
Chapter 94 - EPILOGUE 3


■ Student Council Attendees. (Seitokai)

President Monika Mercedes von Mobius
Vice President Franzika Edda von Gneisenau (Abbreviated: Fran)
■ Public Moral Committee Attendees. (Fukikai)

Captain (President) Stefania Scaglione (Abbreviated: Steph)
Deputy Captain (Vice president) Mizumori Yukine
■ Shikibukai Attendees.

Lord (President) Benito Evangelista
Senior Assistant (Vice President) Himemiya Shion

This must be what the word earth-shattering means.

Inside the academy, people are talking about nothing but the rumor about him. This must be the first time such a rumor about someone who is not one of the students that have their own Fanclub spread so much.

The source of it all came from the first year ranking board. At first, the people who saw the score spread the rumor but the entire academy came to know of this by the new record announcement that was sent to every student’s Tsukuyomi Traveller around the evening.

Even though I knew it beforehand I still doubt my eyes when I look at the number shown on Tsukuyomi Traveller.


■ First Year Ranking

First place Takioto Kousuke

Academic exam 0 points

Practical exam 0 points

Total score 0 points

Captured floor 40th (Solo)


■ Established Record

10th Floor Approximately 1 Day

20th Floor Approximately 2 Days

30th Floor Approximately 4 Days

40th Floor Approximately 7 Days


I check Tsukuyomi newspaper again to make sure because the record was too strange. It made the 40th floor look so easy. In just seven days, and solo too. It was the floor that made us shudder just thinking about it.

The second and third-year students must be thinking that it’s a bug or something and misunderstood. But

Takioto really did it.

It wasn’t just the first year students that were surprised. Rather, it would be even more surprising for us second and third-year students and that also includes the teachers.

How harsh the 40th floor is, every third-year student can testify to that.

The 40th floor is not a place that you can breakthrough in one go. It was the place I captured with the assistance of president Monika. I know that Takioto should be able to win against the boss but I thought that he might give up on the way there.

A woman entered the conference room after knocking a few times.

“It seems we are the last one to arrive….. No, sensei is still not here right?”

Student council president Monika looked at us and said so.

Inside the room are me the vice-captain and Steph, the saint and the captain of the public moral committee along with the president of Shikibukai, Benito-kyou (TLN: Kyou = Lord, tell me what you guys prefer) and his vice president, Shion. The people who entered the room just now are the student council president Monika and her vice president, Fran.

All of the presidents and vice presidents of the three committees have gathered here.

Well, originally there should be one more person here but that person is always late to the meeting. President Monika must also be aware of this.

When they take their seats, I served them the coffee I prepared.

“Okay, the reason for this emergency meeting……you know it without me saying right?”

“The first year case right.”

*HaHaHa* Benito-kyou said so and laugh.

Everyone must already know today’s agenda.

“Takioto Kousuke. He entered the dungeon at the same time the ban was lifted, solo the 40th floor which is the target floor of second-year students and captured it within a week. At this rate, there’s no word to describe him but a monster.”

Vice president Fran adjusted her glasses and hand everyone the materials in her hand.

What written on it is the personal information of Takioto. But….

“What is this? Isn’t it mostly unknown? There’s no worth seeing this right?”

“If you are going to say that then it also applied to you too right? Saint Stefania.”

As president Monika said that to her, captain Steph cast the paper away and leaned back on her chair then sip the coffee that was placed in front of her.

Captain Steph who usually behaves gracefully displays the full extent of her thorny attitude here. If someone outside the three committees saw her attitude changes like this then they will definitely be disillusioned. On the other hand, if you look at the most considerate person among the presidents, Benito-kyou then his bad reputation among the student will no doubt disappear.

“But it will be easier to notice from seeing the paper rather than saying it verbally right?”

Vice president Fran didn’t say anything more but if she were to continue then she would probably say [That he’s special.]

The information regarding the students can be accessed by the three committees to some extent. Of course, that information won’t go so deep into their private life.

However, there’s one part of the students that you can only look at the bare minimum information about them. If that’s the case, there’s a high probability that that person is a VIP from some countries or their children.

The information about an imperial princess like Ludi should be almost as unknown as Takioto.

Ahem, president Monika coughed.

“Since everyone already got the information, let’s talk about the thing that we have to do first.”

“Issue out the warning to the first year right?”

Benito-kyou happily said so.

“*I can do it too*, we have to squash such nonsense before the fools start to flood in there.”

Shion said while looking at her folding fan.

If he could do it then I can do it too. There surely will be a lot of people who think like that. But if the worst comes…… will become a disaster.

“If we at the shikibukai are the ones to do that then it will definitely be bad. We will leave that to the student council.”

“Yeah, that’s right. If Benito is the one to say it then it seems like more people will challenge it instead.”

President Monika said so and laugh.

“Well, in the meantime we will exercise a little self-restraint.”


*HaHaHa*, *HoHoHo* the members of shikibukai laugh.

“Do we really have to stop them?”

Said, captain Steph. The laughter stopped and the place turns silent. Shion’s and vice president Fran’s sharp gazes pierce Steph.

“It’s all good right? Challenging that place will be a good lesson for them anyway.”

“If they lose their lives in the process how would you take the responsibility?”

“I agree with Shion-san.”

Haa, I sigh without thinking. Looking at these exchanges, the most suited person for the shikibukai here is captain Steph. She has the title of the saint so she ended up here though.

“Well, calm down everyone, we have good coffee you know. Stefania-sama already has one but please be a little kinder with your words.”

“To prevent the first year students from making a rash decision, we at the student council will issue the warnings. In case of emergency, we will ask the public moral committee and shikibukai to cooperate.”

Benito-kyou and president Monika immediately defused the situation.

After that, president Monika immediately gets us back to the topic.

“The next problem is…… what should we do with him right?”

“Yeah, it’s certain that he will receive an invitation to join us. I heard a few rumors about him before coming here, I think shikibukai would suit him best. And I want to invite him to join us too.”

“Well, that will be up to him. Our is a special position after all. Well, even if he doesn’t choose to join the shikibukai I am interested in him. Whichever organization is fine, I want to bring him in.”

Saying so, Shion hides her mouth behind her fan and look at me. Since it’s Shion, she knew that I know him, she must be smiling now. No, everyone here probably already investigated and know that I have some kind of relationship with him.

“Wouldn’t it be difficult for him to enter the shikibukai? Does he have suitable power and status in the first place?”

Captain Steph seems to be a little annoyed since her work will be increasing because of Takioto.

“It should be difficult for him to enter the public moral committee too. He hardly attends any classes after all. Should we have him join the student council then?”

Vice president Fran said so after she looks at the document.

“Then let’s ask the person who’s likely to know.”

President Monika turned her sight toward me and everyone followed suit.

I was staying silent on purpose but since she already asked me, how should I answer?

“Takioto should be fine joining any of the three organizations. He is a serious person.”

“But you need high status to join the shikibukai you know? If he doesn’t have one then it will be hard for him.”

It is as president Monika said.

“If that’s the case then there’s no problem at all. If someone lay a hand on him then it would mean that they would be looking for a fight against multiple countries. Moreover, his guardian is also at this academy as well.”

“Hee, is that true? A person who would warrant a fight from multiple countries like that would be as important as saint-sama or Ludivine-sama right? An important person likes that……….? No, I see…..but that’s. don’t tell me.”

It seems like Benito-kyou already guessed the answer.

“That person should be on her way here so you can confirm the matter about him directly with her.”

Vice president Fran stands up with her eyes wide-opened.

“The person that is coming here, don’t tell me!?”

It was just in time. She entered the room like she perfectly timed it.

“Sorry for the wait you guys.”

The person that entered the room was the one I have been meeting at home every day recently, the headmaster of this academy, Hanamura Marino.

“This emergency meeting, I can guess it but what is the agenda?”

I answer that question.

“It’s about Takioto.”

Marino-san takes a seat while letting out a small laugh.

“As expected, I thought that was the case. He’s amazing, right? My child.”

She casually said so.

The atmosphere in the room froze the moment she said that. Looking at the scene, Marino-san laughs. That’s why I decided to put it into words.

“Takioto Kousuke is, a person who inherited the blood of the Hanamura family.”

Everyone become speechless, there are people that hung their mouth half-open too. But there is one person who was unfazed by that besides myself and Marino-san.

She, president Monika took a small breath and looked at me. Only she reacted the opposite of the atmosphere and remain her calm.

“Yukine. I’m asking you. What kind of person is Takioto Kousuke? You know him well right? Tell me what you think.”

When she asked me, I think for a moment.

Takioto Kousuke huh.

What is he like I wonder. He’s a hard worker, a student and he sometimes stares at some indecent places like an idiot but he is honest and always cherishes others. Like me, he also likes matcha, a surprisingly good cook, it’s fun being with him…..

Fufu. What am I thinking?

No matter how I think about it, that’s not the thing that president Monika wants to hear.

Seriously, what a strange guy. It’s like he is seeing the world differently. I wonder what kind of world does he see? Even if I stand beside him, will I be able to see the same world as he is? I want to see the world that he sees.

Somehow, I think that it is not a world that sparkling with gold and silver.

I feel like it is a vast world filled with beautiful flowers. And there would be a beautiful waterfall and a small pond beside it.

Suddenly, I remembered what happened at that waterfall.

I remembered the words that he half-jokingly said at that time. Come to think of it, he said the same thing before he went to challenge the dungeon as well.

That’s right. That’s the perfect word for him isn’t it? Wasn’t that something he said himself in the first place?

It might something nonsense he said to make me laugh. If it’s before then I might be laughing at such words. But if it’s now………

For me to remember his words and think that it would suit him, I think that I too have been poisoned by him.

But I don’t feel bad about it at all. Rather, I’m glad that I got poisoned. And to think that I want to further get poison by him, I think that this is already irreversible.

Now, let’s say it like how Takioto did. What is important for his delivery was his overflowing confidence and how he said it with a slam.

“Takioto Kousuke is……”

I look directly at the de facto strongest student inside the academy, student council president Monika’s face and smile.

“The person who will become the strongest in this academy.”

Second Arc Magiero★Symphony An Irregular at Magic Academy- Finish


Author Notes: Finally, the second arc is over.

In the next arc, Takioto-kun who has obtained his possibility will become stronger together with the heroines.

In addition, the characters of the student council, public moral committee, and shikibukai along with the character that only got introduced by names like Iori’s sister in law and ero-scientist will be deeply entwined together with Takioto’s group and make funny shenanigans while some of the characters will have some ero interaction as well.

Of course, not just that, the secret of the Hanamura house and Marino-san will be gradually revealed as well. The events that have been hinted at might occur too.

The third arc title has already been decided.

Thrid Arc Magiero★Waltz -The Three Committees

TLN: Now we are officially finished the second arc. Only about 30 chapters left in the third arc so I probably won’t translate it now since we will have to wait like 3 to 6 months for the author to finish it at this rate.

I will put up the synopsis for the potential series that I will pick up tomorrow so tune in for that. If you have any series you want to recommend you can leave that in the comment and I will have a look.

Finally, I usually have one week break when I finish the arc but since I will fly to Japan on 30th Oct and stay there for two weeks I will continue to translate some chapters of the series I decide to pick up before I go.

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