Mantle of the Gods

Book 2 The Test - Chapter 21

I was ready to camp where we were.

After five hours of running almost nonstop, I needed a break. In order to try to get more monsters in, after I passed off the snake, I headed right back out into the grass. I slowed down to a trot until they killed it, then started running again.

The upside to this was, I knew we’d beaten more snakes than this morning. The downside was, I was wiped.

“We need to at least get into the bridge.” Ether handed me an orange. We’d picked a few pieces of fruit on our way here and they were eating them now.

“I’ll be good to go once I catch my breath.” I hooked my thumb in the peel, but my arms were too tired to peel it back.

Ether took the orange for me and started to peel it.

“Are we camping here?” Aelin's voice wavered.

“No." I pushed myself up. "We’re going.”

Ether pulled my left arm across her shoulders as she braced me up. "You pushed yourself too far.”

“I’ll be fine.” I ate a slice of orange. My legs felt like noodles and I wobbled like a newborn calf as I walked.

“You don’t look fine.” Justice eyed me. "I think even Aelin could push you over right now.”

“Hey!” The blonde protested. "I’m strong!”

“You’re weaker than me." The white-haired woman keeping me standing replied. "And my Power is four.”

“Stats aren’t everything!” Aelin huffed

“No they aren’t.” My lungs felt like I was breathing cold air, but the temperature hadn’t changed at all. “They’re just trying to make a joke so we don’t have to talk about how I may have overdone it.”

“May?” Ether flexed her elbow and I almost fell over. I would have if Justia hadn’t grabbed my other side.

“I’ve got you.” The brunette draped my right arm over her shoulders.

“Thanks.” I was becoming acutely aware of how much I’d over used my body.

“I’m sorry that I don’t have a healing spell.” Our healer shifted my wait. "Maybe you don’t take a turn on watch tonight.”

“Not happening!” I shook my head. "Three people can’t handle watch. Especially with Grumpy running around.”

“We can figure it out.” Ether looked at the person leading our march. "Are you okay with that Aelin?”

“Sure.” Aelin began walking backwards so she could look at us. "Watch isn’t that difficult and he needs rest.”

“No!” I tried to struggle free, but I couldn’t break out of their grasp. Fear crawled down to my toes as I realized just how vulnerable we were if Edward came looking for revenge right now.

“You’re going to rest tonight and that’s final.” Ether squeezed my hand. "We need you at your best tomorrow when we fight the boss.”

I started to argue, but I could tell I wasn’t going to win. It was three against one and they could literally hold me down right now. I was getting to see a more caring side of Justia at the moment, but I had no doubt that the brunette Healer would be willing to choke me out if I refused to sleep. And I also knew that right now, neither of the other two women would stop her.

I sighed as we kept walking. I eyed the orange in Justia’s hand. She had taken it from me, or maybe she’d caught it when she’d grabbed my arm, I didn’t remember,.

“Could I have some of my orange?”

Justia tore out a section and put it in my mouth, she offered the rest to Ether. "Nope, too weird.”

Ether laughed as she split the orange into sections. She slowly fed them to me. I’d expected Justia to drop me after her declaration, but she supported me all the way back to where we had camped the night before. Once we got there, she helped me sit down before going to talk to Aelin.

I was strong enough to move on my own again, but they hadn’t wanted to let me go, so I’d let them dote on me.

“I’m serious.” I looked at Ether. "I can…”

Her kiss silenced me. I embraced her and kissed her back, she let me pull her closer to me. The rest of the world seemed to melt away as it slowly just became us. Nothing hurt anymore as I drank her in. I didn’t feel tired, I just felt us.

She broke the connection after what seemed like too short of time.

“Atlas, I love you, but if you don’t shut up and do what you’re…” Shock covered her face as she realized what she’d just said.

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