Mantle of the Gods

Chapter 16

My heart skipped a beat from being put on the spot.

I was used to following orders but those were usually ‘move this there’, ‘pick this up’ or even ‘go tell this person what I'm telling you’. I had never been asked to talk to an entire room of strangers about myself. Well, maybe they weren’t all strangers. I had spent almost an hour with Justia and Trent, but that hadn't been enough time for me to really warm up to them. I started racking my brain about how I should go about it.

Aelin noticed my hesitation and took the lead, “I'm Aelin from Zeb.” she nodded to me and then pointed at Rix, “Just like them.” She smiled at everyone, “I'm an Aura class and I've been working as a waitress to help out my mother back home. I've never been in the dungeon but I hope that I can be of help to all of you.” She smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back. There was something about her personality that put me at ease even when she was complaining.

I decided that I needed to speak up since it had originally been my turn to go first.

“Like she said,” I began, “I'm also from Zeb. My name is Atlas and I have been working as a Porter for the last four years, so I've been in the dungeon for most of that time. I'm an orphan of the Great War and I will serve as your Caster while we're here.” I tried to smile at everyone but Rix still had a scowl on her face as she was brooding in her corner. Edward Rene didn't even look up and when I looked over at Justia, she shifted her gaze away from mine uncomfortably. I understood that this role had been placed on her without much time for her to prepare herself. I didn't want to make anything any more difficult because something told me that I was going to be stuck with her for the rest of my life. Which meant I needed to find a way to get her at ease around me. Aelin and Ether smiled at me as I completed the circle with my eyes.

“I'll go next.” Ether tossed the blue coveralls over her shoulder and pulled the band out of her white hair letting it fall down to her shoulders. Her red eyes sparkled as she took a breath,

“My name is Ether and I'm from Klix.” The cheerful woman said, “I'm a defense class so I will be your Tank. I came from a poor family but I've been living on my own for a while. I was working at a crystal sorting facility before I took the trial. I look forward to working with everyone.” She smiled at all of us. I thought I might have seen a small crack in Justia’s more stoic face and when Edward didn't look up from his feet, she sat on his bed next to him and elbowed him.

“You're up next!” She told the blonde.

Edward looked at us, “My name is Edward Renee. I'm from Slece where my family owns a weapons shop. I am a Power class and you all seem like a really nice bunch.” He scooted away from Ether and turned pulling his feet up on his bed providing a small divide to keep the happy white-haired woman away from him.

Ether shrugged, got up and marched over to Justia.

“Your turn.” She pointed at the brunette.

Justia looked like she might refuse, but thought for a moment then replied.

“My name is Justia Publian, “I'm from Harror, where my family runs a clinic. I'm hoping that while I'm here I will get strong enough that I'll be able to take over my family's business.”

Ether clapped, “That's great! We should all say what we're hoping to get while we're here!” she pointed at herself, “I'm hoping to become filthy rich so I never have to worry about money again!” She looked at Aelin, “What about you?”

Aelin blushed for a little moment then looked up and took a cautious breath. “I know that my father is a Noble, but I don't know who he is. I was hoping that I would be able to, you know, figure out where I came from.”

Ether nodded, “I bet you you can and I'll help you any way you need.”

She turned to me. “What about you spell boy?”

I thought for a moment. “Honestly I just want to explore the dungeon.” I shrugged. I actually didn't really know what I wanted from becoming an Adventurer. I had just seen it as a way to escape and have a better life. I hadn't really thought about what I would do next.

“What about you?” Ether turned to Edward.

The boy pulled his knees up to his face so that his nose rested at the top of the small hill. He breathed into his legs for a moment and then picked up his chin and rested it on his knees.

“My brother disappeared in the dungeon,” he began, “at least that's what the official report says. I think he's still out there somewhere. He just doesn't feel like he's gone.”

“Aw.” Ether walked over and sat down next to Edward and put her arm over him. “We have two people looking for answers.” She said as she gave him a hug, “I bet you that we’ll be able to figure something out.” She looked over at our teacher. “Mr Vowler, aren't there spells that will tell us answers to certain questions?”

Trent didn't even open his eyes, “Sure but not ones that are that specific.” He said, “At least not until you're a lot higher level than you'll be by the end of this course.”

Ether shrugged, “I'm sure we'll find a way.” She stood up and started to walk around Edward's bed. “That leaves just one person.” She looked over at the redhead brooding on the corner bed.

“My name is Rix. I'm your Shooter and I want money.” She kept her answers short.

Ether started to say something else but Rix jumped off of her bed and walked over to our teacher. She grabbed one of the blue jumpsuits and threw it over her shoulder.

“We're done now.” She looked at each of us to see if anyone was going to object. “Good, then I'm going to take a shower and try to get some sleep.”

No one stopped her as she walked into the bathroom.

Ether smiled. “Come on! Girls first, then Guys.”

Trent started chuckling and shook his head.

“What?” Ether demanded

“Nothing,” He had a huge grin on his face, “Nothing at all.”

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