Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

While the councilor examined the flowerpot, the tribe members anxiously watched from behind. They were obviously waiting for the male elder to confirm that it was indeed Silasque. The councilor, who had been rummaging through the leaves and examining them from all sides, finally declared after careful consideration.

It is indeed Silasque.

Darn it! What in the world!

OLord, thank you!

Then hurry, lets brew it! Huh? Winchen-nim is running out of breath!

A short cheer burst out at the councilors words. They hugged each other and offered prayers of thanks to the god. The only one keeping his focus in the center was the chieftain, Kakantir.

Are you certain?

Yes. Comparing with the existing records, Silasque is confirmed. The number, thickness, color, fragrance, and shape of the leaves are all as expected. And most importantly, did you not say that it hasnt withered after flowering, according to this outsiders testimony?

The most important characteristic had already been verified through Winchen, so there was nothing more to add. The chieftain nodded his head in agreement.

Then hurry and make it into medicine.


A very slight hesitation. But it was enough to freeze the atmosphere inside the tent.

The quantity is a problem.

The quantity?

The records state that three roots must be boiled to effectively cure. Winchen-nim has already lost much strength, and there are only two roots in this flowerpot. It might only suffice to put out the suppress the disease, so to speak.

They were lacking in quantity. However, they chose to focus on the positive reality.

Suppressing the disease is a grateful thing in itself. Hurry and prepare the brew. Just one root for now.

Yes, Kakan.

As for Ian outside

The chieftain faltered in his command. Everyone looked at him in wonder. Kakantir, after a moment of thought, corrected his address.

Bring Sir Ian Bratz here.

Anyway, Ian had voluntarily brought Silasque to help their tribal chief. While they didnt know what his intentions were, but as the chieftain and as a person, this was a clear favor. He and the rest were obligated to keep their promise.


Ian entered the tent calmly. It seemed he had already heard the commotion inside. Looking at the flowerpot on the table, he smiled.

It looks particularly red today, perhaps knowing its the last one.

Sir Ian Bratz.

Kakantir raised his hand to his chest and offered a salute. It was the same courtesy Nersarn had shown previously in Ians estate. When Kakantir offered the greeting, his followers also bowed their heads.

I sincerely thank you for your help.

I hear that the quantity is lacking.

The fact that it helped does not change. In that regard, I have something Id like to ask. Will you please take a seat?

His demeanor shifted noticeably. While not completely deferential, as befitting his status as the chief of the Cheonrye tribe, there was an unmistakable element of respect in his speech.

Please speak.

Can you obtain more Silasque in Bratz?

If Winchen dies, someone in the tribe will take her place. This was an unchanging truth. In the long run, growing the red flower was essential for the Cheonrye tribe.

I cannot be certain.

Please explain in more detail, in a way I can understand.

The flowerpot is indeed mine. But to be exact Ian hesitated for a moment. To explain the exact origin of the flowerpot, he would have to mention Phileas existence, which would imply that his identity would be half-revealed.

The truth was destined to come out eventually, but whether the present moment was the right time remained uncertain. As Ian fell into silence, all eyes in the tent were fixed on his lips, each person appearing as if they were on the verge of suffocation.

Sir Ian?

I apologize. Ive had it since I was young, but I dont know how it came to me. There is someone who knows, but I cant meet that person right away. Contact will only be possible in about a fortnight to a month.

Obtaining Silasque in Bratz, a few more days away, seemed more advantageous than an uncertain journey to the southern country.

Does this mean that Count Dergha also doesnt know about Silasque?

Nobody in the Bratz estate knew of the flower. I too only found out after coming here.

If not, he had intended to officially request it as a trade item, but it was awkward if it was not even distributed in Bratz. Kakantir drummed the table, lost in thought.

But why does it take a fortnight to a month to contact?

It was a distance reachable within three days if one wanted to. Was the person who knew about Silasque in another place? As if confirming Kakantirs suspicion, Ian nodded.

I have some difficulties in seeing that person in Bratz.

Can I ask in detail?

Actually, I would like to share the details as well, but then I need one more favor from you.

Everyone wondered what it could be. Perhaps Ian would request to be sent back to Bratz.

That would be a bit difficult.

Please give me the priority negotiation rights over Count Bratz.

Priority negotiation rights?

A stir occurred at Ians words from the back. Werent they all bound by the Bratz family? Priority negotiation rights between a father and a son? The implication was that internal strife might erupt.

Kakantir frowned and asked, So, young master, you intend to overpower your father?

Is it not the same with the Cheonrye Tribe? The strong sit at the head.

True, he really couldnt say anything against that. The Cheonrye Tribe themselves practiced the law of survival of the fittest. Kakantir realized that this conversation was getting increasingly interesting.

Im sorry, but I cannot agree to the priority negotiation rights. You cant even move the Bratz soldiers right now, and you cant increase the amount of grain to hand over to us, can you?

The meaning was clear: Why would I trust such a promise from someone like you who has nothing?

However, contrary to his rejecting words, Ian noticed a smile playing at the corner of Kakantirs mouth. An expectation for Ian to clear his curiosity was evident.

Very well. Let me tell you first. But if you think this information is enough to determine priority negotiation rights, swear to the gods that you will honor our agreement.

I swear.

There was nothing to lose. Kakantir leaned back in his soft woolen chair as if urging Ian to speak. But his body stiffened instantly at Ians next words.

The imperial palace will send down the army with the inspection team. The charge will be treason due to tax evasion. Perhaps the name Bratz will be entirely wiped out within a month.

What? Treason?

What did the youngster say just now?

An army will come down from the imperial palace?

A roar erupted, and everyone began to clamor as if they couldnt believe the bombshell. Kakantirs deep brown eyes stared sharply at Ian. Even without the abilities of a gypsy like Winchen, he knew Ians words were true.

Is it the truth?

I swear to the heavens, its true.

How did you come to know this?

Representatives from the central government arrived to prepare for the alliance ceremony, evaluating whether I was fit for the alliance. I learned this information from them.

If Bratz is annihilated, wont you be in danger too?

Thats the reason Ive come here. If Bratz were to be destroyed, wouldnt the Cheonrye Tribe also be in danger?

The Bratz family and the Cheonrye Tribe. They had been maintaining a delicate relationship as they bordered each other. Though not friendly, they respected each others territories.

But what if Bratz disappears, and the emperors central army is stationed there? Would the empires emperor care for barbarian tribes in the outskirts like Dergha does? Would they have to interact with a newly appointed count?

It would be a tremendous event that completely changes the political landscape.

What about Count Dergha? Does he know?

I dont know. Even if he does, it will just lead to unnecessary bloodshed. Treason means decapitation, regardless of the emperors mercy. Ive come through the desert road to at least keep the territory.

What do you mean?

My father is destined to pass away, leaving the territory unclaimed. I wish for you to join me in leading the warriors into the Bratz territory.

Thats absurd! Kakantir!

A listening old man exclaimed in shock. However, unlike him, the eyes of Kakantir and Nersarn sparkled sharply. They sensed that Ian had something more to hide.

Kakantir said as if calculating, If Dergha dies, the emperors central army will be in the territory. It will be difficult for us to oppose them.

I know. But they will want to avoid conflict with you.

Because they are currently preparing for a real rebellion. They absolutely would not want to fight needlessly with the barbarians of the borderlands, especially an unverified enemy.


The chieftain is demanding quite a lot from me.

That was the answer Ian could not reveal.

The sound of Kakantir tapping the table became faster. It meant his thoughts were becoming more complicated.

The Cheonrye tribe simply needs to stand behind me. It would be nice if you could add a word like this, From the standpoint of an alliance that has been with Bratz for a long time, I stand united with Ian Bratz, who has become a family of Cheonrye.'

Then, the Empire might brandish its sword at us, right?

With the vast desert and the mightiest warriors of Cheonrye? I doubt it. Rather, it would be the other way around.

From the central perspective, Ian would have to manage the fief in order to effectively handle the Cheonrye tribe. It could also imply that, depending on Ians intention, he could go as far as a full-scale war for the fiefs independence.

If the fief were to become independent, all the efforts to suppress Dergha would have been in vain.

The war of the Empire doesnt necessarily have to be fought with swords. The Empire will choose an easy and cheap way. Even if a military situation arises, if you do not wish it, you can simply return to the desert.

Sir Ian, you are saying something tremendous.

Ive been thinking about this since before crossing the desert. If you help me, and thus protect Bratz, or precisely the fief, I will show you the power of a true alliance that the Cheonrye tribe has never experienced before.

It was not a lie, after all. With peace reducing military provisions, the fiefs storerooms would certainly be filled. As a result, everyone could be well-fed.


Nersarn, who had been quietly listening, raised his hand. He had an expression that said something didnt make sense.


You, no. young master, you said that rebellion is a capital offense, corresponding to extinction. Your name is Ian Bratz, the son of a traitor. Isnt returning to the fief itself difficult? Even if we shield you.

Youre right, Nersarn-nim. Youre correct. Thats a very important point. Ian clapped lightly and smiled. And he emphasized once again, I am indeed Derghas biological son.

He first clarified that there was no issue with him being of the same blood.

But legally, Im not. I havent been recognized yet, so my name is not Ian Bratz, but simply Ian.'


The room was buzzing. However, Ians following words were enough to silence everyone.

-Therefore, the Empire cannot legally apply the charge of rebellion to me. Thats why I can become the new lord of Bratz.

Of course, if he made a misstep, he could end up as a slave. But it was information that didnt need to be shared with the Cheonrye tribe.

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