Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 22

Justia finished off Gileon to win the match.

I had been surprised when the brown-haired Healer had taken Oz’s sword. Given her hangup over weapons after our first week with Mantles, I’d partially been surprised that she’d even agreed to participate.

Once Gileon landed in his seat, the other four members of our team appeared in theirs. There was a lot of grumbling in the crowd, but one very happy man.

“Pay up! Pay Up! Paaay Uuuppp!” Tophua was dancing around as he collected his winnings from people who had bet against us.

I shook my head. At least someone was happy about our win. It felt empty. Sure, we’d proven that we were better at fighting, but I wondered how much respect they’d have for us going forward. One thing was obvious, this fight had encouraged them to get better for the next time we fought.

My team, on the other hand, looked beat. Other than congratulating Aelin on her win, the rest of us weren’t really celebrating. It was like beating the Zombie Horned Bear for the Tenth time. It was just another win.

Jovena puffed out her chest and smiled at Savyn. The white haired woman smirked as the other woman turned and walked away with the rest of her team behind her.

The crowd was starting to dissipate and the rest of our team made their way to us and began to give hugs and congratulate us on our win.

Tophua finished collecting his winnings and came over as well, “I knew betting on you was a sure thing!” He smiled broadly, “I’ve got retirement money now!”

“I hope you’re not planning on retiring before you have a chance to work on our gear.” I forced a grin.

“Of course not!” He puffed out his chest, “You’re my favorite customers!” His eyes got wide as he started counting. “Eight?!?!”

I thought about correcting him, but Aelin was apparently feeling more like herself, “Nine.” She batted her eyes and rubbed Gesai’s arm.

That hadn’t been the direction I was going to take the number.

The older man smiled as he grabbed my shoulders, “I think you are my hero.”

I glared at Aelin as he pulled me in for a hug. She bounced her eyebrows and grinned.

At least the fight seemed to get back the Aelin that we’d had before. That was something at least.

The blonde man released me, “Well, I’ve got to get back to the shop.” He smiled, “Lots of All to count.” He waved at us, “Come by and see me if you want your gear worked on!”

“So now what?” I looked at Gesai. Almost all of the crowd was gone.

Before she could answer, a black-haired woman in her eighties walked up to us, “Very impressive, though I would have liked to have seen you with a bow.”

I tried to figure out who she was talking to when Oz rushed over and gave her a hug.

I looked at Justia and raised an eyebrow. The brunette shook her head and shrugged.

“Everyone, this is my Great-Aunt Zorna Reace.” Oz pointed at us, “Aunty, this is…”

The black-haired woman squeezed her great-niece’s shoulder. “I know who everyone is dear.” Her eyes rested on me, “That was a very good showing. I would have expected no less from a team that Trent Vowler was teaching.”

I felt like a mouse in the gaze of a hungry cat, “Thank you.” I tried to smile. This woman was Jana Reace’s younger sister. Jana was one of the Nobles that was on a first name basis with the War Goddess, Slece. And Jana was someone Trent had warned me to steer as far away from as possible.

“Where is your teacher?” The older woman looked around, “I saw him leave at the start of the match.” She turned back to me, “It’s a pity that he couldn’t stick around to see such an impressive match.”

“He had to take a call from the Cathedral.” Gesai cut in between us, “It couldn’t be rescheduled.”

“Ah yes,” Zorna smiled, “The negotiations over ownership of this dungeon.” She shook her head, “The Tarays have been running it for the last decade, I don’t know why the Temple thinks they have any claim to ownership now.”

Gesai shrugged, “Above my paygrade.” She smiled, “It’s been nice meeting you, but I need to get my team back to camp and go over that fight with them.”

“Of course!” Vorna hugged Oz again, “I’m stationed over there.” She smiled at us as she pointed at the Authority Station, “Don’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I swallowed as I realized she had the gray emblem of the Authority on her shoulder. And not just any emblem either, but one that marked her as a Commander.

Oz’s Great-Aunt was the one in charge of the Authority in town.

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