Mantle of the Gods

Book 5 - The Recruit - Chapter 43

Gesai walked in clapping.

“Three level twos!” The teacher laughed. "This is going in the history books! Three level twos against the level two floor boss!”

I walked over to them and didn’t try to stop smiling. “Congrats, that was…” My grin got wider. "Impressive.”

“What’d we get?” Jeene bent down and picked up a vial. "Invisibility potion? Oz this will work great with Ren’s shadow cloak! Just think about everything you could do!”

“I know what you’re thinking and no.” Oz took the potion away from Jenne. "Besides, I think we should let Vena have this, since she’s not fighting anymore today and Mitchel already got something.” She held out the vial towards Jovena.

The white-haired woman walked over and accepted the potion. "But I didn’t do anything…”

“You were part of the team and it’s an item that you could use." Oz smiled. "That’s all that matters.”

“Thank you.” Jovena clutched the potion close to her before putting it in her crystal band.

“Alright!” Gesai twirled her finger in the air. "One more time, then we’re going home!”

We walked back into the second floor, where the rest of the team rushed over to congratulate the three victors.

“Alright!” Gesai cupped her hands when the noise didn’t die down fast enough. "HEY!”

Everyone stopped speaking.

“Okay, that’s better.” The teacher looked at us. "Now that everyone here has seen how fast it can be done, I have a few notes.” She looked over at Oz. "I am proud of how well you did, but I do need to tell you how reckless that was.” She held up her hand. "If one thing had gone wrong…” She looked at the other two. "Ren’s buffs didn’t last or Jenne’s freeze didn’t get enough tentacles or was reflected…” She let the progression of events play out in our heads. "Half your team didn’t even know what you were doing and were so shocked by the brazenness of it that they didn’t even try to help.”

She turned her attention to the three of us. "Not that the three of you could have really helped in that plan anyway, but there are things that you could do so that you can help next time. Mitchel, get an intimidate ability. It won’t last long against a floor boss, but those extra few seconds can be vital.” She looked over at Fray, then back at Mitchel. "Especially if you lose aggro.”

The blonde Tank nodded.

“Atlas. You’ve just seen the value in branching out your spell selection. Yes, having all the elemental shots can help and focusing on that style of spell will make it stronger, but there are Magic spells that can provide support.” She nodded at me. "Look them up.”

“And Jovena…” Gesai shook her head. "You’ve been farming the Dispatcher dungeon haven’t you..?”

The white-haired woman nodded.

“And you’ve been letting the others do the work for you.” It wasn’t a question that she wanted answered. "It shows, because even a priest would have noticed how ineffective you are with that weapon and had you look into status effects or magical ammunition.” She put her hands on her hips. "Now, let’s see if we can get the rest of you a floor clear, then we’ll all go to the next floor and port back home.”

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