Mantle of the Gods

Book 5 - The Recruit - Chapter 32

We ate before we got out.

It was just sandwiches, but it was a lot better than ration bars, so I wasn’t going to complain. We finished quickly, then put on our armor and headed to the Temple.

The two were waiting for us at the counter with a Priest. Gesai walked over to the Priest and smiled sweetly. "I’m Gesai Alard with the Cathedral year ones. I hope you weren’t waiting too long.”

“We haven’t been here long at all.” The Priest smiled broadly. "And it’s always a pleasure to work with the Cathedral.”

I looked at the pair. Mitchel Zarboe had strawberry blonde hair and brown eyes. His clothes were a little threadbare, though the rest of him was very well kept. His armor was used, though it didn’t look like the secondhand stuff that the Temple provided for the Mundane, probably a family hand me down. He had a pleasant smile as he looked at each of us.

Jovena Bothua had white hair and blue eyes, her clothes were much newer and her demeanor seemed much more reserved. Her eyes were focused on Jenne with the trace of a disgust that would quickly fade, like she was trying to hide her contempt of the other woman.

“We wish you a blessed day.” Gesai smiled at him.

“To you as well." The Priest had a sense of longing. "Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“I think we’re good.” Our teacher nodded towards the door behind the counter. “I’m just going to head into the dungeon so they can show me what they’re about.”

The Priest looked like he might ask to go with us, but before he could, Gesai pointed at the door.

“We don't have all day to sit around, let’s go!”

“Come on.” I walked past her and into the room with the dungeon mouth. Ether followed behind me and soon we were all in the room waiting on our teacher to finish convincing the eager Priest that his help wasn’t required.

“Should we do introductions while we wait?” Ether looked at the two potentials and smiled. "I’m Ether Klix, and this is Atlas Vowler, Aelin Zeb, Justia Publian, Fray Harror, Ren Zavel, Oz Mite, and Jenne Vilou.” She pointed at each of us. "We have one other member, but she…” The white-haired woman looked at me for help.

“She is on a special assignment.” I completed her sentence.

“A special assignment?” Jovena scowled. "So he’s playing favorites and not even giving us a chance?” She shook her head. "I thought the great Trent Vowler would at least tell us that we weren’t good enough for him to our faces…”

“You might be bunking with us and doing training with us, but you are Gesai Alard’s students first, which means that she is the one who decides if you’re good enough or not.” I looked at Gesai as she walked in. "You should give some respect if you want to be the one she chooses.”

“What’s going on?” The older woman looked at me.

“Just some disappointment that Trent isn’t going to be here.” I smiled at Jovena. "Which I’m sure they’ll have time to appreciate the difference in your teaching methods.”

“Yeah!” Aelin stepped forward. "Mister Vowler locked us on the first floor, then had some upperclassmen harass us as part of our training.” She pouted her lip. "For a whole week!” She turned to Gesai. "Miss Alard took me shopping her first week here for not just armor and skills, but clothes too!” I hadn’t realized that Aelin had a death glare, but I was very glad I wasn’t the one receiving it. "She’s the best.”

It looked like there was about to be a fight and even though I hadn’t worked with Aelin in over three weeks, it was a level three versus a level two. I wouldn’t put All against her.

“Okay.” Gesai stepped in between the two. "Save it for the dungeon.” She pointed at the gate I hadn’t noticed had opened. "Let’s go.”

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