Mantle of the Gods

Book 5 - The Recruit - Chapter 50

We were both invisible.

Apparently Tres had joined their training session to help her learn about how not only did her abilities modify her, but also the God class.

They’d taught her how to link her buffs to me.

We’d been invisible almost the entire time and given her passive, that explained how we’d gotten out of the palace without security stopping us. They hadn’t been able to see us.

Rix led us straight for the harbor and it didn’t take us long to find the two men who were loading the box onto the back of a truck. It looked like it was heavy for them and I wondered what level they were, because it wasn’t like we could fight most Adventurers.

“Now what?” I saw her messing with her Crystal Band.

“I’m figuring out what’s in that crate.” She pointed at the men who were looking around as they got into the truck. "Think you can distract them?”

“With what?” I glared at her. "They could kill us!”

“How?” She looked confused. “They’re Mundane.”

“How do you..?” I waved the question away. "Nevermind. What do you want me to do?”

She started running over the top of the containers. "Stop the truck!”

I took off after her. “DASH!”

I let the speed boost propel me and I landed almost fifty feet from where I’d started. I rolled until I found my footing. The truck had started and I was about thirty feet in front of it. Rix was still on the containers and running towards the back of the truck. If these were really Mundane, then weapons would be overkill.

“BIND!” I felt myself shimmer out of invisibility as a pair of vines wrapped around the truck. Before I could speak they were both getting out of the truck.

“BY WURN’S WILL!” The one in the driver’s side pulled out a metal pipe and charged while the other one headed for the back of the truck.

I grabbed the pipe and punched the man in the gut. He folded like paper as I threw the pipe away.

“Rix! You okay?!”

She stood up in the back of the truck. "ATLAS! WE NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!” She jumped out of the truck holding what looked like a black egg with a glowing purple mark on it.

“You’re too late!” The man I’d hit was laughing beside me. "Wurn’s will is done!”

“What do you mean?” I went to grab him and realized that his skin had started glowing purple.

I backed away as the light intensified. “That’s not good.” I looked over and saw that the same purple light was shining out of the huge egg that she was running with. I started running after her. Whatever stats she’d allocated, she was a lot faster than me. Even with keeping my Dash up all the time, I wasn’t able to keep up with her.

I could tell that she was trying to make it to the water, but there was still a few hundred feet and the egg looked like it was going to explode.

Rix fell down and a blonde man was holding the egg. He arched back his arm and threw it past the double lighthouses. It sank into the water, turning almost the entire harbor's water full of purple light.

There was an explosion and the water where the egg had landed and a wave as tall as the lighthouses surged towards the harbor. I’d caught up to the pair and realized it was Tres who was standing next to myself and Rix.

“What are we going to do?” I looked over and saw that Trent was standing next to us.

The old man was casting a spell with the God. I turned back to the harbor and the water crashed into a golden barrier between the two lighthouses. The water swirled a little as it settled back down

I looked at the two older men. "What was that?”

Trent ignored me as he helped up Rix. "Who were they?”

“Cult of Wurn.” She nodded back at the truck. "I knocked one out, but…”

I turned around. I’d been so focused on the damage in front of me that I hadn’t realized that there had been an explosion behind me. The truck was on fire and there was a black spot on the ground where I’d left the laughing man.

“What just happened?” I looked between all of them searching for an answer.

“That was a dungeon seed.” Tres took a deep breath as he patted Trent on the shoulder. "Thanks.”


“Wurn was a god researching dungeons.” Trent pointed at the island out past the lighthouses. “His Desolation is over there” He shook his head. "For some reason his followers believe that if they can cause a dungeon break, they can bring him back.”

“Seriously?” I swallowed. "Did that..?”

“It wasn’t close enough to trigger the dungeon.” Tres pointed to a tower on our left. "But it may have started another one. I’ll get a team to check it out.” He clapped me on the shoulder. "Don’t worry about it, this kind of stuff happens all the time.”

Somehow I didn’t believe them, but before I could say anything else Rix and I were back in the main area of our floor in the palace. I felt very dizzy. Like I had when Sipher had been jumping around floors with us.


“Teleportation.” Rix grabbed the back of the couch to steady herself.

I closed my eyes and sank to the floor.

“Atlas!” Fray wrapped her arms around me from behind.

“Hey.” I pulled my arm back and touched her face. "How are you..?”

“Better.” She squeezed me. "What happened?”

“Rix and I went for a walk.” The brunette felt calmer than normal. I had my doubts that all Trent did was talk to them, but whatever he did, it seemed to have given Fray a little more peace. “We found some trouble.”

“Are you okay?” She let me go so she could come around in front of me.

“We’re fine.” Rix answered as she walked over to the window and looked out at the harbor. There were already ships with flashing lights heading out to the place where the seed had landed.

I got up and walked over to her with Fray beside me.

“What’s going on?” Oz rubbed her eyes as she walked into the room.

“I have no idea.” I turned back towards the chaos on the water below. "I have no idea.”

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