Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 9

The bar smelled wonderful.

I’d lived most of my life on cheap mush or ration bars, so this last month where I’d been eating cooked food had gotten me used to looking forward to my meals.

The building itself wasn’t much more than four walls and a roof. There was a pair of stoves behind the bar where whatever smelled so good was cooking.

An older man in his eighties with black hair and brown eyes was toiling away over a pot. There was a white-haired man in his seventies seated at the bar. The older man looked like he had started drinking a long time ago, which I took to mean that he wasn’t part of the Mapping teams.

“By the Gods! When are yas going to learn that dinner is served at five and not a minute…” He turned around and saw us, “You aren’t the Scribs.”

“Fooda sent us over?” I looked around at the empty tables, “Said you let us beat the rush?”

“Did he now…” The man stroked his chin, “And why would I do a thing like that for some people I don’t know?”

I walked over and held out my hand, “Atlas Vowler.” I pointed at my companions, “This is Fray Harror, Ren Zavel, and Rix Zeb.”

He eyed me as he shook my hand, “Aryne Minti. Vowler you say?”

“Yes sir.”

“So you’re kin to Trent Vowler?” I could see him doing math in his head.

“He’s my father.” I tried to smile.

“He’s your father…” He put his hand on my shoulder, “Why didn’t you lead with that?”

“Because…” It wasn’t like I hadn’t been using Trent’s name to open doors, but in this case… “Because Fooda made it sound like the people around here respect my father, but they aren’t going to do him favors just because of who he is and who he represents.” I shrugged, “I would rather be seen as someone who talks to the locals rather than someone who uses his family name to conquer what I want.”

Aryne nodded, “I see why Fooda thought I’d like you.” He motioned at the women with me, “And I can see why Fooda liked you. Poor man hasn’t left the island in over a decade and the clientele we get around here is nothing like this latest group.”

He motioned for us to sit at the bar as he walked back to the stove. “You’ve got about thirty minutes before the Scribs get here. I’d be out of here before they come in unless you…” He shook his head as he stirred the soup, “I’d rather not have you da mess up my floors when the Scribs get disrespectful.”

“Ah.” I took a seat in between Ren and Fray, “You said new group?”

“The Taray kid brought her class here. Only one looker, but from the looks of things she was running the show.”

He must have been talking about Savyn. Considering how quickly Andes had pined for her attention when we’d first met, I could see how she could take over a class where the rest were guys. It was bad news for Jovena though. I seriously doubted Savyn would let another ambitious woman join the team without a fight.

“Good to know…” I picked up on what else he’d just said, “Taray kid?”

“Yep, Ceridwen Taray’s Niece. She’s been here for about as long as anyone.” He shook his head as he brought us bowls, “I know your da’s going to give it his all, but this isn’t going to the Temple.”

“Thanks.” I took a spoonful, “This is delicious.”

“Glad you like it.” He motioned at the food, “That’ll be a hundred All.”

Fray choked on her food. For us, that was a lot of All, but I still had plenty left over from the shopping spree. I pulled out the coin and pushed it across the table, “This is worth it.” It wasn’t, but he’d waited until we’d started to eat to tell us the price. Something I’d have to be mindful of in the future.

He pocketed the coin and went back to the food on the stove.

“Something I’ve been wondering…” Rix set a coin down on the table, “We’ve been seeing a lot of the Cult of Wurn back on the mainland, but there’s not been a single one of them here in Wurn.”

The black haired man walked over and picked up the coin, “With all the Authority around here?” He shook his head, “But you should be careful, rumor has it they’ve found a tunnel on the fourth floor and are using it to jump back to the mainland.”

“Really?” Rix pushed the empty bowl forward, “Where to?”

Aryne shrugged, “Who knows, but those wackjobs have been spouting on and on about how they’ve found that purple horned God down there. Pure madness, if you ask me, but who knows what will happen down there.” He nodded at the clock. “You probably want to finish up and get out of here.”

I ate the last few bites and got up, “We’ll head back to Fooda’s and check on our order. Thanks for the food!”

The old man waved at us as he got out more bowls.

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