Dergha Bratz. Consider it a glory to fulfill your duty and die.

The knight raised his short sword. Ians eyes moved from the blades tip to behind the knight. Since it wasnt the reaction of someone facing death, the knight unconsciously hesitated and looked back.


Beric was standing still. His head was twisted back as if possessed by a demon, but he was still standing on his legs. He pulled the sword from his side in one go.


Blood spurted out like a fountain. From head to toe, there was no place not soaked in blood. Beric slowly lowered his head and muttered with difficulty.

Im, not, done yet, you d*ckhead.

Just stop now


Thats when it happened. The knight stopped speaking, sensing a familiar yet unfamiliar energy. It was the same feeling hed seen in the demon battle from the other knights.


Berics fluttering hair began to whip wildly. The lines drawn in the sand by it resembled waves.

I return two blows for every one I receive.

F*ck! Youre so damn annoying!

Knight, use this.

Then, Kakantir smiled and offered his own sword. The knights sword had fallen to the ground when Beric had taken it. The knight accepted it without hesitation and lunged at Beric.


I wont die alone! You fu*ker! Im going to die when I watch you die!

Shut up!

Beric explosively leaped forward.

Ian noticed that his eyes were shining as they had when filled with magic. Despite his blood-soaked face, only his pupils glowed brightly.

Clang! Clang!


What are you, bastard

Beric relentlessly pressed the attack. Even the knight, who had barely avoided it earlier, was now wounded. His power was incomparably heavier than before.

Blood splashed in the wake of the passing blade. Whether it was Berics or the knights, no one knew.



Berics attack that penetrated the knights shoulder in one go.

Time seemed to stop. The knight staggered and pushed the blade with his other hand, but


Like the knight had done, Beric too put his weight into it, and leaned the handle downwards towards his heart. As a long and deep wound opened, the knights breath and blood gushed out together.

Ah, this

Ha ha

Beric clenched his teeth tightly and pressed his knee against the knights throat. The blade slipped out from the shoulder, pointing upward as if to pierce the sun, and without hesitation, it pierced the knights throat.


Ah, shit, really

And then a thud on the sand.

Beric crouched down, clutching his aching side. Cheers and encouragement erupted simultaneously from the once quiet surroundings.

Beric! Well done! This impudent guy!

Thats right, you have to fight to the end!

Hes better with a sword than I thought. Beric, can you pull yourself together?

Oh, dont talk to me. It hurts too much

Stop being a baby! Its just a little blood.

Hey! Someone move this guy. Wheres the doctor?

Kakantir merely watched the commotion with a faint smile, and quietly whispered to Ian. For some reason, he looked quite satisfied.

I see why Sir Ian brought him here.

Its not that I brought him, he joined me.

Hahaha. Yes. You truly embody the virtue of a warrior. This Beric, hes quite the character.

Where else would you find someone as insufferably obnoxious as him?

The sandstorm was stirring, and the glint in the eyes was questioning ability, but Ian brushed off Kakantirs words with a jest. He then approached Beric and squatted down.

Beric, get a hold of yourself.

As he snapped his fingers in front of Berics face, Beric frowned and tried to bite Ians fingers.

Hey, stop that.

This really hurts like hell.

It looks like it does. Youve worked hard.

The latent power of the magic swordsman began to awaken on its own. Ians stimulation of the magic was gradually awakening it. Beric made one last attempt to bite Ians finger and then fainted.

Please move him.

Yes, yes. We must stop the bleeding too.

Oh my, is he asleep or unconscious?

Hes got a hole in his belly, how could he sleep? Hes unconscious.

The tribesmen of Cheonrye chatted as they moved Beric to the tent. A cloth was placed over the knights corpse. Nersarn took out a reply from his pocket and called for Soo.

Soo. Get ready.

Ah, please no.

Instinctively realizing that she was being sent on an errand, Soo made an X with her hands to express her refusal, but was firmly ignored. Nersarn instructed his subordinate.

Cut off the knights head and put it in a box.

Argh! Ill just take the paper! Right? Lord Nersarn.

No, it has to be the head.

There was nothing better than that for a response to Dergha.

Soo clung to Nersarn, jumping up and down, but in vain, and soon the knights body was cut to pieces. Nersarn turned to Ian and asked.

Do we just have to watch from now on?

Thats right. Since Dergha knows that we want to break the truce, he will go up against the central army right away. Theres no point in stalling since reinforcements are on the way. He will try to clean up the investigation team first.

The best scenario was for Dergha to resist fiercely, causing manpower loss to both the investigation team and the central army, and then be eradicated. With that situation, when Ian enters with the Cheonrye tribe on his back, he can ensure victory.


The warrior carrying the knights corpse thrust his fist towards Ian. It was a salute, praying for divine blessing, congratulating Berics growth, and reinforcing their determination.

Ian lightly bumped his fist in response.


The warriors fiery spirit would surely heat the desert even more. Like trying to capture the rising sunlight, Ians fist was resolute.

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