Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 6

Fray was the last one to walk in.

Ren cast Light as soon as she got in to start the fight. We could have waited out the timer, but standing in pure darkness for five minutes, just wasn’t an appetizing option.

The boss started coming out of the ground and Mitchel waited until it was all the way up and roared before he engaged it.

“LOOK AT ME!” The blonde man gripped his shield with both hands as he braced for impact.

“Harden! Hone Weapon!” Ren pulled a six inch stick out of her CB and pointed it at the monster. “Earth Blade!”

A green blade grew out of the hilt and she ran towards the monster.

I’d never seen that skill before, but there were a lot of skills I'd never seen. The magical sword in her hand hummed as it cut into the monster’s shoulder.

Fray was working on the other side, so I rotated while firing at the back leg. The Fire Shots were burning holes through it and just before I emptied the magazine, the leg gave and the off balance monster fell on its left side.

Fray had to back up to keep from getting fallen on.

“Sorry!” I swapped magazines. I had one more of Fire Shot, one of Earth Shot, and one of Electric Shot. I hoped they’d be finished soon though, because I wasn’t sure how well the other two would work, so I’d be having to cast the magic manually.

The monster didn’t even have time to get up before Fray and Ren were able to finish it off.

“That wasn’t too bad.” Jovena walked over and started picking up her bolts.

“Why don’t you get a magic arrow type skill?” I went over to help her.

“I could and probably will.” She put her weapon away, “But right now my Magic is at six and…” The white-haired woman paused, “The dungeons in Tres aren’t nice to Casters, so having a physical weapon made more sense.”

“Don’t most Shooters go for daggers or a fast melee weapon?” Fray sat down next to me. “Then you wouldn’t have to pick up the bolts that can be reused after every fight.”

“My Mother uses a Recall skill, but…” She shook her head, “They’re really expensive and something that requires at least level five to use.”

Gesai walked in clapping. “That was perfect!” She looked at Fray. “Fray, good job getting out of the way when it fell over, then getting right back in.” She turned to the Tank, “Mitchel! Good job holding its attention. Ren, you’re a one-woman team by yourself.” She looked over at Jovena and myself, “Good job on support you two.”

Jovena nodded, then pointed at the item that Ren was holding. “What did we get?”

The blonde woman held up a blue ring, “Bolt Ring.” She tossed it to me, “It’s Caster gear.”

I caught the ring and looked at its stats. All it did was cast the spell Bolt. There were no stats or anything attached to it. I offered it to Jovena, “Do you want it?”

The woman froze for a second, then shook her head, “Ren’s right, it’s Caster gear.”

I looked at the blue ring in my hand. I didn’t really need it and would probably never really use it. I walked over and held it out to Ren, “I’ve already got an electric spell, so I think you’ll be able to use this more.”

The blonde reached out and took the ring and slipped it on, “Your funeral.” She smiled sweetly and gave me a hug.


“Alright!” Let’s go! I’ve got another group to run down here!” Gesai started motioning towards the exit.

“I’m so confused…” I stood in the middle of the boss room and watched Gesai lead Mitchel, Ren and Fray to the exit.

Jovena stopped beside me, “Seriously?” She looked me in the eyes, “You don’t get it?”

I shook my head as the two of us started walking towards the exit.

“You just gave Ren a ring…” Jovena laughed, “In front of Fray and before Oz.” The white-haired woman smiled broadly, “Tonight is going to be entertaining.”

“That’s not what… whatever.” I waved her off, “I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself at my expense.”

“Nothing else to do.” She shrugged, “At least I'm getting experience before you ship me off to military school.”

She went through the exit before I got a chance to speak. It hadn’t been my decision, well maybe a little my decision, but she needed a little more structure than the chaotic always on survival mode method that Trent used. I sighed as I went through the portal. I’d figure something out with the other two.

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