Manipulative Harem God

Chapter 66 Ye Feng again...?

Chapter 66 Ye Feng again...?

What is the highest form of manipulation?

It is not the one where you control people like puppets, nor the one where they are merely slaves at your command.

"The pinnacle of manipulation lies in the ability to reveal your intentions to your victims and yet they choose to remain under your influence..." ~ Quote by Zhang Wei

It is the stage where the boundaries between manipulation and free will become indiscernible; where the puppeteer and the puppet merge into one.

Such is the insidious power of manipulation in the hands of a true master.

Zhang Wei was driving peacefully down the winding road in his luxury car, enjoying the cool breeze on his face and the sound of the tires softly rolling over the asphalt.

Suddenly, a nagging thought crept into his mind, and he glanced up at the dashboard display. "How many points do I have?" he asked the system.

[You have 150 villain points, host.] the system replied cheerfully.

A sly smile played across Zhang Wei's lips as he turned to Feng Xinyue, who was sitting in the passenger seat next to him.

She was flipping through his phone, completely unaware that Zhang Wei was thinking of ways to milk her, and extract some villain points.

But he was driving right now, so it was probably not an good idea, until he can control the car with his mind.

'Maybe I should hire a driver,' he thought to himself, but quickly dismissed the idea.

He didn't want to risk anything obscene happening in front of a male.

As he continued driving, lost in thought, a figure suddenly appeared in the road ahead of him.

Zhang Wei raised an brow, he honked the horn frantically, but the person in front of him remained immobile, staring blankly ahead. "What the hell?" he muttered, frowning in frustration.

He had almost no time to react before the woman suddenly started walking towards his car.

Zhang Wei's heart thudded in his chest as he slammed on the brakes, but the system's voice cut through the panic. [Host, drive over her!]

His mind raced as he tried to grasp the meaning of the system's words.

Did it really want him to commit murder in middle of street?

Somehow Zhang Wei thought it was indeed an good chance to test the system words, with an grin his foot pressed down on the accelerator, the car roaring to life and hurtling towards the woman.

The speedometer continued to crawl higher and higher as the sleek car zoomed past the unsuspecting woman.


To her horror, the woman's eyes bulged as she was catastrophically crushed under the weight of the speeding vehicle.

Her body shattered into a million tiny fragments that scattered across the unforgiving asphalt.

Suddenly, a shadowy figure appeared near the scene of the accident.

Was that the woman's spirit?

Despite his confusion, Zhang Wei felt no remorse, knowing that the system would take care of everything.

In fact, he was eager to claim yet another victim, provided system took care of the aftermath.

Slowly and cautiously, the shadow materialized into the very woman who had been carrying an umbrella.

She struggled to form comprehensible thoughts as she grappled with the shocking reality of Zhang Wei's actions.

Fresh to this realm, the woman had only been here for a brief time, but in that time, she had learned that killing among mortals was forbidden.

"How could he have run her over so carelessly?" she muttered, her heart racing with fear. "And why was he smiling?"

The reality of the situation was overwhelming, and for a moment, the woman's breathing even stopped.

Zhang Wei's reaction was far different than she had imagined - his eyes glinted with an icy menace that sent chills down her spine.

How can a mortal give her that feeling of dread?


The sleek Bentley glided effortlessly through the vibrant downtown streets, its polished exterior cutting a sharp contrast to the neon signs and bustling crowds.

Shimmering in the sunlight, it came to an abrupt stop in front of the lively arcade, igniting a hushed murmur that rippled through the dense crowd as soon as Ye Feng emerged from the luxurious vehicle and stepped onto the pavement.

Curious eyes darted in his direction, whispers erupted around him, and a group of teenage girls stood close by, giggling and whispering animatedly among themselves.

One of them, the most daring of the bunch, plucked up the courage to approach him. "Hey, handsome," she purred, batting her eyelashes to catch his attention.

"Are you here to play some games with us?" But her attempts were futile as Ye Feng continued forward with a determined look until he reached the entrance of the arcade.

As soon as he stepped inside, he was enveloped in a whirlwind of sights and sounds.

A vibrant chaos of bleeps, blips, and flashing screens assaulted his senses as he made his way through the maze of excited gamers.

Ye Feng's eyes were immediately drawn to a specific spot in the corner where a girl was sitting, her slender fingers gracefully dancing across the keyboard like nimble ballerinas performing a delicate dance.

The girl was a stunning sight to behold, with full lips painted in a deep red hue and striking icy blue eyes that sparkled with mischief and lured him into her alluring gaze. Her long, wavy hair cascaded down her back in an unruly tangle of curls, dyed in a bold gradient of black and blue. She wore a tight-fitting black leather jacket that hugged her curves and accentuated her low-cut blue tank top, revealing her ample cleavage and toned stomach.

As he took in her alluring appearance, Ye Feng felt a tingling rush of desire run through his veins, imagining how it would feel to run his hands over her alluring figure and exploring every curve and contour.

But as much as he craved her, Ye Feng was a man of principles and held onto his morals, steadfastly refusing to indulge in such forbidden desires.

He knew this girl had feelings for him and had playfully flirted with him in the past, but he always gently rebuffed her advances and reminded her to find someone her own age.

Putting aside his thoughts of lust, Ye Feng strode over to her with a stern expression, making his presence known. "You ran from school again?" he remarked drily, his gaze piercing her like a laser.

The girl turned around, and he was met with a look of defiance. "Stop lecturing me, Ye Feng!" She snapped. "You're supposed to be my friend, not my dad."

Despite her harsh words, a deep affection pulsed within Ye Feng's chest. "I worry about you, little one," he said softly. "But I suppose you are not going to tell me why you keep skipping school."

She glowered at him, crossing her arms. "It doesn't matter. Just help me beat this SnoringPanda. She has already snatched my top ranking from me!"

Ye Feng shook his head, and a small smile danced on his lips. "Fine." Taking control of the keyboard, he began to race through the game's level with effortless precision.

As he progressed, the girl leaned over and cheered him on, her excitement lifting her mood.

Soon they found themselves at the final boss, a massive mechanized tank that was blasting its way through a cityscape.

Ye Feng and his companion moved with lightning-fast speed, dodging bullets and firing back with lethal force.

Sweat trickled down Ye Feng's face as he concentrated on the task at hand.

The girl's eyes sparkled with awe and admiration as she watched him emerge victorious, taking down the enemy boss with expert precision.

[ Headshot X4]

As the enemy team was defeated, her eyes gleamed with newfound admiration. "Wow," she breathed. "You are amazing, Ye Feng."

He grinned, clipping his fingers together. "I'm not an amateur," he said with a wry chuckle. Suddenly, the spotlights turned on, and an excited roar of applause echoed across the arcade.

When Ye Feng turned around, he was surprised to see a throng of youngsters surrounding him as though he were a celebrity.

The girl tugged at his arm, beaming with pride. "Look, I'm at the top of leaderboard again!" she cried, bursting with excitement.

Ye Feng shook his head wryly. With his extensive experience as a mercenary, games like this were just child's play for him.

He felt a sense of irony as he saw the young players, with no real-life experience with guns, struggling to stay alive in the game.




A/N: This is my discord:

Unlike my last novel, with this one I am taking things slow with lot of world building, and if the chapters aren't being posted just assume, I am taking my time to think.

If you want to contribute to novel, just join the discord and feel free to suggest ideas and share your predictions regarding future plot!

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