Mantle of the Gods

Book 2 The Test - Chapter 37

That motivated everyone.

We stepped through the gate into a desert area. There were caves jutting up out of the sand, but that was all I could see in the immediate area.

As soon as the last person came through the gate. The gate closed, then turned into an empty ring. I couldn’t see the Yellow team anywhere around, but I did have an idea.

I touched the ring and a face appeared on the rim.

“This is Curate Anole. Please state your name and team for verification.”

“My name is Atlas Zeb of the Blue team, tell Trent Vowler or ArchBishop Mavery that we’ve been attacked and require immediate assistance!”

“The Blue team is first years! They shouldn’t even be going into the dungeon until tomorrow.” The white robed Curate bristled. “And what makes you think that I’ll forward this little prank all the way up to the ArchBishop? You’re lucky all I’m doing is calling for a team to detain you for trespassing!” His face blanched. "On the second floor? How did you..? It doesn’t matter, I order you to stay at the gate until an Enforcement team comes to get you.”

“Can you tell them to hurry!” I saw disgust on his face as he cut the connection.

“An Enforcement team?” Aelin let out a nervous breath. "Are we going to get arrested?”

“It’ll be fine.” Ether took my arm. "If we’re in a detention cell then the Yellow team can’t hurt us and they’ll call Mister Vowler.”

“And what about Rix?” Justia looked at us. "How are we going to stop the Yellow team from throwing her in there to fight that thing alone?”

“We tell them that our other two party members ran off and are supposed to be coming back to meet us here.” I leaned against the gate. "They’ll make sure to keep someone here to catch them if they come back.”

“Good thinking.” Ether paused. "So we’re not going to tell them about Edward?”

“We’ll tell Trent when he comes to get us.” I looked up at the artificial sky. This training exercise turned nightmare was almost over.

“How long do you think it’ll take them to put together an Enforcement team to come get us?” Aelin tapped her fingers together.

“Not long.” I looked at Justia. "The ArchBishop said there was going to be one on standby at all times.”

“Cool.” Aelin looked around. "It’s just… this place feels weird and I was wondering if we had time to look around.”

“NO!” Justia, Ether, and I all said at the same time.

“But aren’t you curious?”

I looked at Aelin. "Sure, I’m curious. But I’m also tired, sore, and underprepared.” I sank to the ground, pulling Ether with me as we sat down. “We can come back down here once we’ve had a chance to rest and look for Rix…” My voice drifted off.

Ether squeezed my arm. "You want to look for her.”

I took a deep breath and nodded.

“But I know that we can’t.” I looked at Justia for support. "As much as this kills me, we’re of no use to her if we’re dead.”

Our Healer nodded. "We’re all low on mana and we have almost no gear.” She looked around the barren landscape. "If the second years decide to fight us, then we’ll be at their mercy.” She turned to Aelin. "It’s better to wait here and hope that help will arrive in time.”

The blonde Buffer started to speak, but was cut off by a male voice that sent a shiver down my spine.

“What’s this about help?”

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