Mantle of the Gods

Book 2 The Test - Chapter 14

Edward was up.

I had expected him to be awake at two in the afternoon, but that was all I had expected from him. I had so much to worry about trying to get Rix back that I didn’t have time to get distracted by his antics.

“Did you eat all the fruit?” Aelin looked up from the ‘crate’ that had been holding the fruit.

“I was hungry!” Edward snapped as he looked away.

I looked at where he was sitting against the fence. "Just what have you been doing?”

“You left me here without any weapons!” He folded his arms. "Do you know how hard it is to defend the fence with only rocks?” He threw a smaller rock over the fence.

“You wouldn’t have to defend the fence if you’d come with us.” Aelin snapped. She turned to me. "Now what are we going to do for food?”

“Justia and I found another fruit tree while we were farming the skellies.” Ether interrupted.

It was going to take time to pick more fruit. I couldn’t believe he’d eaten so much. Edward wasn’t a big guy by any means, but it seemed like he had a very big appetite.

“We’re heading back to the farming place.” I turned to Justia. "Take Edward with you and have him fill my jumpsuit up with more fruit.” I had really wanted the extra protection, but our team’s food supply was more important.

“I’m going to do what?’ Edward huffed. "I don’t remember volunteering for anything!”

“You volunteered when you ate more than your share!” Aelin ran behind Justia when Edward got up.

“I think maybe you should be the one to pick the fruit.” The blonde-haired noble sneered. “Preparing food is a Mundane’s job anyway.”

I cut in before the fight could escalate. "How about this: Aelin picks the fruit and Edward carries it back to camp?”

“WHAT?!?” Edward and Aelin exclaimed at the same time.

“It makes sense." I started to defend my logic. "Edward can kill snakes with me while you work.” I looked at Justia. "I can farm snakes faster with Edward and it’ll be more of a punishment because he’ll be working harder.”

“But…” Edward sputtered.

“Look, we let you sleep in, but it’s time for you to start pulling your weight.” I stepped forward so I could reach Ether. I put my hand on her shoulder to hold her back. I didn’t need this fight to escalate. “We can’t afford to fight amongst ourselves.” I looked at the Noble. "You aren’t used to working this hard, I get it, but we have a deadline and we are going to meet it.” I pulled Ether back and stepped in between them. “But if you don’t start being more helpful…” I let go of Ether. "I will let them educate you about what work is.”

Edward looked at the dagger in Aelin’s hands.

I realized that I’d just threatened him and was about to trust him to protect me. Probably not the best thing to do. Once he got that dagger, he would probably be the most dangerous one of us.

“You know what? Using the sword is a privilege. You are on fruit-picking duty.” I looked at Aelin. "Can you still take out snakes?”

“Hey!” Edward shouted. "That is my blade! I want it back!”

“You broke it and threw it away.” I pointed at him as he approached. "No!”

“You think I’m scared of you?” He picked up a stake. "A Mundane? I’m not going to kill myself trying to rescue a lawless Mundane either. I’m done!” He pointed it at me. "When we get out of here, I’m going to talk to my father and get out of this broken excuse for a team!”

I eyed the pointed club. “You can leave if you want. But you ate OUR food.” I moved to my left a little so that I was more in between the rest of the team.

“Then get some more.”

I fought the rage that was building inside me. “We have a deadline. And you just put us in a bind with your selfishness.”

“Selfishness?!?” Edward roared. "We have been marooned with no supplies and I need to eat? How is that being selfish?!?”

“Because there are five of us!” Ether shot back from behind me.

“Shut UP!” He took a step forward, close enough that he poked me in the chest.

I braced against the point. His power was high enough that he’d be able to hurt me. He had expressed interest in leaving the team, which meant I didn’t need to give him any information that I didn’t want to get out.

“You don’t want to do this.” I grabbed the stake. “Back up and cool off.” I looked at Ether. "We can do this without you.”

The pressure on my chest didn’t fade.

I turned back to him. "Edward, put it down.”

“I don’t take orders from a Mundane.” He pushed a little harder and blood started to bead around the point.

“Don’t do this.” If I resisted him, I’d put my power stat as being equal to his. The physical labor I’d done for the last four years meant that I was stronger than the pampered noble, but we didn’t have time for a brawl.

“Don’t…” He began.

I pushed the stake to the side, scraping my bare skin. Without the weapon in between us I sprang forward and grabbed him by the throat. I looked into his green eyes. "Calm down.”

He struggled in my grasp and grabbed my arm with both hands. "I told you not to tell me what to do!”

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