Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 18

The Summoner’s ring was packed.

I had expected there to be a turnout, but not like this.

Except, I didn’t see a ring at all. People were gathered in a large empty grassy place in the south east corner of town. There wasn’t going to be room for us to do a one on one duel, let alone all twelve of us.

“Where’s the ring?” I leaned over and whispered to Gesai. I had no idea where Trent was. She has been the one to escort the ten of us down here. I was starting to get a little worried. I hadn’t seen Rix at all today. I was sure she was doing something important, but she at least usually checked in.

Gesai pointed to the table that was being placed in the middle of the lot. A brown-haired red-eyed woman in her seventies took a small bag out of her CB and dumped about twenty crystals on the table. Trent walked up and started sorting through them.

“Fyth Kane.” Gesai pointed at the older woman, “She’s the Summoner around here. Trent will choose three of those floor boss crystals, then Celia will choose one from those three. Then Fyth will summon the boss room instead of the monster.” She looked a little worried, “That’s where you’ll be fighting.”


I watched Trent pick out three crystals and offer them to Celia. The Amazonian picked one and handed it to Fyth. The older woman held up the crystal, it shone brightly. Then a portal appeared in front of her.

“That’s your cue.” Gesai began ushering the six of us to stand beside Trent.

Once all twelve of us were lined up on either side of the portal, Fyth walked between us and cleared her throat.

“We have special entertainment tonight! Straight from the Cathedral!” She waited for the cheering and yelling to die down before continuing, “This is a taste of the Selection Matches that you’ll be able to watch in sixteen weeks!” She held out her hands while she turned in a slow circle, “We have the Black team, led by Celia Taray!” There was more cheering. “And Trent Vowler’s Blue team!”

I hadn’t expected the handful of boos that we got. I did hear Tophua cheering for us. I couldn't stop the smile from splitting my face. He really was a pervy old man.

“This is an elimination round. The barriers on you will keep you safe and the weapons are AGC issued, so you can go all out while you’re in there. If you take lethal damage or are incapacitated, then you will be forcibly removed. The first team to have all of their players removed, loses.” She looked from Celia to Trent, “Any questions?’

“Nope.” Celia spun her finger in the air, “Let’s get it started!”

There were more cheers.

Trent shook his head and nodded to Fyth.

“Then if the teams would enter the ring!” Fyth motioned at the portal.

“Nobles first.” Andes Roge pushed his way to the front of the line and glared at Aelin, “I finally get to show you what a Noble is really capable of.”

“I’ll take notes on how to cry.” Jovena shot back.

“Or how to wet ourselves.” Oz looked at Gileon Alard, “You’re good at that right? I seem to remember an incident on the Third Grade Playground…”

The red-haired man’s face got red, “Someone spilled water on me! I didn't..!” He turned and stormed into the portal.

“One of the few benefits of growing up around him.” Oz smiled, “I know all the embarrassing stories.”

Aelin smiled for the first time. She still looked like she had seen a ghost, but she was starting to show some life.

“What if we lose?” The blonde shivered.

“Then we’ll still be here with you.” Justia gave Aelin a hug, “But that’s not going to happen.”

“Yeah…” Aelin looked away as Savyn touched the portal. She was the last one to get in. The black-haired Caster glared at us, but didn’t say anything as she went inside.

“Our turn.” Oz and Jovena charged in. I grabbed Aelin’s left hand and Justia grabbed her right. We followed Ether through the portal.

It was time to start.

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