Margrave's Bastard Son was The Emperor

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

The hubbub within the Counts castle didnt subside even as dawn approached. As a result, the following morning, only Chel and Ian emerged in the dining room. Chel, dragging his weary body, hesitated as he entered.

Good morning, hyungnim (brother).

Ian greeted first, but received no response. It was curious why the seats of their father and mother were vacant.

They are unusually late today. We should start eating without them. Please, sit down.

Being forced to not only face each other but also to eat together? An uneasy stomach in the early morning? Just as Chel was discreetly turning to leave, Ian grabbed him with a quiet voice.

Do I need to pull out the chair for you?

No, no. Thats not it.

Struggling for an excuse, Chel eventually surrendered and took his seat. It was just last week that Ian was the one constantly begging, but he couldnt understand why their roles had reversed so dramatically.

What was it about those golden eyes

Could it have been a curse? Could their father have cursed Ians body to exterminate the Heavenly tribe before sending him off? Various imaginations born out of ignorance tangled in Chels head.

As Ian quietly ate his salad, he watched Chel intently.



I noticed that you seem to have very weak stamina. Do you have any personal training regimen?

Training? Chel was known for skiving off even the basic physical exercises at school under the pretext of various illnesses. Theres no way he would train on his own.

Ian offered a suggestion with a seemingly worried expression. From what Ive noticed, both of us have weak stamina. Its a bit worrying considering that we are the only heirs of the Dergha family in the face of the Heavenly tribe.

A sense of foreboding washed over Chel as he gently put down his knife. Ian, however, cleaned up the tableware with a subtle smile.

So, how about going to the training ground together?

Chel gaped in surprise. The training ground? The place where soldiers swing swords and spears?

If you suggest it, father would probably appreciate it. He would surely praise it as befitting the next Count.

In truth, Dergha had many concerns. Being in a quasi-war state with the Heavenly tribe, the strength of the heirs was important, but Chel, despite being the first heir, was quite removed from that aspect.

Hence, the Counts chosen solution was to elevate the power of the captain, Deo being one of the beneficiaries.

I suppose he would

Chel, who didnt even like to jump around let alone swing a sword, was pondering how to refuse. But Ian quickly seized the opportunity.

Alright then. After breakfast, lets just go for a look. It is said to be right behind the mansion.

Right after breakfast?

Why? Would you prefer to go without eating?

Whether he would go after eating or go on an empty stomachIan was asking him to choose. Chel glanced resentfully at the empty seats of his parents with his mouth shut.

As always, Ian served himself the food. There was bound to be a lot left over today.

The training ground, visible as soon as they left the mansion through the back gate.

An ancient building, used since the times of the ancestors, was a bit rundown but the ash-colored walls still held an impressive military aura. The national flag of Bariel, fluttering in the wind, accompanied by the flag of the Bratz family, were very dignified.


Young master Chel?

As they entered the training ground, they found Deo semi-reclined on a bench. It was clear that he was still using his injury as an excuse not to participate in training.

The unexpected visit of the two young boys, who usually showed no interest, caused Deo to spring up, surprised.

What brings you here?

Um. We thought of having a look around the training ground.

You, young master? Why?

At Deos reply, Ian, who had been standing behind, stepped forward. His attitude was not just disrespectful, it was downright defiant.

Is it such a remarkable thing for the young Count to visit the training ground?

Its just that this is the first time.

After feeling a lack of stamina from yesterdays outing, I thought we should train together in the future. Even if the guards are knocked out by drinking, I should be able to protect myself.

His words were a rebuke to Deo, who had collapsed after drinking wine at the banquet. From Ians perspective, it was indeed fortunate, but Deo had neglected his duties nonetheless.

The man smirked and ran his tongue over his dark teeth. Whats gotten into him all of a sudden? For Deo, this was an unwelcome change.

Although the chance was slim, if Chel were to show interest and talent in martial arts, it was certain that some of the authority granted to him, as the captain, would be limited.

Well, given the kids young age and chubby figure, it seemed unlikely he had to worry

Yes, then follow me. How difficult could a tour be?

Deo leisurely took the lead. Inside the spacious ground, soldiers were training freely. Most were bare-chested, swinging their swords, or running around with wagon wheels, emitting a raw and lively atmosphere.


One more time!

Push! Harder!


They were gathered for individual training. The atmosphere was heated, with shrieks erupting here and there. Chel tried to keep his expression under control, but he seemed clearly uncomfortable.

This is the largest training field, and over there is the warehouse, and beyond that is the lounge. You can sleep in the lounge if you are training all night. Hmm. And.

Listening with half an ear to Deos reluctant explanation, Ian surveyed the inside of the area. In one corner, young men were lying flat with their heads bowed.

Whats happening over there?

Unlike the mostly adult soldiers, these boys looked quite young, probably no older than eighteen.

Deo replied in a dull tone, Theyre orphans.


It was impossible that the financially strained Bratz family would run an orphanage. The only way for orphans wandering the streets without guardians to survive was to become soldiers of Dergha. At least the military provided food and a place to sleep.

Deo muttered with a smirk, If you hadnt been so lucky, Master Ian, you might have ended up seeing me here as well.

Although it was disrespectful, it wasnt untrue.

Ian himself was the illegitimate child of a commoner mother. It wouldnt have been surprising if hed been abandoned. If so, Ian would have had no choice but to join them here.

Do you think so? Brother, what do you think?

At Ians question, Chel hardened his expression.

Deo. Dont say such things.

Please, he was saying, stop making disturbing remarks to Ian.

Who knew what would happen if Ian were to show his golden eyes once more out of fear? Although Chels rebuke was fear-based, Deo frowned as if surprised.

Just then, there was a commotion in the middle of the training field under the scorching sun.

Get your head together!


A man who seemed to be an instructor indiscriminately whipped around. Red marks were clearly visible on the arms, backs, and thighs of the children.

Abusing child soldiers. This is insane.

That Dergha, what on earth is going through his mind? This was a practice Ian had never even imagined. In his previous position as Emperor of Bariel, child soldiers only appeared when the country was on the brink of ruin.

Ian wanted to alleviate the childrens pain, even for a moment, and called Deo.

Deo, as you said, if they werent so unlucky, they would have been my comrades. Lets encourage them, at least. Call them into the shade for a bit.

Really? Are you serious?

Do I have to repeat myself?

Thats not possible. Even if the Count himself were to visit, they cannot pause during training. Its a rule for discipline, please understand.

Discipline my foot.

Ian watched them from a nearby bench instead of replying. As soon as this damned training was over, he planned to call them and check on their wellbeing. Chel also hesitated and perched on the edge of the bench.


Cant do it right? You want to starve?

No! I can do it!

Raise your arms straight!


The screaming was intense. It was audible even amidst the noise of the surrounding training. One by one, the bodies propped up only by their heads and arms began to fall to the side.

Hold on!

One child among them particularly caught Ians eye.

His disheveled red hair was loosely tied, but the look in his eyes visible through the strands was unusual. It was pure determination. His eyes werent just resolute, they seemed to view the world in this manner.

That child.

Ian found himself speaking before he realized it.

Red hair and eyes. The childs physique was slender, and even amidst the shivering of his body, he managed to hold out to the end.

Following Ians gaze, Deo replied in an irritated tone, His name is Beric.

The kid wasnt particularly physically gifted. But he was persistent enough to make even the instructors wince. He faced an opponent nearly twice his size in the selection combat but managed to secure victory by biting his opponents ear. Of course, as punishment, he was made to fast for three days.

Ian watched Beric, crossing his legs.


Only two were left. Beric and the other kid were bent as if their necks could snap at any moment. The instructor remained silent, checking his watch, waiting for one of them to outlast the other.


Beric resisted with a yell.

At that moment, his opponent lost his strength and fell to the side. His sweat-soaked upper body was coated with sand.



At the instructors words, Berics knee touched the ground. Struggling for breath and unable to get up, the boy spat on the ground with a tired turn of his head. His forehead was a mess from fatigue. He couldnt move an inch, having poured out all his strength.

So this kid named Beric is the top amongst them? Chel asked, having observed the scene.

Not necessarily. His efforts are commendable, but thats just about it. His skills do not match his tenacity. Especially in battle.

The instructor poured water on Berics head. Still, the boy couldnt get up, closing his eyes with an annoyed expression. The others, who had given up earlier, had no trouble moving.

With such passion, shouldnt he be exemplary in training?

Theres something called constitution. No matter how hard you try, if it doesnt work, it doesnt. There are limits to natural abilities.

Every day he was the first to arrive at the training ground and the last to leave, but his growth was slow. No one could match his ability to endure pain, but what does that matter? In front of an enemys blade, its not about gritting your teeth.

So he should also know when to give up. Everyone has a place where they can shine. Im thinking of moving Beric to special missions rather than the frontlines, Deo added this, as if addressing both Chel and Ian.

They are handling troop management well, including himself, so they should just stick to pen-pushing. But Chel was too obtuse to understand the implication, and Ian was lost in his own thoughts.

Somethings off.

That look in that childs eyes, it wasit was like

Like a knight willing to die for faith and honor.

The spirit vividly reminiscent of the heart of war. Isnt it surprising for a child not even of age to possess such fervor?

And most importantlyhe detected a faint aura of magic power when Beric gritted his teeth.

This is typically characteristic of magic swordsmen.

A swordsman who manipulates magic.

The inner energy is blocked by magic power, slowing growth before awakening. But once awakened, the individual can become so strong that no ordinary human can compare.

To unearth this, a magic practitioner who can stimulate the latent magic is needed. Its so rare that many people live and die without knowing theyre magic swordsmen.

Looks like training is done, call him over now, Ian directed Deo.

He was very firm, as if not accepting a second refusal.

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