Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Hey everyone! Just heads up, Ive decided to change Heavenly to Cheonrye for the tribes name. Turns out, theres really no spot-on translation for it, so I thought that its best if I stick to the original term from now on. Sorry!

In an instant, everything unfolded. The mans body jerked back, overwhelmed by the sudden shock. Beric swiftly pounced on him, relentlessly hammering his fist down.

Thud! Thud!


The mans companions stood by, watching the spectacle with blank expressions. Despite the surprise attack, it seemed illogical that a single punch could bring him down. After all, this man had appeared sturdy enough to effortlessly grab Berics hair and toss him aside.

But now, he was simply being mercilessly beaten.

Stop him! Stop!

This is insane! What are you doing, Beric!

Has this bastard lost his mind!

However, the mans reaction was peculiar. He collapsed helplessly, not even twitching a finger, as if he were unconscious. It was only then that his colleagues rushed towards Beric in shock.

Move aside!

Snap out of it!

Berics breaths were ragged and erratic as if he had consumed some stimulant, his intensity unmatched. It took more than five trainees to finally restrain him.

What are you doing!

What happened?

Amidst the commotion, Deo and the instructors hurried over.

The sight of the enormous man sprawled out and Beric, thirsting for blood, was unbelievable. They couldnt fathom how this had transpired solely through fists, without any weapons. It would have made more sense if Beric were the one lying on the ground instead.

Haah haah. Hahaha!

Hes completely lost it! Instructor!

Beric just attacked out of nowhere!

Beric erupted into laughter while lying flat on the ground. The sheer exhilaration on his face was a spectacle in itself. The trainees restraining him grimaced in disgust, and an instructor raised his chin with his foot.


Ah. Damn, this feels good.


Anyone who turns their back in the middle of a fight is a damn fool!

The fearsome fervor in his outburst was palpable. The instructor, seeing him unfit for a retort, planted a kick in his face. Beric responded with a pained grunt.

Have him escorted to the med bay, while Beric gets put in confinement and relocated to the penal cell.

Everyone immediately set into motion at the trainers directive. As Beric was hauled off, his eyes locked with Ians. In contrast to Ians emotionless demeanor, Beric looked like an explorer whod just unearthed a relic, his eyes ablaze with anticipation. He seemed to struggle with his newfound euphoria.

Hes definitely a madman.

Ian found himself concurring with the sentiments of the apprentices. Out of all the magic knights hed observed, Beric appeared to be among the most reckless.

On the flip side, it reflected a lack of fear on the battlefield. Such a warrior, who does not cower at the face of death, is unrivaled.

Ian, sir.


Deo approached Ian, furrowing his brows. What exactly did that guy do? His query was born not out of genuine concern but mere formality.

Ian dusted off his sleeves and replied,He just got himself a good thrashing.

Todays training has to wrap up early. Considering Master Chels state and the chaos here.

Chell was laying flat on his back in the shade, catching his breath. His round belly undulated with each breath. Even the slightest motion seemed commendable.

Moreover, the training ground was stained with blood where the man had fallen. To Ian, whose main goal was training, the day had been utterly unproductive.

Right. But what about that kid Beric?

Deo, who was about to turn away, halted at Ians call.

What will be his punishment?

Considering his numerous misdeeds, well need to discuss it, but hes likely to be whipped and expelled.

On top of that, his accumulated wages would be seized as reparation for the damage. Though Ian maintained a poker face, inwardly he felt a surge of satisfaction.

Even though it wasnt intentional, this turns out well.

Beric was currently a foot soldier of Dergha Bratz. But if he gets expelled and gains his freedom, it will be much easier to establish a relationship. As someone blindly chasing power, he would surely seek out Ian due to the peculiar phenomenon he felt just now.

With his temperament, he might even crawl here the very day he gets whipped. thought Ian, looking towards the back door of the training ground where Beric had disappeared while nodding with a fluttering heart.

The kid is a vigorous lad. If contract magic was feasible, it could be used to manipulate him. But for now, that was beyond Ians own capabilities. Beric needed to be treated delicately, like taming a wild beast.

Huff, huff.

Brother. Are you alright?

I, I cant do it. I really cant!

Chels exasperation was nearly a roar. Since witnessing Ians golden gaze, hed remained subdued. He looked genuinely fatigued.

Understood. Brother, you do as you wish from now on.

But if you dare make the count stop my training because of you, I wont let it go, Ian hinted with a smile.

Whether Chel understood his words or not was uncertain.

Nonetheless, Chel rose, mopping away the sweat, repulsed by the blood-soaked earth and the distant sounds of a whip cracking and a scream.

In the end, he reconfirmed that the training grounds were not his cup of tea.

The following day.

The official third luncheon with Molrin was underway. The surroundings were splendidly decorated with blooming flowers, bestowing the garden with an enhanced festive aura. Molrin, Mack, and Dgor effortlessly steered the meal, more relaxed than before.

Thats why I sought His Highnesss favor back then.

Oh~, Ive heard of that.

I presumed your ladyship would be aware.

There was no trace of their customary guarded discourse, and there was no conflict between Dergha and Molrin. No attempts were made to provoke Ian with a challenging topic. With Countess Mary as the center of attention, they only engaged in the petty chatter of the social circle. This shift was unquestionably due to their mutual understanding of Ian.

Dergha, who had been reticent for quite a while, spoke up.

Officer Molrin.

Yes, Count Bratz.

Is Ian showing you around my territory well?

Although there was room for doubt, there was no tangible evidence. Chel and Deo were completely in the dark, and the brooch had been checked thrice in the midst of his busy schedule. However, there was nothing substantial to latch onto.

After our initial excursion and meal, we visited the park. The weather was splendid, making the walk very pleasant. The intellectual discussions were enriching and that days events are still vivid in my mind.

Thats fortunate.

Oh, by the way, Master Ian. Will you show me the room you mentioned last time?

Room? Which room? The memory suddenly clicked in Ians mind.

Hadnt he playfully suggested Molrin visit his room when he first proposed an outing?

Ian glanced at Dergha with a smile as he noticed his plate was now empty of steak. If he got the approval, it would be best to end the meal and leave immediately.

Would that be alright, Father?

Id like to accompany you, but

Dergha wanted to join, but the presence of his aide lurking at the entrance of the garden was strong. It seemed even more so as he was fidgeting around like a whimpering puppy. He clearly had urgent matters pending.

Please finish entertaining the guests, my wife.

He clicked his tongue internally and glanced at Lady Mary. His authoritative demeanor, appearing to assign her a task, felt rather heavy.

Yes, I suppose so.

Ever since their disagreement, the frosty tension had become even more apparent. But given the presence of guests, they maintained a superficial cordiality.

Countess Mary wiped her hands with a napkin, sporting a radiant smile. It was as if an actress on a stage was changing her expression.

Shall we rise then?

Sure. The meal was excellent today as well. It was a great meal.

As everyone laid down their utensils, the waiting staff began to move. One servant, as if he had been waiting for the opportunity, leaned in and whispered something into the countesss ear.


What is the matter, madam?

My apologies. Ive just been informed that Lady Merellof is at the front gate.

Do you refer to Count Merellofs wife from the neighboring territory?

Mack queried, sounding somewhat taken aback. Count Merellof, though residing in the outskirts, didnt seem to have much societal standing Judging by Countess Marys response, it was clear she was quite familiar with him.

Countess Mary smiled as if she agreed. It was a smile filled with mockery.

Yes. Im to receive something from her. Ian, could you show our guests to the room in the meantime? Ill have some tea sent up.

With grace, the lady requested their understanding. Dergha also bade a brief farewell before heading to his study, while Ian led the guests to the annex.


Just as they say a room resembles its owner, its indeed very bright.

Mack looked around and complimented. The three of them sat around the sofa. Ian brought out a sheet of parchment and a pen, pointing to the brooch on his chest. Everyone knew what the red brooch signified.

Thank you, Sir Mack.

You mentioned practicing your handwriting. May we take a look?

Of course.

To fill the gap, Mack and Dgor chattered endlessly. It wasnt long until Countess Mary arrived. Ian picked up his pen and started writing down simple sentences.

-What should I do?

-Is it possible to access Count Derghas library?

-Ive been going up to refill the magic stone.

The rush to find the office. The problem related to taxes was likely as Ian had anticipated. Molrin paused for a moment, choosing his words to make it easier to understand.

-We need to verify the total yield of grains harvested from the territory and the production volume from the Monne Mountain mines. In addition, we also need the farmer tax verification form from last summer to the present. A transcription would be ideal, but if its difficult, just note down the numbers and bring it with the seal.

So, he did possess a coal mine after all. But its just coal, hardly a significant fortune.

Even without a detailed list, if a seal is found, a forced search can be carried out on the grounds of an internal whistleblowers report.

This was why nobles valued seals so much, and commonly, loyalty was measured by entrusting ones seal, precisely for this reason.

-Are you saying that the Bratz family has embezzled taxes?

-There are only suspicions so far.

Ian asked, pretending to hesitate:

-Embezzlement is a capital offense that can wipe out a family.

A vow not to exterminate was needed.

If the Bratz Castle disappeared, so would Ians position. Is that all? As long as Derghas blood mixed inside him, the likelihood of him becoming a slave in the imperial palace slave was high. Hed probably have to devote his life to making up for the embezzled taxes.

-If I object to your adoption registration, you, Master Ian, will not be part of the Bratz family. You can avoid extreme punishment, and there would be no need to cross the border. Wouldnt that be wonderful?

Now, will you look at this?

As expected, Molrin didnt give the answer he wanted. He seemed to think that Ian wouldnt understand the subsequent process, displaying an attitude of indifference.

If he were a magic user, it would be different, but for a child from a brother-turned-ordinary background, the man seemed to think that would be sufficient compensation.

Its an obvious choice, but its a bit tricky.

Given his situation, he couldnt outright demand the preservation of his family. If he were to bring down Dergha, he would definitely need the imperial palaces power. He thought it would be troublesome if they found out he was thinking too seriously.


An exclamation unknowingly slipped from Ians mouth, who had been deep in thought. At the sudden voice, Mack and Degor turned around.

Master Ian?

I apologize. I bit my tongue.

Be careful. Even a small wound can be painful.

Molrins caring concern didnt sound caring at all. If he let himself be led like this, there would be no way out. Ian smoothed out the plan he had just thought of and began to write.

-Then, I have a proposal.

-By all means.

A way to protect himself from the imperial palaces judgment and retain the ownership of his territory. Didnt they say, the enemy of an enemy is a friend? There was still a common enemy left between Dergha and the imperial palace.

-I wont oppose the adoption process, but I will meet with the Cheonrye tribe.

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