Mantle of the Gods

Mantle of the Gods - Book 6 - The Cult - Chapter 11

Everyone but Rix was back.

“How’d it go?” I walked into camp and gave Ether a hug. She had been back long enough that she was out of her metal armor and was wearing a comfortable shirt and shorts.

“Not bad.” She kissed me, “We got the charge skill as a drop, so we gave it to Oz.” She nodded at the raven-haired woman, “Otherwise it was a good day. I don’t think we could farm this as well as we did at the Temple Dungeon in Harror, but it was still good experience.”

“Speaking of good experience…” Trent walked over, “A group of students decided to do pulls in the Harror Temple to mimic how you leveled. Two students died.” He looked at us, “I’ve been told to ask you to not engage in such risky behavior anymore.” He smiled, “And now I have, for what it’s worth.”

“What was that about?” Oz walked over.

“In order to level up quick, we were splitting up and fighting monsters solo while still in a group.” I had forgotten that she hadn’t been with us when we did that. “It was slimes, so they were easy.”

“And that worked?” The green-eyed woman didn’t seem convinced.

“We got almost a hundred experience in a day.” Ether yawned, “Why am I so tired? It’s only five-thirty.”

“It’s been a long day.” I ran my fingers through her white hair, “But it does feel too early to go to sleep.”

She leaned against me and yawned again. “Maybe we should go to our tent and see.”

“Maybe… In a minute” I waved at Jovena, “Vena!”

The white-haired woman walked over, “What?”

“How’d it go at the Black team?”

“Why don't you mind your own business?” She turned and stormed off to her tent.

“They shot her down.” Mitchel gave a half wave as he approached, “Or, actually, Savyn told her ‘We don’t need washouts on this team’.” He made air quotes and tried to mimic a very regal voice.

“Ouch.” I shook my head, “Trent seems to have a good eye for things, maybe she should give it a try and see.”

“Have you met Jovena?” The blonde man shook his head, “She’s going to try to find a way to get what she wants. Or out of what she doesn’t.”

“True.” I shook my head, “Who knows, maybe she’ll get bumped into Bethil's class.”

Mitchel shrugged, “Who knows.”

Ether yawned again, “I think I need a nap.” She pulled on my arm.

“Okay.” I waved at Mitchel, “See ya.”

I let her pull me to the tent, but before I could close it up, Oz slipped in.

“So…” The green-eyed woman glared at me, “You’ve given a ring to Ether and now Ren?” She eyed me, “What do you have to say for yourself?’

“She was the best person for the loot?” I shrugged, “I mean, if you want a ring so bad…”

“Yes!” Oz covered her mouth as she interrupted me, “Yes.”

“I’ll see what I can do.” My mind was spinning as she hugged me. I was still trying to figure out how I was going to get into the boss room when her kiss pulled me back into the present.

I blinked after she pulled back. “What was that for?”

Oz shrugged, “Getting what I want.”

I turned around to look at Ether, who was suddenly not looking tired at all.

“Everyone is here!” I motioned at the tent door. “They can hear..”

“Nothing.” Oz knocked on the door. “Sealed and soundproof.” She cupped her hand over her ear to emphasize her point.

She was right, the only noises I heard were coming from inside the tent.

Oz pushed me over into Ether’s arms and kissed me again. I had a feeling that I wasn’t going to get much sleep as I wrapped my arms around her and started to kiss her back.

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