
Chapter 123

“Speaking of which……”

“What is it?”

“I originally was thinking about inviting Yuika to the Shikibukai you see, but why do you want my input on this? Honestly, I thought that Shion-san and the Lord would make that kind of decision by yourselves.”

“What, we won’t do anything without mine, Lord’s and your opinion you know.”

“Is that alright?”

“Both I and Lord do value your opinion after all, WaHaHa!”

“I see.”

I have the feeling that Yuika is interested in the three committees. Her game self was after all.

However, I have one more question.

“Even so….why Yuika? I think that she doesn’t quite meet the condition of the Shikibukai though.”

The ideas behind the Shikibukai are Rival and Goal. To become the Rival, you must beware of the various dangers that come with it.

Shion-san and Lord Benito are noble. Lord Benito’s little sister, Gabriella is also a noble. And I also came from the Hanamura house. We have our backing.

However, Yuika is different.

In fact, this also raised a question even inside the game.

Iori as the protagonist of Magiex is one thing. In the game, there were conditions for joining the Shikibukai. That is the ability to always be above a certain power level, or the ability to capture the early floors of Tsukuyomi dungeon. It’s like this time that I soloed the 40th floor and show them the overwhelming difference in ability and silence the other students.

But what about Yuika?

If she joined the student council and the public moral committee it is still understandable because those two only evaluate you using grades and real ability. But the Shikibukai is different. If Yuika joins the Shikibukai with the overwhelming power of Hijiri Iori at her back then I can understand that. However, there are also times when that’s not the case as well. It might just be a mistake in flag management from the developer though.

“You recently act together with Nanami and Yuika right?……Don’t you think that makes Yuika notorious enough?”

“Eh, really?”

“……so you really didn’t know. Well, it’s fine as long as you understand. You see, there is another rumor about her. They are saying that Hijiri Yuika is now under the Hanamura house patronage.”

“Well, I just went along with them.”

It was to guarantee her safety during her initial event though.

“So that’s why the rumor that you two get along spread huh? Well, what would you think if you are on the normal student’s point of view?”

Well, they would think that she is just brown-nosing the Hanamura house or she just a favorite of Takioto Kousuke……I see. I understand what she wants to say but I can do nothing but give her a bitter smile.

“It’s like that.”

“I understand. She is strong and has a solid backing because people are thinking that she is related to the Hanamura house, right. No, it is true that I am considering being her supporter though.”

“The other two committees will surely spread the rumor that you forced her to join to us. It will serve as a lure for them to hate you even more. In the end, Yuika is suitable to join any of the committees anyway.”

I see.

But. if that’s the case, why did Yuika take such an action?

In a sense, Yuika is the best character in Magiex in human relations. She can be annoying sometimes but she always chooses who to act like that around, she even properly does a follow up and also good at flattering people as well.

And above all, she can read the mood. If she senses the danger she will immediately run away, she’s quick-witted after all.

She can snap once in a while like this time though.

The fact that there are rumors about us……..Yuika probably already knows about it. Unlike me, she usually keeps in touch with the other classmates and Iori. Well, Iori often comes to talk with me though.

Well then, why did she choose to stay with us despite that? Is it because she believes that she can become stronger when she is with us?

Well, I can just ask her directly later.

“So, what do you think Kou?”

“Umm, what were we talking about?”


“Um, she’s cute and strong?”

“….I am not talking about that, it is whether we should invite her to join the Shikibukai or not.”

Sorry, to be honest, I already forgot what we were talking about.

“Before I answer, let me confirm one thing first.”

“What is it?”

“Which committees does Gabriella-san going to join?”

“……It hasn’t been decided yet so it is still up in the air.”

“Then, does the Shikibukai………, Lord Benito doesn’t want Gabriella-san to join us?”

“Fumu, that’s a difficult question. I think that he wants her to join. By the way, did you know that Gabriella recommended herself to join the Shikibukai? Well, the Lord turned her down after took a look at you though.”

“I see. That’s why Gabriella-san came to me.”

I understand now. Well, there’s no way that a siscon like him wouldn’t think about his sister. Of course, he is worried about her.

Maybe Lord Benito talked highly about me and Gabby was getting jealous because of that. Or perhaps he led her to believe that he will reconsider it if she can win against me. Well, it must be something like that.
Ah, so that’s why Lord Benito said that he would leave everything to me.

Seeing my expression, Shion-san suddenly looked restless.

“Ah, I’ve done it now…..did you see through him……….”

“Thank you, Shion-san. It was Lord Benito who created this situation right? I get it now.”

“K, Kou. about that, don’t you suddenly feel like forgetting some urgent business and run off?”

“Nope. But it’s fine, I am not angry or anything.”

Honestly, if he just says so I would comply though. Well, he must have felt bad about it that’s why he apologized so much over the phone.

“R, right. There’s a cafe I like near the academy, I will take you there later. Of course, you can order anything you like too.”

“Hahaha, even if you don’t do that I won’t tell anyone that Shion-san let it slip you know. Well, if you are offering me that then I won’t be holding back though. Honestly, I want Lord Benito to be the one to treat me instead.”

Well, Shion-san really does talk before thinking and let slip something important in a friendly conversation huh. She won’t do it when she is acting for the Shikibukai though.

“Ununu. I, I failed.”

Yup, she is still cute even when she is holding her head with a dejected expression. Her usual smile is splendid too though.

“Well, since you already failed, how about you tell me everything?”

“Kou, when did you become such a sadist?”

“Nothing will change no matter what you say now, you know. Now, please.”

“I thought that I finally got a cute junior but inside he is actually a demon huh………”

“Well, let’s get back to the main topic. Why do you want to invite Yuika to the Shikibukai?”


Shion-san nods.

“We are not inviting her immediately after we ask for your opinion you know. We have to let the matter about Gabriella calm down first after all. But.”


“The Lord said that he would tell Gabriella that he is going to invite Yuika to upset her. I don’t know how it will turn out but I told him that if Kou is there it will all work out somehow.”

Lord Benito is surprisingly strict huh. Still.

“So I have to do all the heavy lifting huh…..”

As I was about to ask her more questions, I see Lord Benito. He is smiling weakly but I already know everything. If I talk with him about this, I wonder which expression he will make. Well, I won’t do it though.

Unfortunately, time is already up.

I want to talk with her more while Lord Benito is away though…….speaking of which.

“That’s right Shion-san. I was thinking about having Nanami relay it to you but I have a request for you before we enter the dungeon.”

“Hou, say it.”

“If something happens to Yuika, Gabriella-san or me in there we will be fine. Please don’t worry about us. They will probably get angry though.”

“…….Wait, Kou, what do you mean by that.”

“Ah, Lord Benito is already here.”

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